Wednesday 10 July 2019

An experiment with Ruling Planets

This is one area where I have faced maximum failures. Today I decided to give it one more shot. I was awaiting the internet connection person from 7AM. He had given to me a time range of 7AM to 10AM.

At 7:26AM finally I decided to check what time he is going to come using Ruling Planets. At the time the primary ruling planets were as below:

Asc Star lord – Ketu, in the star of retrograde Mercury 

Asc Sign Lord – Sun, in the star of Jupiter, and sub of a retrograde Saturn

Moon Star Lord – Mars, in the star of retrograde Saturn

Moon Sign Lord – Venus, in the sub of retrograde Mercury

Day Lord – Mercury, in the star of retrograde Saturn

I will now exclude all the grahas that are in the STAR of a retrograde planet. Those RP’s that are retrograde themselves, or in the Sub of retrograde planets, I did not touch them.

So out of the beginning list of Ketu, Sun, Mars Venus, Mercury, I was left only with:
Sun and Venus.

In such cases exceptional cases where most of the RPs have been ruled out due to being posited in star of a retrograde planet, Shahasane advises the following on page 119 of his book “Phaladesh khanda”.

Take planets that are:

a) Conjunct with the existing full list of RPs (of those conjunct, the grahas that are slightly behind the RP, are stronger that the grahas that are slightly ahead of the RP…because the former is “coming” into conjunction, while latter has done its conjunction earlier and is now moving out).

b) Planets that aspect the lagna at the time of you using the RPs

c) Planets that are actually inside the lagna house at the time you are using the RPs

This is the chart:

As you can see, the planets that are conjunct with RPs are Rahu and Saturn. There are no planets inside the Asc house, and there are no planets aspecting the Asc. 

So final list of RPs  is: Sun, Venus, Rahu and Saturn.

Since the event is expected to happen soon, within an hour is what I expected I will move the ascendant cusp till such a point where its cuspal sublord is one which appears in the RPs.

Shahsane says on page 120, that if either Saturn appears in the RPs, OR, the Asc is in a sthira Rashi (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius) then skip the first favourable sublord and select the next one. We satisfy both conditions.

At 7:26AM, the lagna cusp was in Rahu sublord, which means the internet guy should be ringing the doorbell right now! But given that we have have delay so skip this one, I went down the list to see which next CSL is favourable. After Rahu sublord, coms Jupiter sublord. Jupiter is not in RPs. So lets see the next one.  

Saturn sub area starts at around 7:37AM and goes on till about 7:48AM. So I had a time range of about 15 minutes when that guy would show up. Now how do I narrow this further? By looking at the sub-sub of course! (a sub-sub is a further 9 unequal division of each sub area – super small).

In prashna charts you can look at sub-sub as there is absolutely no doubt about the time of the chart to the millisecond!

By default the first sub-sub in each sub is of the same planet as the sublord. So I skipped Sa-Sa. Then I came to Sa-Me and Sa-Ke. Since Me and Ke are not part of RPs I skipped those, and came to Sa-Ve. I followed the same rule of ignoring the first favourable period as we have Sthira Lagna and Saturn as one of the RPs. The next sub-sub that is there in RPs was Sun! 

The Ascendant traversed 
Su-Ke-Sa-Su from 7:42:52AM to 7:43:22. At sharp 7:43Am, I heard the doorbell ringing and it was the internet guy. The chart at the time:

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to be able solve this using Ruling Planets. I do not use them much, as I hardly ever get them right. But am very happy to have got this one. Yes you can put it down to coincidence and luck, sure. But it won’t rain on my parade.

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