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Saturday, 11 June 2016

Stability in Job?

Please see the below chart. The native is a very well qualified person who has seen numerous job changes over the years. Around 9 or 10 so far and is currently staring in the face of another job change. Let us examine why this is the case:

The native is currently in the Jupiter Mahadasha. Before this was the Rahu Mahadasha. A majority of the job changes happened in the Rahu dasha and are continuing now. So first let us look at Rahu dasha to see why this is was the case then, after that we can turn our attention to the current Dasha.

Significations of Rahu:
House posited: 1
Aspected by Mars: 7, 2 9; Mo 5, 6
Conjunct with Nil
Star Ketu: 7*
Sign posited (Mars): 7, 2 9; Mo 5, 6

*Significations of Ketu: 
House posited: 7
Aspected by Nil
Conjunct with Nil
Star Rahu: 1 (see above for rest of significations)
Sign posited (Venus): 4, 3 8; Ra 1

Since we are primarily looking for the reasons of job change, let us look at the two houses necessary for job change to happen:

5 (As it is 12th from the 6th house, primary cusp for employment)
The house lord of the 5th house is Moon. Mars is posited in the star of Moon. 5th cusp is empty. So Mars and Moon signify the 5th house.

9 (As it is 12th from the 10th house, cusp for professional status)
The house lord is Mars. There is no planet in the 9th cusp, nor is there any planet in the star of Mars. Interestingly, there is not planet in the sub of Mars either.  Thus Mars is an extremely strong significator of the 9th house. Mars being posited in the star of the house lord of the 5th house makes it an even stronger giver of job change (not just role change).

Since Rahu is posited in Mars' sign (Mesha) and also aspected by Mars, it became a strong significator of the 9th house as well. In addition, it was a strong significator of the 5th house as can be seen from the signification list above.

However, along with the 5th house, it was also strongly signifying the 6th house of employment. So the changes the native made were for better opportunities. Through a weak signification of the 8th house (also since Rahu is a malefic), there would have been some disagreements, disappointments etc, but nothing serious at all. In fact the native tells me that his past employers still have a lot of respect for him. 

Thus Rahu gave the native job changes, but due to strong significations of the 6th house, gave him a quick employment and also better opportunities. Through its signification of the 1st house, I am sure a lot of self efforts were also involved.

Now let us look at the current Dasha, Jupiter. Significations: 4, 1 10;  Sa 11, 11 12

While I normally do not see uccha and neecha grahas, it has been an observation that uccha grahas (despite their name) are not conducive to a native. Since the native has a uccha Jupiter (Jupiter posited in Cancer), Jupiter's dasha will be a difficult period for him. People with a uccha Jupiter have some issues with their married life as well, however the native informs me that married life is good. But I digress, lets get back to the matter at hand.

Jupiter Dasha does not have strong significations for job change, but the native has changed two jobs since it has started. The first job was changed in Feb 2012, when the DBA was Ju-Sa-Ke.

Saturn's significations: 11, 12; Ju: 4, 1, 10

However the job change occured as Ketu (Antara lord) is in the star of Rahu, which we have seen earlier is a extremely strong significator of the 9th house and a strong significator of the 5th house. Again, getting another job was not a problem for the native as Dasha and Bhukti are positive for job and antara too is a strong significator of employment. Notably, the native was asked to leave the job due to an disagreement with the employer. Which can again be seen from the 8th house signification of Ketu and that the DBA is dominated by two malefics (Sa and Ke).  

The 2nd job change in Jupiter Dasha happened in Oct 2012, which is the Ju-Sa-Mo period. Moon is a significator of the 5th house and this was again a voluntary change for better opportunities. But I must admit that this one has stumped me a little bit. As per my 2-3 research pieces earlier, change of employer happens when the Dasha/ Bhukti lord is in the star of a planet that is either posited in or owner of 5/9 cusps. The only conjecture I can make at this time is that the birth time is off by 5-10 minutes which would bring Venus as the antara for this job change. Venus is in the star of Rahu, which represents Mars, an extremely strong significator of the 9th house.

