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Saturday, 16 December 2017

So long folks!

Hello folks, 

It has been sometime since I wrote on charts. It has been a wonderful journey and I have met amazing people who considered me worthy of sharing their life issues with me. I learnt from them and hopefully my advice or reading of their charts helped them as well. Some have become good friends and topics with them evolved beyond jyotisha, into life, spirituality, family, etc. They are hopefully reading this and they should know I cherish their friendship.

However, I have to announce a short break from reading charts now. Honestly, I was not able to keep up with the charts asked and with Moon in my Ascendant I am not able say 'No' to someone who asks for help. Having my normal commitments along with reading charts stretched my schedule no end. So before I started to wane in my accuracy and bring discredit to the science of Jyotisha, I have decided to take a break.

When I return, I will hopefully be rejuvenated and happy to share analysis of newer charts. But for the purposes of consultation then, I will only take charts from only some of the people I have worked with earlier. I have had too many experiences with frivolous questions and non-serious querents which disappointed me no end. 

I may continue to write on jyotisha on the blog (so I am not stopping blogging!) to share whatever little knowledge I have, and any new discoveries. 

My hope is everyone keeps reading my past posts and continue their jyotisha learning journey. May it prove as exhilarating for you as it has for me. May Ma Bhairavi give all of you, whatever is best for you. 

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

KP never fails

A businessman contact was recently interested in going into a food venture with a Russian company. The idea was to set up a type of western breakfast food stores across cities. My contact went for several meetings with the Russian company's management and after everything was finalised contacted me to check when the final contract signing would happen and whether the business will be profitable for him. 

Chatting over whatsapp he gave the seed number 407.(!!!!)

I immediately knew that the answer is negative. For he knew fully well that the seed should be between 1 and 249 (having consulted with me about a million times before) and yet he gave a number out of the range. This is an omen that all is not well. Students should note that if this happens 9 times out of 10 the answer to the question being asked is unfavourable.

Anyway, not wanting to disappoint my friend, I asked him to give me a new number. In fact this new number would corroborate how correct the omen was.

The new number he gave was 131 and I cast a chart at 19:41:52, Pune on October 31, 2017. I am not putting the chart here as I am working on a very slow net connection. But diligent students would already have a software right? :)

First thing I checked was the 3rd CSL as it will determine questions like "Will  I get the contract?". The rule is simple, if the 3rd CSL signifies the 11th house the person gets the contract. The 3rd CSL in this case was Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Rahu. Their significations are as follows:

Ju 1 3 6; 

Ra 10;
Conjunct X
Aspect X
Sign lord Moon: 5 10; Ju 1 3 6
Star lord Me: 1 9 12

Jupiter aspects 5, 7 and 9

As one can see there is no connection between the 3rd CSL and the 11th house. As such I told him, according to me you will not get the contract. 

This was quite shocking for the querent who had expected to hear more on how the business would run and risks etc, but here I was saying that the contract which was in the final stages or crossing Ts and dotting Is will not materialise at all.

He pushed me saying "There and only grammatical errors that we are working out. We have already paid them a token. And honestly they cannot possibly back out, they've been working on this project for 3 months now!".

I replied: Look I have been wrong once or twice. So maybe I am wrong in my prediction here. But my dharma is to honestly interpret the chart based on the rules of interpretation. Since 3rd CSL does not signify 11th cusp, I cannot say that you will get the contract.

The conversation ended there, with him prodding me and I sticking to my stand of contract not materializing. What is the point of analysing the health of a non existent business. This is the strength and the weakness of stellar jyotisa. The strength is that most times, especially to a serious question, the answer is crystal clear. Which is why, like Vedic astrologers I do not have to delve into obscure puranic stories and how x planet is friendly with y and who is whose son and which is whats wife etc. But this becomes a weakness when a client insists on wanting to hear a story instead of a clear yes or no. People would rather that the jyotisha be wrong but give them a great story, instead of simply being correct. Alas, that cant be helped. We all carry our own burdens :)

Anyway, I was travelling for 10 days after that and in between on 6th Nov received a message from the querent, "Ur prediction was right the agreement is not going through. The guys had ulterior motives and it cannot be worked out on the terms they are now offering".

My reply was simple: Brother, I take Rs 1500 per question, how much did you spend on travel and not to mention the interest lost on the million odd you gave as token. Wouldnt it be cheaper for you to ask me these questions before you commit so many resources instead of after? I havent received a reply yet.

Verily, who cares about the doctor once the illness is cured.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Lost girl - will she be found?

