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Saturday 16 April 2016

Will my son pass the competitive examination to be held tomorrow?

The chart and Nadi significators is as follows (chart has been rotated from 5th as Q was asked by a mother w.r.t. her only child):

Let us first examine this Q using Shahsane's method. For competitive exams he says (Page 78 KP Jyotish Veda): If the 6th CSL is a significator of 6/10/11 then native gets success in competitive exams. If the same 6th CSL signifies 4,5,8,9,12 then the native gets failure. This is a general rule not just for exams but for all competitions in life.

The 6th CSL above is Mercury with significations: 5 7 10; Venus: 4 6 11. Now we can see that the 6th CSL strongly signifies (ie at star level) not just positive houses 6 and 11 but also a negative house 4 by virtue of being occupied by the starlord of the 6th CSL.

In such cases we need to the the 6th CSL of the competitor. Since this horoscope is from the native's point of view, the competitor will be seen from the 7th cusp and the 6th cusp of the competitor will be the 12th cusp. So we need to see the 12th CSL, which in this case is Ketu.

Shahasane says if the competitors 6th CSL (12th CSL in this case) strongly signifies the 6th, 10th or 11th house from POV of the competitor (so 12th, 4th or 5th cusp in this case), then the competitor wins. Let us see what houses Ketu signifies:

Position: 3
Aspect (Mars): 5 11 12; Saturn: 2 3 12
Aspect (Moon): 2; Ketu: 4
Aspect (Jupiter): 1 4 9; Venus: 4 6 11
Starlord (Jupiter): 1 4 9
Sign lord (Saturn): 2 3 12; Mercury 5 7 10

Since there are multiple planets aspecting Ketu, I looked to the Ruling Planets at the time of the question to see which of these planets will have primary significance. Of the aspects, only Mars finds presence in the RPs and thus we can take that to have the primary influence.

As we can see the 6th CSL of the competitor primarily signifies the 4th, 5th and 12th houses which are unfavourable for the native.

But to be thorough in my approach, I could not ignore the signification of 6, 10 and 11 at that star level by Ketu as well. So as advised by Shahasane I continued to investigate the DBA. But Shahsane in his example on Page 80 of KP Jyotish Veda advises us to see the DBA as on the date of results (which in this case is May 11). 

The ongoing Dasha is of Ketu which will continue beyond May 11. Ketu as seen above signifies both positive and negative houses.

Bhukti of Venus which signifies 5 and 10 at star level so again confusing. 

Antara and Sookshma during May 11 will be of Saturn which signifies 5 and 10 at star level, so again the Q is unresolved.

I am left with no other choice than to see Prana level for the first time ever! Rahu Prana continues till 11:33AM on May 11 and thereafter Jupiter Prana starts. We have seen Jupiter Prana offers no clear answer, so we need to see Rahu's significations, which are as follows:
Position: 9
Aspect (Saturn): 2 3 12; Mercury 5 7 10
Star (Sun): 4 9
Sign ( Sun): 4 9; Ketu: 3

Again, the chart is unclear on who will clear! Not all charts like to reveal the answer easily :) Today is an especial day with regards to posts concerning such stubborn charts.

Thankfully I can look at Nadi too, the significators are as follows:

DBA is Ketu, Venus, Jupiter. Ketu has 8 12 at planet level but  joined 6 11 at sub level with no negative houses at star level, so we can say on balance, Ketu is positive.

Venus is wildly positive.

Jupiter is the issue, there is a 6 12 combination which is not countered by a 10 11 combination, there however appears to be a combination of 4 9 11 which many consider to be as powerful as 6 10 11 in giving the results of a competitive exam. 

But again, I come back to the same question, WHY should a prashna chart be so difficult to decipher? In fact look at the Nadi significators above, 3 planets have 8 12, Rahu has a singular 8 in sub, 6 12 in Mercury and Jupiter. In fact the only out and out positive planet that I can see is Venus. this a CLEAR chart for passing of the exam? Of course not. I go back to my learning from the last school admission question. 

The Child will unfortunately NOT pass the entrance exam.

To cross check the result, I decided to use the options theory, option 1: child will pass, option 2: child will fail.

I took up this question at 12:01 AM on 17th April 2016 when the RPs are: 
Asc lord: Jupiter
Moon star: Ketu (in star of Jupiter which is retro hence ignored
Moon sign: Sun
Day lord: Sun

Options score will be: +9+12+5+5=31=3+1=4
4-2(no. of options)=2. The 2nd option is the child will not pass.

With a heavy heart I conveyed the message to the client saying that the exam is difficult this time, tell your son to attempt all questions as there are chances of him missing the selection by a fraction of a mark.

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