It may be suggested by some readers that Jupiter being in proximity of the 5th house may have caused these job changes. Quite possible, but I am not convinced. This brings us to the realm of the Four Step theory which I have studied but do not agree with in its entirety. Extending rules to suit one or two anomalies leads to such theories where every planet becomes a significator to almost every house by behaving like a node itself. IMHO, proximity can transmit characteristics, not significations. E.g. proximity of Jupiter and Mars can cause Jupiter to give property ownership, but only if Jupiter signifies the relevant houses, and not just Mars. i.e. Mars can transmit its property karakatva to Jupiter, not the houses it owns and occupies.

Currently the native is facing a similar situation as the first job change of this Dasha. The employer has asked the native to resign, which he has, but then seemed to change his mind and wants to fire him. This does not make sense as the native is willing to leave, and seemed like an unnecessary step to insult the native and mar his future employment possibilities. 

The current DBA is Ju-Ke-Mo. The native has already resigned in mid April and his three month probation will end in mid July. But he is being asked to leave immediately. The native wants to know if he will be allowed to leave with his head held high (resign) or will be fired. 

Assuming, that the current birth time is correct, then the native is in Ju-Sa-Mo period. Mo antara will continue till June 17, 2016. The native will be safe till end of this period as Mo is in the star of Venus, and Venus is neither owner nor occupant of 5 or 9. After Moon antara period the Mars antara will start, which will go on till July 7, 2016. Given that Mars is an extremely strong significator of the 9th house, and also in the star of Moon that is the owner of the 5th house, the native will likely lose his job in this time frame. Moon is a significator of the 8th house, hence the fear and insult will continue till the end of its antara. But if my theory holds, then Moon will not give job loss. 

As we have seen earlier, Ketu does signify the 8th house of insults, albeit weakly. Mars itself does not signify the 8th house, and neither does Jupiter the dasha lord. Both Ketu and Mars signify the 5 9 combination. This combination means negotiation, ie. when people settle matters 'out of court', this combination is in operation. As such I feel, that the native will be able to negotiate his early resignation instead of termination and both parties will walk away with less animosity than otherwise.

Notably, If time is rectified to 3.18, (that brings Ju-Sa-Ve DBA to 5th Oct 2012), then the Ju-Ke-Mo dasha will be extended to 25th July 2016. In which case the native is absolutely safe from embarrassment, as since he is not going to lose his job till 25th, it can be concluded that the native will be able to leave normally at the end of his notice period in mid July.

In either case, I feel while the native will fear loss of face, in the end this will not happen. The native must only be prepared to negotiate. While the presence of 8 means the native may have to compromise on something, but in the long run it means a face saving resignation, the native should.

The native has so far has had a fairly successful career, but he does not seem to be financially in place he wants to be in. Maybe as per his own aspiration or when compared to his friends. The reason for this is quite simple  to analyse:

The 2nd cusp is the prime cusp of accumulated wealth. The houses 1,2,3,6,10 and 11 are considered houses that give wealth. But not all are equal,

If the 2nd CSL signifies 6,11, then the native is extremely wealthy
If the 2nd CSL signifies 2,10, then the native is well off and can lead a respectable existence
If the 2nd CSL signifies 1, 3 then the natives financial situation is weak

Wealth depleting houses are 5, 8, 12. If the 2nd CSL signifies one of these houses then the native will spend. Usually if its the 5th house then native spends on leisure, entertainment, fun travel, fashion, etc. If its 8 then the native spends on medicines, court cases, loss due to theft etc, on items that he/ she cannot disclose to others etc. If it is 12, then the native is compelled to spend suddenly and many a times unnecessarily.

Lets look at the current native's 2nd CSL. It is Mercury. It is signifying: 2, 4 7; Mo: 5, 6

The combination of 2 and 6 is indicative upper middle class status. 

For sake of education, if we take the 3:18 AM time, the 2nd CSL changes to Saturn. Saturn signifies 11, 12; Ju: 4, 1 10

This one has a combination of 10, 11, which is better than 2, 6 but not as good as 6 11. So here also I can say slightly better than upper middle class status, but below rich class.