I received the following message from a friend: a 12-13 year old  girl is lost, her father has given the seed number 29 with the question "when will my daughter be found?". I can imagine how scary and painful it will be for a father, especially in this day and age, to lose a daughter like this and I immediately cast the following chart:

In cases of such lost persons, the first thing to check is that the 11th CSL should not be in the star of a retrograde planet and should signify the house related to the person being lost. Let us look at the 11th CSL here and its significations:

Moon 5, 3 4; Su 5 

As can be seen the 11th CSL in the prashna chart prepared for a number given by the father is strongly signifying the 5th house (5th house stands for child). As such there is 100% certainty that the child will be found.

Next I looked at the rotated chart (rotated to make the 5th cusp the Ascendant) to garner more information:

The DBA is of Sun-Me-Me. Lets look at the Nadi significators:

Mercury strongly signifies the 9th and 12th cusp that suggests to me that the girl is far away from her native place. Given that there are Rahu and Ketu do not feature in the DBA I do not think she has been kidnapped. Asc CSL Rahu (in rotated chart) is in Chara Rashi of Cancer, suggesting that the girl is on the move. None of the DBA planets are malefic, so she is not in discomfort. So in some ways is it possible that she has run off on her own?

The Ruling Planets at the time of judgement were Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury, Mercury. Mercury, Venus and Sun are fast moving planets and as such there are good chances of the girl being located in 7-10 days. 

D lord Sun is strongly signifying the 3rd house while Bhukti and Antara lord are signifying 2 11. So I believe that a message will be received about the girl before she actually comes home. In any case the prashna asked was "when will my daughter be FOUND?" not "when will she COME HOME?". So I am not too bothered about the presence of 3 and absence of 4. 

Now 'when' she will be located is the question. For that we will use the transit principle outlined in the last blog about the Quiz. Look at the un-rotated chart again:

House of desire fulfillment is 11th. 11th house is empty. 11th is owned by Saturn. Saturn is untenanted (i.e. no planets in any star owned by Saturn). However, Sun, Rahu and Ketu are in Saturn's sub, so Sun, Rahu and Saturn will become the strongest significators of the 11th house. Since the event is expected to occur in 7-10 days, we will look at the transit of the Moon. between 20 and 27th Sept, Moon will pass through the signs of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and the first 2-3 degrees of Sagittarius. Star owned by Rahu appears in Libra and Moon will pass through this star on 23rd September 2017, between 1:17AM to September 24th 2:17AM. This would be the period when the girl would be found.

Sure enough, I got a message at 2PM on September 23, 2017 (90 mins back) from the same friend who had relayed the father's question to me that the girl has been found by the police (govt agent - Sun dasha lord signifies govt) in a city about 150-160 kms away from her home town. As predicted, a message from the police was received before the girl returned and as I type the family is en route to that other city to meet the girl in the police station.'

My pranaams to Ma Bhairavi to have returned the girl to her family.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Of Pappu, Parkar and Padmawati…

“I give them what they want, so that they will want, what I want to give”

The Bookkeeper believes there will be attempts made by the liberal cabal to push its narrative to the youth. This will happen through films, music, TV, ‘poetry jams’, nonsensical Whatsapp forwards, etc. One should not be surprised to find a sudden surge in movies that glorify arab plunderers of India. There will be attempts made to also humanize and perhaps idolize ruthless gangsters. The figures will be painted in a Guevara-esque colour, of being a rebel, of fighting against ‘the rigid, patriarchal, misogynistic, casteist, ritualistic, mindset of the Hindu, controlled by the north Indian hindi speaking Brahmin male’ (hope I did not miss any cliché). The reason for this impending visual onslaught is simple, to influence the minds of the young voter.  The rapist will become the lover, and the criminal will become the rebel. 

The young voter is what put Narendra Modi into power in 2014. Consider this, in the 2014 polls, ~25% of the new voters were in the 18-19 year old age group, nearly 50% if you include those till the age of 22 years. In all, eligible voters in the 18-23 years range were just under 50 million. In just seven states with the youngest voting population (C’garh, J’khand, MP, Delhi, UP, Assam and Rajasthan), the simple average vote share of BJP was 46% vs. national average of 31%. It is this segment of young, first time voters who are convinced by his argument of development over the usual ‘appease Muslims and any one caste group to win elections’ approach that had cost India its golden years post-independence.

