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Monday 25 July 2016

Will GST pass in the current session?

I got this question in email from someone I do not know, a week back. Normally I do not entertain questions where the person is merely curious and does not have a stake in the answer. Regular readers will know that the predictions I have gotten wrong are mostly such questions. Even from myself I do not see such 'curiosity value' questions. One way to ensure seriousness is to take some fee for my time spent in analysing the question (not for the prediction, mind you). But of course this person would not pay me and neither did I ask, but I do not know why, I decided to examine the question. The only reason I put this prediction here is because the answer I got is so different from what I think will happen. So I decided to put it up here just as a record.

The chart and significators are as follows:

The ongoing DBA is Ke-Me-Ve. Ketu signifies 7 8 12 and 6 8 12 and 5 8 12 and 4 6 8 12 at star and sub level. Me signifies 6 8 12 and 7 8 12 and 3 6 8 12 and 4 6 8 12. Ve signifies all the same combinations.

This is a clear negation of the chance of GST passing in the current session. In fact with the 7 8 12 and 5 8 12 the current session might be really stormy and a lot of arguments and scandals and fighting. But thee GST in the end will not pass in this session.

What is amazing is that the answer is such a clear NO to what I thought would be a clear YES. Especially considering that all parties have virtually agreed to support the decision before the session started.

Even if we take the 3rd CSL and 11th CSL we can see that while 3rd CSL signifies the 11th house, the 11th CSL does not signify the 3rd cusp. Suggesting that even if the Bill is introduced it will not pass.

It is better that this bill is shelved, given the number of 4 6 8 12s and 3 6 8 12s. It might just be shelved for good. But lets see...that was not the question anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Problem with taking non serious questions from non paying questioners demonstrated again today. Readers please kick me if i do this again. Very irresponsible of me to risk credibility of jyotisha on whims of someone i don't even know. Not done.
