Sunday 28 July 2019

Documenting divorces 1

I decided to use my significators to check if I can try to see how the marriage will be or will result in divorce.

There have been quite a few cases in my personal knowledge, and I will document them below and see if a pattern.

Lets take up the first chart:

The 7th CSL is Mercury (signifying multiplicity/ duality), Me is in star of Ketu. Me is posited in Dhanu, a dual, fire, dharma, male,semi fruitful sign. Ketu posited in Aquarius a fixed, air, kaama sign, male, barren sign.

Notably, Shahasane says that 7th CSL must somehow be related to Me/ Ju and signify the 3rd house for legal separation to happen.Basically some amount of duality/ multiplicity must be introduced to the 7th cuspal sublord.

Lets look at Me in the above chart. It is signifying 11 (marriage favorable) and 6 10 12 (unfavorable) houses at the stellar level. So straight off we know that both results will be given.

Notably the 3rd house is not signified, and here is where I differ from Shahasane ji. He sees 3rd as the sole cusp of deciding documentary matters, but I propose that we can even consider the 10th cusp as the a substitute given that it stands for government authority (and it is govt authority that grants a divorce isnt it?!)

So 'how' will the results of the marriage favorable house be diverted? Look at sub sigs of Me. 1 6 8 10 11. 1 8 (fights), 6 10 (litigation/ govt interference/ court), but marriage will sustain for sometime (it lasted for about 10-11 years) due to the 11th signification.  

The divorce same through in the DBA of Ju-Sa-Ju. Ju dasha started in early 2015 and thats when the problems between the spouses began. In fact due to circumstances beyond the control of the couple, they had to live separately since then. 

Look at Jupiter. It has no strong signification of 2/7/11 at star level at all. It does weakly signify 2 and 7, but strong significations are needed for a marriage to sustain. It signifies 6 10 (litigation/ official process) at stellar level, which will result in documentation (3rd sig at sub level) and sub sig of 1 which is the maraka of family house 2. 

Look at Bhukti of Sa. Not only is Sa a separative planet (RA/KE/SA/SU being the separative planets) it signifies 6 8 10 at the sub level again indicating the end of the marriage.

On the date of the divorce decree the transit position was as follows:
Ju in Scorpio-Me-Ve
Sa in Sagi-Ve-Sa
Su in  Cance-Sa-Ke
Mo in Aries-Ke-Sa

Now lets look at the chart of the spouse of the above person:

7th CSL is Saturn and it is in its own star and sub. In such cases Shahasane says one should consider the sub-sub as its star lord. Now I feel this doesnt make sense. We cannot question the divine will which placed a planet in the unlikely position of being in its own star and in its on sub in that star. So in this case, Shahasane's condition that the 7th csl must have connection to a duality is not being fulfilled

Lets look at what 7th CSL is saying, it is giving results of 7 11 and 6 12, so equally balanced between pro marriage and anti marriage. It is also signifying 3rd cusp. Notably, it is giving results of 3 9 12 along with 7th, and indeed the family lived abroad almost since marriage and the break happened once the family returned to India. it appears that the 12th house was being utilised for being abroad and when in India it began to act as opposition of marriage.

Notably, the value addition of my strong significators versus traditional Nadi significators is becoming clear now. The original significations are extraordinarily strong for marriage with no negative houses. But the strong significators show that all is not well, and they better reflect reality.

Now results will be delivered by DBA. The relevant DBA was Ra-Ve-Ve.  Notably Ra is a separative planet. Ve is in a dual sign, and in rapt conjunction with Mercury. So does this satisfy the duality condition?!

The sub lord of Rahu is clearly showing that the outcome of the houses in its stellar signification is in the form of the 4th and 10th house. 10th house which goes towards litigation and authority figures. If you note the Venus sigs you will see that Venus does not signify 2/7/11 strongly at all. This is remarkably similar to the condition of the spouses' chart discussed earlier. 

For this person, the marriage started and ended in the Rahu dasha itself. And Rahu is saying that in its sub level significations. Its stellar says thats results of 7 will be available, but they will be in the nature of 10th house (in sub). As per usual stellar astrology, I would have predicted that marriage will not happen at all! But stellar sig means it will happen, and it will happen in the way shown by the sub.

Now why did the divorce not happen in the bhuktis of Ra, Ju, Sa, Me, Ke.  Look at the stellar level significations of all these grahas. Ra and Sa signifies 2/7/11 at the stellar levels. So marriage sustained. In Ju, there is no stellar signification of 2/7/11 at the strong level, but there is no opposition either, ie no marriage negative houses (1/6/10) are signified. In fact there is  weak signification of 2 (you can see in the Nadi column). As such the marriage survived then as well. In Me, the stellar significations of 2/7/11 ceased AND negative 10th was signified. Interestingly Me bhukti started around August 2015, which roughly coincides with the marriage negative Ju dasha of the spouse in the earlier chart which began in Feb 2015 and problems and separation began. Isnt it fascinating how the bad marriage period for both spouses approximately coincided.

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