By the time 2019 rolls around, the influence of younger votes will intensify. A staggering 133 million are estimated to be first time voters in the 2019 elections. This is the generation that doesn’t remember 2002 and doesn’t know of Ayodhya. It is these minds that need to be captured by Narendra Modi’s vision for India, if he is to win. While Modi is doing his bit through MUDRA loans for entrepreneurship, free gas connections, bank accounts, the liberal cabal will use the mediums at their disposal, namely the creative arts and the film industry. 

It not for nothing that Rahul Gandhi is projected as one blessed with perpetual youth. It is not for nothing that he is touring colleges on a regular basis. Is it indeed a coincidence that that a ‘love’ story about an Mughal prince and Rajput Princess released just 1 year or so before the 2009 general elections; and another film allegedly showing a ‘love’ story between a Mughal prince and a Rajput princess will be releasing just a year or so before the 2019 polls? Has anyone noticed a sudden upsurge in overly political and anti Narendra Modi Whatsapp forwards circulating on various groups? Also, a sudden surge in ‘youtube’ videos perhaps? The Bookkeeper believes it is to ensure that the first time voter is swayed away from voting for the Congress.  A person’s first vote matters. The Bookkeeper knows of several people who vote for Congress only because “I have always voted for it”, or “my family is a Congress voter”, type reasons. 42% of the voters make their minds about who to vote even before the campaign starts (as per CSDS post poll 2014 survey). 

It is important to be vigilant. Remember, 100 million people voted for Congress in the last general elections. That is not a small number by any stretch of imagination. Nearly 20% of those surveyed by CSDS (post poll 2014) preferred a Gandhi, or their appointee as the Prime Minister of India. Indian National Congress was still the no. 2 party as per the same survey to the question “which party has raised issues that you consider most important”. 18% felt that the Congress was better part for administering India. 15.8% identified themselves as traditional Congress voters (more than 15.2% for the BJP). This is after seeing a disastrous 10 years riddled with scams and the (now infamous) interview of Rahul Gandhi by Arnab Goswami. 

No wonder the liberal cabal is enthused with the prospects of winning young hearts and minds over with covert propaganda films and TV programming. And it is this that motivates a certain type of a film maker.

Consider the above post completely fictional. Any resemblance to any movie, or person, living, dead, imaginary, or about to release completely coincidental and with no intention to cause harm or tarnish reputations of anyone or anything.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

A quiz and its solution

This was a quiz asked by a fellow astrology student. It is a prashna chart that deals with the birth of a child. The chart has been rotated as per the person who asked the question, so dont bother with that. The important thing is that the chart pertains to the birth of the third child. As such we will take the 9th cusp to mean that child, (5th is first child, 7th is second and 9th is the third child).

The quiz questions were:

1) Would it be natural birth or cesarean would be needed?
2) Sex of the child?
3) Date of birth (was told that its between 8th Sept and 19th Sept 2017)

The chart is as follows:

9th CSL is Saturn, Saturn is posited in Mars sign of Scorpio that is the 8th house of the natural zodiac and signifies going deep. The planet Mars (karaka of surgery) also features in the RPs, so I was reasonably sure that there was surgery involved. To be doubly sure, lets look at the significations of the 9th CSL:

Sa 11, 2; Me 8, 7 9

The prime house of surgery, 8th, is also involved so my answer was yes, this would have been a cesarean birth. This answer was correct.

Sex related questions are best not answered as there is always a risk that the family will get a baby girl aborted, but since this Q is in post event I will analyse it here. Again we will look at the 9th cuspal sublord. 9th CSL is Saturn, its star lord Mercury is posited in Leo. Leo is a male sign, and so the child will be male. This answer was also correct.

Date of delivery is something I got wrong (though I was the closest to the date amongst the astrologers to whom this quiz was asked). This was a pure transit based question. I used Nadi significators and Nadi transit methodology to arrive at the date:

Ke, Ve, Su, Mo, Ra, Ju, Sa, Me is signifying full combination of 2 9 11. Mars too has a 2 11 signified. So in effect all planets are positive for child birth. From 8th Sept onwards Ra, Me, Ma, and Su are conjoined in Leo. Interestingly even the sookshma condition of transit planet conjoining with a natal planet (both planets being positive for the event) is being fulfilled on the 8th of Sept itself, with transit Mars at 7:44 and natal Me at 8:24. As such it was extremely tough to pick out a date. Look at the transit chart at the date and time of the event:

As you can see, transit conditions are getting fulfilled, Mars+Me+Su in the same sign and transit Me, in rapt conjunction with natal (or prashna chart in this case) Mercury. The DBA is Mo-Ra-Ve and on 13th September 2017 at 9:49AM (my answer was 10th Sept), the following as the transit position of the relevant DBA indicators at the time of the event:

