Tuesday 21 April 2015

Will I get a pay hike?

An old friend of mine asked me a question last night, "Will I be able to get a better pay?", in other words he was asking for a pay hike. When I asked him for a number between 1 and 249, he replied "49".

I got working on this question on April 21, 2015 at 11:50:08 at Pune. The following chart was cast:

First I looked at the Moon, as it indicates the 'mati' of the questioner. It reveals the genuineness of the question. As can be seen, Moon is the significator of 2 and 11. The second house signifies wealth accumulated and 11th house signifies income. Since the question was regarding a pay hike, the Moon significations indicate that the question was genuine. 

The other significators based on Nadi methodology are as follows:

Moon Dasha is in operation at the time of asking the question. Moon is the cuspal sublord of the 10th house of professional achievement and is a very strong significator of the houses 2 and 11 at the planet, nakshatra and sub level. This suggests that my friend's wishes of getting a salary hike will be fulfilled. Interestingly, MO is also the bhukti operational at the time of asking the question, supporting the higher income aspirations of the native. 

While the question "When will my pay hike/ income increase happen?" was not asked, I tried to work out the same anyway. Since a increase in salary can be considered a promotion, I decided to see the houses combination for promotion, which is 2 6 10 11. Remember, the houses opposed will be 1 5 9 3.

I scored the planets based on the above combinations and obtained the following results:
KE: 4
VE: - 3
SU: 4
MO: 12
MA: 6
RA: 10
JU: 8
SA: -9
ME: -2

Clearly, MO, RA. JU and MA are the strongest planets for the salary hike. Since the Moon dasha and Moon bhukti are already going on, we need to look for the antara. The Rahu Antara is also a promising time for a pay hike from May 27, 2015 to July 11, 2015. However, we cannot pinpoint the date as Moon owned sign (Cancer) does not own any Rahu owned star. In any case, the Sun (whose transit we use to pin-point the event) does not pass through cancer at all during the period May 27 to July 11.

So, we look at the next Antara, which is that of Jupiter. This runs from 12 July 2015 to 21 Aug 2015. This is roughly a months time when my friend can expect some increase in salary. We can try and pinpoint an important date range within this month. This will be when Sun will transit through the Moon-Jupiter (Sign-Star) combination. This is the period 17 July 2015 to 20 July 2015. Interestingly, during this period the Nadi rule of transit is also satisfied, ie, atleast three planets signifying the event (salary) increase occupy the relevant houses. Jupiter and Moon are in the 11th house, Mars is in the 10th house and Ketu is in the 6th house. 

Lets also have a quick  look at the other planets:
Ve is signifying 6 8 12, Saturn is signifying 6 8 12 and 5 8 12, Mars is signifying 5 12 and ME is signifying 5 12 without having the mitigating 6 10/ 6 11/ 10 11. During these periods my friend needs to be extra careful in his dealings.  Chances of a conspiracy against him are higher during this period and it would do him well to keep proper records of his communications and do everything by the book and not violate any norm to do favours for colleagues. 

The Vimsottari dasha chart for the horary is below for him to gauge the dates for the following planets:

Hope it all works out for him!

1 comment:

  1. The friend informed me yesterday that he has indeed received a pay hike, but the hike is not up to his expectation. Well, that was not the question, so in essence the prediction remained true. However, since the pay hike came before the crucial dates of 17-20 July, I am willing to wait to check if another pay hike is possible over the weekend. Lets see!
