Wednesday 24 July 2019

New avenue of research (using a marriage example)

I came across this chart recently. I had made several correct predictions for this person earlier using my Nadi knowledge. But some interesting facets came out when I applied my strong significations methodology here that may suggest a new avenue for research on the role of the sub. I will put up 

I have given the Nadi significators under the heading "All" and my strong significators under the heading "Strong".

I will give the cuspal sublords as a separate table for ease of reference below:

Now the interesting bit.This native got married in the Ra-Ra period (it was a love marriage), and is now getting divorced in the Ra-Ve period. Ie for married in 2008 and getting divorced in 2019. 

Look at Rahu. As per traditional understanding of stellar theory, this native should NEVER have gotten married at all, isnt it? While there is a strong signification of 7 at the stellar level, the sublord completely negates marriage by showing 4 10 at strong levels. 10 is a marriage negative house belonging to the 1 6 10 grouping. 

So I thought, if this person would have asked me, "When will I get married?" just before the Rahu dasha started, I would have said clearly, "not for the next 18 years" (Rahu dasha length). (oddly, the Nadi system does not negate the marriage, but hints at its weakness). My system would say its a clear no, and I would have been wrong.

This led me to question the foundations of how we view KP astrology. It is repeatedly hammered into our brains that the Sub lord is most powerful, SUB decides, SUB speaks, etc. etc.

But in reality, I feel (and what KSK also says in some of his earliest works, if i recall correctly), that the SUB diverts results. In other words, neither is the sub more or less important than the stellar signification, but both are playing different roles.

Now Rahu is saying 7th house result will come. How will it come? through 4 and 10. For us 10 is relevant because it is this that is negating the possibility of marriage under the traditional understanding. 

Now I propose, that we need to see the CONTENTS of the 10th cusp, by examining the 10th CSL's stellar significations. We can see the 10th CSL is Ketu, which is in the star of Jupiter, and they signify 7th cusp very strongly. (Interestingly the 4th CSL is also Ketu, so do not want to repeat it here)

So the way I will interpret the Rahu dasha is this. 7th house results will come (as long as the 7th CSL signifies 2/7/11 at its stellar level, then marriage will happen). But the quality of the results will be bad since, the primary result is that of the 10th house which is a marriage negative house. In addition, one more thing that is noteworthy is that 10th house also shows government, official seal, etc. and hence suggests that divorce would happen.

This also explains the conundrum. Lets say a beggar has 10 11 in his chart. and Bill Gates has 10 11 in his chart. Now 10 11 for a beggar may mean getting Rs100, while 10 11 for Bill Gates would mean getting US$1bn. The quality of 10 11 will be gauged from the cuspal sublord of 10 11 and thus the contents there of.

So when would it have been a no marriage? When the Dasha lord had not signified 2/7/11 at its stellar level. Because a sub lord cannot give what is not promised, it can only show the quality of it.

Now look at Venus (the bhukti in which the divorce will happen). Note that Venus bhukti just started in March and matter precipitated immediately thereafter. Venus signifies 4 10 at the stellar level. Now here I propose, that we do not examine the 'contents' of the 4th and 10th house. Because stellar significations role is to only point us to what house to look at, not the quality or nature of those houses.  

There is another person's chart re child birth that I would like to study using the above insights and see if it its. Thats another blog post though. But this would indeed be a more detailed way to look at a chart, ie instead of looking at blanket denial, a more nuanced approach. Its validity will be proven only over a period of time as we apply it to more charts.

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