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Friday 15 January 2016

Two marriages?

On one of the astrology discussion groups I follow on Facebook (Sanjivani Astrology), I saw a person putting up this query with the following birth details:

October 2, 1984

I cast the following chart:

Since this is a birth chart, there is always a chance that the time is off by a few minutes causing the cuspal sublords to change. Since the primary question to be addressed here deals with the 7th Cuspal sublord we need to ensure that the 7th CSL is perfect. There is a simple way to do this.

I noted down the Ruling Planets at the time of investigating this query (1:37PM, Pune, 15/1/2016):

Asc Sign lord: Mars
Moon star lord: Jupiter
Moon sign lord: Saturn
Day lord: Venus

The 7th CSL in the chart is Saturn, which appears in the Ruling planets. As such we can assume that the 7th CSL is correct and move ahead.

Two marriage basically means I need to check if remarriage possibility exists in this chart. The rules for that are:

1a) if 7th CSL is Mercury or in Me's star, or conjunct with Me or aspected by Me, then there is a chance of re marriage


1b) If 7th CSL or the starlord of the 7th CSL (any 1 of these 2) is are posited in a 'ubhaya rashi' (Gemi, Virg, Sagi, Pisc), then also possibility of re marriage exists.

In addition to satisfying one of the two rules above, the following rule must be satisfied:

2) The 7th CSL (Sa in this case) MUST signify either 2nd or the 11th cusp (signifying 7th will not help, note).

Now let us look at this chart.

7th CSL is Saturn (confirmed using RPs). Saturn is posited in the 5th house (Libra sign), owns 8th and 9th. Saturn is in Jupiter's star. Jupiter is posited in the 6th cusp (Sagi sign) and owns 7th and 10th. In addition, Saturn signifies the following cusps by its 3rd, 7th and 10th aspects respectively: 7th, 11th and 10th.

Clearly, the chart is satisfying 1b and 2 rules above thus, it can be said that the horoscope is indicating the possibility of 2 marriages.

This is for academic purposes only.

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