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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Lost my bag - help!

The query came from a friend of mine who lives abroad but was in India on a brief visit to his family. Travelling in an auto rickshaw he managed to forget his knapsack (which he liked very much) in the small storage area behind the seat. His wallet with some money and his international credit cards was also in the bag. After the ritual calling banks to cancel cards, filing case with the police etc he posted his predicament on a friends group. I privately asked him if I could use astrology to check if he will recover his bag. He agreed. Given the specific nature of the question I asked him to give me a number between 1 and 249, to which he replied 91.

I cast a horoscope at 16:06:04 (Pune), on 23-9-2015.

The prime cusp of movable property is 2nd. The 2nd cuspal sub lord is Venus. 

Nadi significations of Venus:  3 10 12, 2 11, 1 2 11. Thus the prime cuspal sublord is indicating very strongly that property will be recovered.

The ongoing DBA was Su-Ju-Me. Significations of Su-Me-Ju are:

Su: 1, 1, 2 11; 
Ju: 1 5 8, 3 10 12, 3 10 12; 
Me: 2 11, 5 12, 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 11 12

The combinations for recovery is: 2 6 10 11
The combinations for disappointment: 6 8 12

As we can see the Dasha lord is very positive for recovery. The Bhukti lord is slightly negative, it has 10 at sub and star level but it also has a 8 12 combination. The Antara lord is very positive at planet level, negative at star level and mixed at sub level. Again we have a 8 12 combination. 

Since both the combinations exist in the chart, I judged that part of the property stolen/ lost will be recovered. It is also understandable, since I doubt my friend will be seeing any money from the wallet again whoever recovers the bag.

I also decided to apply Krishnamurti Principles for recovery. Chandrakant Bhat says "If the cuspal sub lord of 2 or 11 be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 2 (movable article which is lost or stolen), 6 (loss to the thief, being 12 to the 7th -thief) or 11 (regaining), movable property will be regained during the joint period of the significator of 2, 6 and 11."

The cuspal sublord of 11th cusp is Jupiter which does not signify any of  the above houses. However, the cuspal sub-lord of 2nd (Venus) signifies 2 and 11. This satisfies Shri Bhatt's principals of recovery. In fact the divergence between the cuspal significations of 2  and 11 may also support the Nadi conclusion that the property may be only partly recovered.

The aspect of Mars to the 7th cusp suggests that the police will be successful in tracking the current possessor of the goods down.

The 7th CSL is the prime cusp of the thief. The 7th CSL is Jupiter and Jupiter is posited in Leo. A male planet in a male sign suggests that the thief is male. Jupiter being the 7th CSL suggests that the person is middle aged. Jupiter is strong significator of the 12th house. This suggests that the person is very poor or at least someone who regularly flicks stuff.

Now when can my friend recover his bag? Again using Nadi I tried to figure out which are the most promising planets.

The Dasha lord Sun is very positive for recovery. The Bhukti lord is slightly negative, so we need a strong antara for the recovery. Mercury may suffice for the recovery or then the native will have to wait for Venus and Sun whicn begin from 10th Nov to 12th Jan.

Other planets that are very positive for recovery are Venus, Sun and Saturn. Mercury and Rahu are neutral to recovery and Moon, Ketu, Mars, Jupiter and not supporting recovery.

I expect recovery to happen sometime between 20th Oct to 11th Jan when Nadi and KP transit conditions are satisfied. Yes it will take time, but that is what I am getting. For now I told my friend a montn to month and a half.

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