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Wednesday, 13 September 2017

With some querents like these...

Wont be discussing a chart but type of a client here. Most of the people asking me Qs are decent, honest people who genuinely want to know my take on a particular life event. But sometimes I get really funny ones. 

If someone wants to genuinely know what their career/marriage/ etc path should be then chart seeing can be a collaborative process. The very, very few people who have met me w.r.t. consulting a chart know that I make them sit next to me and take them through the intricacies of the chart to give them a better understanding of their life. There is feedback which can then go into fixing the birth time and more granular details can be given. Every chart depends on sthala - kaala - paatra, ie. place - time - character. 

Let me give you an example: Lets say some very, very conservative person contacts me and asks about marriage. I see a divorce in the person's chart. I tell him so. But then given the conservative community he belongs to, there may be no legal separation and the couple may simply live like strangers in the same house or have a physical separation. Now if the same person lies to me and tells me "no no...we are very western thinking, we divorce all the time in my family", then I would predict that there would be a legal separation. Then the person will tell me how I have read his/ her chart completely wrong! I am not a diviner of minds nor have I claimed to be, or a clairvoyant. I am simply a jyotisha student, an interpreter of Charts. Also, I have no time for people who want to test me. My sense of self is not derived from others' validation. If you want to prove jyotisha wrong, don't bother...I hereby admit that jyotisha is a lie and I am an idiot. Now move over and let me help people who actually want to be helped.

So examination of this singular person's chart can be analogized as follows: A patient goes to a doctors office and tells him, I am unwell. Doctor says, what are the symptoms? Patient says, No are the doctor, I don't want to ask you leading questions. Now will this examination work? 

Or, the patient says, "I have an ache". Doctor asks "where?". The patient says "in my head", when the pain is actually in his knee. The doctor spends  his precious time analysing all CT scans, MRI scans, what have you, for the head not getting any answer. In the end the patient says, you are an idiot, a real doctor would have figured out I was lying after so many tests and known that the pain is in my knee. Well, apart from the patient becoming a "pain in the butt" for the doctor himself, hasn't realised that the doctors examination of multiple hours and expenses has been focused on figuring out what is wrong with the head, so he would have never seen the knee at all! And the one thing the doctor doesn't count on is his patients deliberately testing him or lying to him. On top of it, the patient walks off without paying the fee, because the doctor has not diagnosed him correctly!

Now not only has the doctor wasted a lot of his time, but also the time of so many other genuine patients who were truly interested in getting cured. 

So this singular person wanted to know when they could buy a house. Instead of asking that question, they asked me how they would do in their career. I guess this Einstein was thinking if I make enough money then I will surely buy a house! It is not so, a rich person can live in a rented apartment and a poor person can manage to buy a small house. Regular readers would know that career is seen from the 6th and 10th house and buying a house property is dependent on the 4th. So I concentrated for hours on the 10th house and gave good periods of career and when would it be best to start a business or do well in career. And the native is wondering why am I not answering about the house!

Another example. The native asked if what they are doing currently for work is suitable or they should change the line of work. This, without telling me what their current line of work is! Like I said, I am not a diviner of minds. In any case, I attributed this airhead-ness to the Gemini Ascendant (dual and airy) and gave the person the best suited profession for them. Now a 5 year old will interpret this: If most suitable profession is what you do currently, stick with it. If not, then consider changing. But apparently this person wanted me to spell out like minute details of their life. Which simply isn't worth my time. If the patient doesn't want to be cured, what can a doctor do?! The best part was the ire this person had when I was unable to spell out a very, very niche profession that the native wanted to pursue. But I had described the type of profession perfectly. But that was not enough, some how the chart has to spit out the exact words, which isn't possible, because charts and the techniques of their interpretation have been there for 1000s of years, but professions get added and die off. So only a description of the type is possible which we need to correlate with various streams available currently.  

Last example was of when the native can expect a new arrival in the family. But instead of asking that, I was asked, any health concerns? So I am concentrating on the 6th cusp with I should be looking at the 5th, which is its vyayasthana! And then the person got exasperated that I am not getting anything right (which I dispute, I answered the questions asked, but this stupid, silly, juvenile addiction of continuous testing meant that what was asked was not what they wanted to ask!).

By this time, I was irritated enough with this childish behaviour and in interest of saving my time and sanity, admitted defeat for the sake of it. Said, I clearly am not able to understand your chart (read: divine the native's mind) and so best you dont ask me. And just like that errant patient who had lied to the doctor, the person left without compensating me for the hours I had spent, because I was unable to name their imaginary illnesses! In any case I always say, the money is for my time, not the prediction. Hahaha.

Honestly, I have done really well for myself and as such these few rupees/ dollars mean nothing. But they are necessary to weed out these fools. Imagine if the doctor in my example had said: every question you ask me, you have to pay fees. The wouldn't the first question have been: "Whats wrong with my knee, there is a pain in it?" Exactly!

So please, if you feel like testing something or someone, get a blood test, get a brain test. Dont test me. I have no time. My doors and heart is open to all those who want my help (dozens I have helped without taking money and dozens who I asked to donate to charity). But I've had it with the 'too smart by halfs' who have a lot of time on their hands, and too much space between their ears. I have neither.

The above post is based on a true story. But any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, and any actual queries, asked or imagined, is unintentional and completely coincidental and should not be interpreted by anyone to mean their own life story.


  1. Human behaviour is funny , unpredictable at times..we see this even among good friends, let alone strangers coming for help..

  2. Agree.My ire is that this person didnt come for help at all. A hungry person doesn't play with food. The above case was one where someone pretended to be hungry, got someone to buy them food and then wasted all the food. And time is a commodity I value the most, its one thing that once wasted cannot be returned to me.