Sun transited Sun Sign, Venus star and Ketu sub
Moon transited Venus Sign, Mars star and Rahu sub
Ascndt transited Venus Sign, Jupiter star and Ketu sub

DBASP lords:
Moon transited Venus Sign, Mars star and Rahu sub
Rahu transited Moon Sign, Mercury star and Saturn sub
Venus transited Moon Sign, Mercury star and Jupiter sub
Saturn transited Mars Sign, Mercury star and Jupiter sub 
Mercury transited Sun Sign, Ketu star and Jupiter sub 

While I will continue to do research this, would also be very appreciative of any readers who can tell me why 13 Sept should be the date. Most of the leg work is done. I have been too close to it, so will need to take a break. Please feel free to email me at if anyone has a unique take on why the transit on 13th Sept was fruitful and not the one on 9th/10th of September.

Also giving KP significators for ease of readers (red is sub and sub's star):

The asker just clarified that when Moon passes the strongest significator of the 11th house the event will take place. Apparently, since this is final fructification of the event the 11th is more important than the 9th (which is the primary house of the event). 11th house has Saturn, Mars is the planet in Saturn's star. So when moon passes through Mars owned constellation the event will take place. In the period specified, Moon will travel though Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Of these signs, only Taurus and Gemini have Mars owned star. Moon will pass through them on 13th and 14th. In fact Moon had just entered Mars star in Taurus when the birth happened. (ve-ma-ra-ve). Interesting approach, I will keep a track of this 11th house significations closely. Request readers to do the same.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

With some querents like these...

Wont be discussing a chart but type of a client here. Most of the people asking me Qs are decent, honest people who genuinely want to know my take on a particular life event. But sometimes I get really funny ones. 

If someone wants to genuinely know what their career/marriage/ etc path should be then chart seeing can be a collaborative process. The very, very few people who have met me w.r.t. consulting a chart know that I make them sit next to me and take them through the intricacies of the chart to give them a better understanding of their life. There is feedback which can then go into fixing the birth time and more granular details can be given. Every chart depends on sthala - kaala - paatra, ie. place - time - character. 

Let me give you an example: Lets say some very, very conservative person contacts me and asks about marriage. I see a divorce in the person's chart. I tell him so. But then given the conservative community he belongs to, there may be no legal separation and the couple may simply live like strangers in the same house or have a physical separation. Now if the same person lies to me and tells me "no no...we are very western thinking, we divorce all the time in my family", then I would predict that there would be a legal separation. Then the person will tell me how I have read his/ her chart completely wrong! I am not a diviner of minds nor have I claimed to be, or a clairvoyant. I am simply a jyotisha student, an interpreter of Charts. Also, I have no time for people who want to test me. My sense of self is not derived from others' validation. If you want to prove jyotisha wrong, don't bother...I hereby admit that jyotisha is a lie and I am an idiot. Now move over and let me help people who actually want to be helped.

So examination of this singular person's chart can be analogized as follows: A patient goes to a doctors office and tells him, I am unwell. Doctor says, what are the symptoms? Patient says, No are the doctor, I don't want to ask you leading questions. Now will this examination work? 

Or, the patient says, "I have an ache". Doctor asks "where?". The patient says "in my head", when the pain is actually in his knee. The doctor spends  his precious time analysing all CT scans, MRI scans, what have you, for the head not getting any answer. In the end the patient says, you are an idiot, a real doctor would have figured out I was lying after so many tests and known that the pain is in my knee. Well, apart from the patient becoming a "pain in the butt" for the doctor himself, hasn't realised that the doctors examination of multiple hours and expenses has been focused on figuring out what is wrong with the head, so he would have never seen the knee at all! And the one thing the doctor doesn't count on is his patients deliberately testing him or lying to him. On top of it, the patient walks off without paying the fee, because the doctor has not diagnosed him correctly!

Now not only has the doctor wasted a lot of his time, but also the time of so many other genuine patients who were truly interested in getting cured. 

So this singular person wanted to know when they could buy a house. Instead of asking that question, they asked me how they would do in their career. I guess this Einstein was thinking if I make enough money then I will surely buy a house! It is not so, a rich person can live in a rented apartment and a poor person can manage to buy a small house. Regular readers would know that career is seen from the 6th and 10th house and buying a house property is dependent on the 4th. So I concentrated for hours on the 10th house and gave good periods of career and when would it be best to start a business or do well in career. And the native is wondering why am I not answering about the house!

