Thursday 25 July 2019

New avenue for research (child birth)

Continuing on from my previous blog, let us see how (if at all) we can apply my revised understanding of the SUB's role in child birth.

This is the chart of friend who has been trying to get pregnant, but has been unsuccessful so far. Let us examine the reasons. 

Note the 5th CSL is Saturn and it signifies 2 5 9 11, the full combination at the stellar level. So child birth is not denied. 

She and her husband began trying for a child around September 2014. That was in the DB of Su-Ve. Sun shows 5 11 at the stellar level, but Venus does not. Hence during the period of roughly a year, the pregnancy did not happen.

Now Moon Dasha has started. Notably, the thrust of the pregnancy attempts was using medical intervention. Lets see if the Dasha indicates this. Both Sun and Moon show 2/5/9/11 at the stellar level, but show 6 7 at the sub level.

Now as per traditional rules of stellar astrology, child birth will not happen in this period. But based on my experimental system, we have to see the CSL's of 6th and 7th, which are Moon and Jupiter respectively, and then see their significations. Both Moon and Jupiter signify the 2/5/11 houses at the stellar levels. So I will say that child birth is not denied, but the results will be in the nature of 6 and 7.

6th is the sthan for disease. It is also the vyayasthana for 7th house (of husband). Indeed it is the case that there is some issue with the husband's semen that is causing the delay in the pregnancy. The 7th house is also signified, 7th stands for husband or partner, and sperm as well, it also stands for contracts with other parties. 

Now how do I interpret this? That medical help will be required for impregnation. And will husband's semen not work and a donor will be needed. (6th is husband's loss).

Anyway, the period I think this will be done best is ongoing Bhukti of Jupiter, which strongly signifies 5 11 at stellar and sub levels. Jupiter is also the natural karaka of child birth.  Jupiter bhukti will run till Nov 11, 2019. Of these Moon, Mars, and Rahu antara are pending. Of these Moon is the best antara (till Aug 2 2019), then Mars (till Aug 30) and then Rahu. While Rahu does not deny the event, it signifies the 9th house by aspect of its starlord hence weakest among the three. But I hope that a strong bhukti will carry this pregnancy through.

Based on how the pregnancy happens, I will be able to refine my interpretation. But at least I cannot reject it completely due to non support at sub level as I would have done traditionally. 

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