Thursday 25 July 2019

New avenue of research, no marriage at all

This is a gentleman I know who never married in his life, he is nearly 65 year old currently. I want to see how my new way of looking at the role of stellar and sub significations fits in with this person's life. Ill put charts and significators first.

First, lets check the 7th CSL. It does signify 11th (from the 2/7/11 marriage positive houses) and therefore marriage is not denied to the person.  It must be noted however that Rahu is strongly signifying 1 6 10 as well at the stellar level which are marriage denying houses. But as per my ongoing research, the results of 11 will also be given.

As luck would have it, this gentleman reached the marriageable age during the Rahu dasha. So we have to see if Rahu allows marriage. Rahu is giving results of 11th, which means there is gain. But gain of what? That will be shown by the sub level significations. At the sub level significations we see that there is no 2/7/11, but infact has marriage negating houses of 6 10. Now normally, under the traditional rules of stellar jyotisha, I would say, "see this explains why no marriage, as Sublord decides". But my new thesis (under research) says that sublord does NOT decide, he only re-directs. 

Lets examine this in detail. Native till get the 11th house results during Rahu dasha, ie he will gain. Now "gain" is a generic term. Now I believe that since marriage has to be signified, there must be signification of the 7th house. Now note, this is slightly different from the first case I examined under new avenues. In that case 7th was signified at the stellar level, so there was no doubt that the results of the 7th house were being delivered. But in this case, we have 11th, so we need an explicit 7 signification.

Now we know marriage is always going to be a problem area for this person. The 7th CSL signifies 1 6 10 along with 11 so there is always going to be discord or delay or some such issue. Now the sublord signifies 5 6 8 9 10 houses. Their cuspal sublords are as follows: Ju Ve Ve Ju Ke, so we have to examine Ju Ve and Ke.

Now Ju, Ve, and Ke HAVE to signify 7th house through their STELLAR SIGNIFICATIONS, and only then can we say that 11th will cause gain of spouse after much difficulties (6 10). Now look at the significations in the table above. Ve and Ke has outright 1 6 10 and no 7. Ju has 2 11, but not 7. So gain of spouse is NOT signified in this dasha. So marriage did not happen till end of Rahu dasha till the native was 32 years old.

Then the Jupiter dasha started. He is getting results of 2 and 11. and the results are of the type 4 5 11 (sub significations). Now what are the CSLs of 4 5 and 11? they are Ve and Ju. Ve as we have seen has 1 6 10 and no 7 in its stellar significations, while Ju has only 2 11 and again, no 7. Therefore we cannot say that this gain (11) and addition to family (2) is in the form of a spouse. The native remained unmarried till the age of 48, after which he stopped looking for a spouse (he had infact stopped  several years earlier).

I will need to test this on several charts to check if its working though. This blog series is part of those experiments. 

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