Sunday 6 December 2015

An shot in the dark at salary divination

I know someone whose wife has interviewed for a job abroad and is in midst of negotiation with the company. The company had come back with less than half of what the salary expected (and deserved) was and now she is trying to pull the salary up to atleast sustenance levels. She is now awaiting response from the other party on what salary they would finally offer her.

I was asked if astrologically the determination of salary is possible. One way was the RP options approach which yielded the answer of 24000.

The other approach was that I erected the chart at the time of the question (ie did not take a number). The chart was as below:

Now I havent read this technique anywhere and I am unsure if its correct. Even if the answer comes out to be correct I would still not make this a rule till I see atleast 10-15 cases which fit this method. And no fails.

The Ascendant falls at Taurus 5 deg 17 mins. This comes at point number 25 in the 1-249 KP table.

Since the lady in question was discussing her salary in 1000s with me ie. instead of saying twenty five thousand, she was saying 25...I took 25 to be the answer.

So My guess was that based on RPs and this other "shot in the dark method" she would be offered 24-25 thousand as salary.

Lets see.

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