So whatever time one takes, the native does not come into the extremely rich category. So he will do well, be respectably well off but I do not seem him breaking into the rich class. 

The native can now tell me, if he spends more on 5th related activities (as shown by the 3:25 AM birth time) or more in 12th related activities (which is shown by the 3:18 birth time).

Now if the native loses his job, when can he find the next one. I suspect it will be during the Ju-Ke-Ra period. Which means:

If birth time is taken as 3:25 AM, then between July 8 and August 27, 2016
If birth time is taken as 3:18 AM, then between 14 Aug and 4 Oct 2016

While the native did not ask me this question, there is a suggestion, since he is required to shift workplaces so often, perhaps the native should consider working with a firm that consults different clients, instead of working on the client side. This way the native can make use of the 5th and 9th houses, instead of being harassed by them. Also, this avenue will allow the native to keep his opinion firmly without being bogged down too much by what his employer thinks.

May Bhairavi give him, whatever is the best for him.


  1. Couple of queries:

    1. Why should mars pratyantar dasha give separation and rahu antardasha give new job when Rahu is actually an agent of Mars?

    2. While 5 & 9 give job change or role change depending on DBA etc., what explains latest job loss, because whether it is termination or resignation, the native has actually lost job in April itself?

    3. What role Mercury play being in constellation of moon?

  2. 6th csl is Saturn, which signifies 11, 12, 1, 4, 10 houses, which means the native would remain in job being connected with 10, 11 houses, and as there is connection with 12 and 1 houses, there will be problems with job. But there will not be job loss because of 6th csl significations. In that case, what explains job-less from april to august, assuming the native gets job in august 2016.

  3. any views on the following rule: If Mahadasha lord / antardasha lord is either connected or placed in dwiswabhav rashi or connected with Mercury, then the person will get the job while still in job during the relevant mahadasha / antardasha period. In the case given, Jupiter (mahadasha lord) is lord of meena rashi (dwiswabhav rashi) and is also connected with mercury as mercury is its sub lord. Similarly, ketu is also connected with mercury is mercury is its sub lord. Because of rule given by Mr. SS, should the native not get new job while still in job?

  4. What is the reference for the rule? Has it been tested on a few charts? I have not come across it in my limited reading hence unable to comment.

    As per Nadi rules 6 8/ 6 12/ 5 8/ 5 12 will be bad for job. 6 8/6 12 may even give loss of job. unless countered by 10 11. For me Shahasane's rule is important that if a event happens in an antara then it is safest to predict the opposite event in the next favourable antara. So if a job loss takes place in an antara, then the same antara even if it has job positive houses should be left and the next favourable antara should be seen for job gain. This is what I have applied here. There are always likely to be exceptions and someone may get a job in the same antara, but I will follow SS rules while making predictions, or there remains no anchor from which to view accuracy.

  5. If there is time lag between job loss and getting new job, do we evaluate these 2 as separate events to be judged from horoscope? That is, DBA and transit Rules to be seen for job loss and then DBA for new job. Separation planets like Sa/Ra/Ke mandatory for separation, but what will be required for new job?

  6. Did native get job within 4th October, 2016 as predicted?

  7. Can you analyse my chart in a similar fashion, as I too faced job loss during this period. but did not get job till now. lost job in Mars-Rahu dasha, in sept 2016.
    DOB - 10th May 1973
    TOB - 5.10am
    POB - Machilipatnam, India.

  8. Hi kapiel, merry Christmas to you as well.

    Kapiel i have a request for you. can you please help me in figuring out the answer to these questions:
    1. My last working day in current job is 12th January 2023. I haven't been lucky to land a new job till now. WHY IS IT SO AND WHEN WILL I BE ABLE TO SECURE MY NEXT JOB?

    2. All of my previous 3 jobs including the one ending on 12th jan. Have been unstable. I haven't been able to find stability in my career. Why is it so, what are the reasons and when will finally stability come to my life?

    My details are:

    Name - sagar abhishek
    DOB - 26th july 1992
    Time - 7:11 AM
    Place - Patna, Bihar, India.
    Email id -
