Sunday 7 July 2019

Sublord Speaks: Marriage (another one!)

This is a chart of someone I know. This person is in a relationship with a view to get married. Both partners have been seeing each other for a long time and question is not of if but when.

And looking at just the Nadi significators, this does look like a done deal. The person is in the dasha bhukti of Mercury (2010-2027) and Mars (upto Jan 2020), followed by Bhukti of Rahu (August 2022). Mercury is neutral for marriage but Mars is very positive, even signifying the full combination of 2 7 11.

So imagine my surprise when I looked at the significations per Hasbe/ sub lord speaks:

Mercury signifies the 7th house (though proximity) at the stellar and the sub level, making the dasha positive for marriage (though with problems as Me also signifies 1 4 6).

Mars signifies 2 7 11 at the stellar level but shockingly does not at the sub level, suggesting that while the person may come close to marriage being finalized it will fall through at the last moment.

Now why is the native facing marriage issues? Most of the marriageable age has been in Mercury, which by its significations is neutral for marriage. 

The bhuktis in between of Ketu, Venus, Sun and Moon had only Sun which signified 2/7/11 at both the stellar level and sub level. I havent ascertained if there was any prospect that came close to working out then.  But one must appreciate the difficult position of the chart where only 3 grahas give a 2/7/11 signification at both the stellar and sub levels (Su, Me, and Sa). 

This is an interesting chart academically because it shows the non-completion of an event that is so very close to happening. Whatever is the outcome, it will indeed be educative.

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