Tuesday 8 December 2015

Will a friend require surgery?

The chart and significators are as follows:

The ongoing DBA is of Rahu-Mars-Sun. Mars is the natural significator of surgery and as such it suggests that surgery will be needed.

Lets look at individual significations of the DBA lords using four step method.

Rahu is tenanted and not aspected by or conjunct (within 3:20 orb) with any planet, so it will give results of it starlord Sun. Sun is in in 3rd house. Rahu is in Saturn's sub, Saturn is in own star and thus signifies 3rd, 5th and 6th strongly. Saturn is in own star and thus signifies 3 5 6.

Mars is an untenanted planet and its chain of star-sub-sub's star is Mo-Ve*-Ra. Mars strongly signifies 1 and 8. Mo signifies 2 and 11. Ve signifies 2 and 9 and Rahu signifies 1 4 10 5 9.

Sun is a tenanted planet. It does not have its own strong significations. Sun is in Mercury's star and Mercury signifies 4 and 10. Sun is in own sub, so it doesnt signify anything at this level. Sub is in Mercury's star so 4 10 again.

Interestingly, while 4 step has some weak significations for surgery (Mars in DBA and it signifying 1 and 8), this at worst suggests a non serious surgery. Moreover, the presence of 5, 9, 11 suggests that recovery will happen. No 12 is signifies, which suggests that hospital stay will not be there, so it will probably be a day procedure if it happens. The 2 4 suggests that patient will be with family in her home, so this is another corroborative factor for the surgery being non serious.

Now for my education I decided to look at Nadi. The following are the Nadi significations:

Nadi signifies the different from what 4 step suggested. Rahu signifies 1 8 12, Mars signifies 1 8 and sun signifies 1 12.

Nadi thus suggests that a surgery will be needed, the presence of 12 suggests hospitalisation will happen and 1 8 12 means that this will become a chronic condition.

The only reason I can see this happening is because I am the person who took the number for somebody else. This question was not asked by that person.

I put this as an example of what happens when a non serious question is asked.

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