Sunday 7 July 2019

Sublord Speaks: Next Dasha of top political mind, how it is?

There is a well-respected, even feared,  politician in India who is known as the king maker and a past master at political arithmetic. Will it continue?

The significators are as follows:

He is currently in the dasha of Rahu which signifies 11th house of gains at stellar levels and 1 10 at sub levels.  In fact since 1996 when he entered into the Mars Dasha his career has been on an uptrend. This is evident from mars which gives him efforts + reputation at the stellar level and 6 11 combination of victory at the sub level.

While the next Dasha of Jupiter which begins in October 2021 at first glance does appear favourable (due to solitary 11 at sub level), a second glance proves more insightful. Jupiter is not signifying 10th house at either the stellar or sub levels, indicating that he might take a backseat in political affairs. 
What is worrying for me is that Jupiter is signifying the 4th house and the 8th house along with the 1st house. Worth remembering that 4th and 8th are both part of the trigon of 4-8-12 which deals with illnesses, obstacles and accidents.

I looked at the signification of the 8th CSL, which is Moon, to understand the severity of the 8th signification. Unfortunately, as one can see from the table above Moon too signifies 2-7 and 8-12, which are the maraka-badhaka and accident-loss houses. 

Coming back to the Dasha of Jupiter, I took heart in noting that the 11th house is signified in the sub level indicating that the result will be diverted to the benefit of one of the finest political minds of this generation. Just as I did for the 8th, I looked at the 11th CSL to ascertain how strong the 11th house is to protect him.

The 11th CSL is Ketu. Ketu is signifying 2 4 8 12 houses at the stellar and sub levels. There is the life extending houses of 1 and 3 as well though. Given the Dasha lord’s stress on accident-illness houses of 8th and 12th, their reappearance in the 11th CSL is not particularly reassuring. As such I feel that while 11th will try and mitigate the impact of the fourth trigon, the politician will take a backseat from politics from the next Dasha onwards i.e. end of 2021.

May Bhairavi protect his health, and give him whatever is the best for him.

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