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Monday, 13 June 2016

Recent incident in my life: Astrological analysis

I was driving between cities the last Friday in the afternoon. At one point, I was standing at a signal and mechanically drove off behind the car in front of me. To my discredit, I did not see that the light had just flipped from orange to red and I was stopped by the policeman who was waiting a little ahead. 

He was extremely polite to me and as I got out of the car explained that I had broken the signal. As at least one my my blog readers who has been driven by me will attest, I am a very good driver and indeed this is the first time in my life I have ever broken a traffic rule. 

Anyway, I got out of the car and agreed that I had committed an mistake and offered to pay the fine. At this point he told me that I need to pay the fine at Kalanagar police station as the police can no longer accept cash for tickets. This was a problem for me that I did not live in the city where this mistake had occurred. I explained this to the policeman and he let me off without having to pay a fine. I do think policemen can tell who is a repeat offender and who isn't. 

About a few minutes after this episode as I was continuing my drive, I wondered what might have been the planetary combination at the time all this transpired. Since I was driving I made a rough note of the time, it was 3:11 PM, so I back calculated and estimated that this entire episode might have happened around 2:50 to 3:05 PM.

Now I normally do not discuss my own horoscope, indeed I normally do not even see my own horoscope, but I thought I can share this in a limited way here with my reader-friends.

I conjectured what houses might have been in play for this occasion to come to pass. The 8th cusp was the most important one, since it was an insult to be stopped in middle of the road, accept my fault and then negotiate with the police to let me off with a warning as it was physically impossible for me to stay in the city to pay the fine. Also, the stopping caused a delay and it was disappointing, which all comes under the 8th house.

Secondly, the houses 3 and/ or 9 and /or 12 might be in play as I was in a journey. Lastly, because the negotiation was smooth and in a polite atmosphere I figured some combination of 5/9/5 9 must be in play as well.

Now to see the primary result givers as per KP: Sun, Moon and the Ascendant.

Sun was in Mars starat the time this happened (I have taken an average estimated time of 3 PM). Moon was in Ketu's star and the Asc that was rising was at 29 degrees 8 minutes and 21 seconds in Virgo, that means the Ascendant was also in Mars star.

First off, the presence of Mars suggests, the police or uniformed personnel. Both Sun and Asc are in Mars owned nakshatras.

Now what houses in my horoscope does Marsand Ketu represent:

Mars 3, 8, 9; Ju star 11, 4 7

Ketu represents: 
House: 5
Asp (Sa): 11, 5 6; 2, 9, 10
Conj: Nil
Star (Ra)*: 11
Sign(Sa): 11, 5 6; 2, 9, 10

House: 11
Asp: Nil
Conj (Sa): 11, 5 6; 2, 9, 10
Star (Ve)*: 2 9 10
Sign(Su): 10, 12; Sa, 11, 5 6

What I surmise is that the presence of both the Sun and the Asc being in Mars' star caused me to make the mistake that led to delay (8) in my car (4) journey (3 9) due to the police (Mars). However, the presence of 10 at the star level protected me from too much insult. Indeed the entire episode lasted for less than 4-5 minutes. Interestingly 10 also means competent authority. The 10 also ensured that the policeman did not insult me but was in fact extremely polite to the point that even I was surprised. What also saved me was my immediate verbal (2) admission that it was indeed I that made the mistake and that the mistake was an inadvertent one. This paved the way for a smooth negotiation 5 9 that ended in my favour (5 9 + 6 10 11). 

Now where that '12' got used, I leave it to my readers to figure out.

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