Another example. The native asked if what they are doing currently for work is suitable or they should change the line of work. This, without telling me what their current line of work is! Like I said, I am not a diviner of minds. In any case, I attributed this airhead-ness to the Gemini Ascendant (dual and airy) and gave the person the best suited profession for them. Now a 5 year old will interpret this: If most suitable profession is what you do currently, stick with it. If not, then consider changing. But apparently this person wanted me to spell out like minute details of their life. Which simply isn't worth my time. If the patient doesn't want to be cured, what can a doctor do?! The best part was the ire this person had when I was unable to spell out a very, very niche profession that the native wanted to pursue. But I had described the type of profession perfectly. But that was not enough, some how the chart has to spit out the exact words, which isn't possible, because charts and the techniques of their interpretation have been there for 1000s of years, but professions get added and die off. So only a description of the type is possible which we need to correlate with various streams available currently.  

Last example was of when the native can expect a new arrival in the family. But instead of asking that, I was asked, any health concerns? So I am concentrating on the 6th cusp with I should be looking at the 5th, which is its vyayasthana! And then the person got exasperated that I am not getting anything right (which I dispute, I answered the questions asked, but this stupid, silly, juvenile addiction of continuous testing meant that what was asked was not what they wanted to ask!).

By this time, I was irritated enough with this childish behaviour and in interest of saving my time and sanity, admitted defeat for the sake of it. Said, I clearly am not able to understand your chart (read: divine the native's mind) and so best you dont ask me. And just like that errant patient who had lied to the doctor, the person left without compensating me for the hours I had spent, because I was unable to name their imaginary illnesses! In any case I always say, the money is for my time, not the prediction. Hahaha.

Honestly, I have done really well for myself and as such these few rupees/ dollars mean nothing. But they are necessary to weed out these fools. Imagine if the doctor in my example had said: every question you ask me, you have to pay fees. The wouldn't the first question have been: "Whats wrong with my knee, there is a pain in it?" Exactly!

So please, if you feel like testing something or someone, get a blood test, get a brain test. Dont test me. I have no time. My doors and heart is open to all those who want my help (dozens I have helped without taking money and dozens who I asked to donate to charity). But I've had it with the 'too smart by halfs' who have a lot of time on their hands, and too much space between their ears. I have neither.

The above post is based on a true story. But any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, and any actual queries, asked or imagined, is unintentional and completely coincidental and should not be interpreted by anyone to mean their own life story.

Another example of how to pick career using charts

This is a chart of a person who asked me which would be the best career path for her. The exact questions from the email were:

I am keen to know about financial status in the coming years..for me and my husband.
Service vs. business?
Staying in India Vs. moving abroad?
Guidance towards what career path to take... Continue with existing career or explore new avenues?
Also if any precautions required to be taken towards health?

(I have made the one statement bold, because this is the question I am answering here. But I have answered other questions in detail in my email reply to the client)

The native is in her Moon Dasha and wants to know what is the most suited career path. For this we will analyse the various Dashas that are yet to elapse and figure out what is the best career path for her.

Ongoing Dasha is Moon, followed by Mars, then Rahu, then Jupiter till October 2065. The significators of the lords of these dashas are:

Mo (10/2024)
Mo 5, 1; Ke 5
Ke 5
Mo 5, 1; Ke 5
Ma 11, 5 10; Ju 4, 6 9
Sa 3, 7 8; Ma 11, 5 10
Ju 4, 6 9; Sa 3 7 8
Ve* 1 4 11

Ma (10/2031)
Ma 11, 5 10; Ju 4, 6 9

Ra (10/2049)
Ra 11
Mo 5, 1; Ke 5
Ma 11, 5 10; Ju 4, 6 9
Sa 3, 7 8; Ma 11, 5 10
Ju 4, 6 9; Sa 3 7 8
Ve* 1 4 11
Ma 11, 5 10; Ju 4, 6 9
Me  3 12; Ke 5
Ma 11, 5 10

Ju (10/2065) 
Ju 4, 6 9; Sa 3 7 8

One can easily see that the planets Jupiter 4 6 9 and Mars 5 10 11 are most regularly represented. However Jupiter is more prominently represented even between the two.

Jupiter is the karaka for new technology. "Navanirmiti" as Shri Shahasane puts it.

Now lets look at what houses say,
4 - house, vehicle, education, mother, furniture.
9 - long journey, higher education, father, guru

4th and 9th house are the houses for education. Jupiter is also the 'guru' of the planetary cabinet. So Guru + innovation + 4th (basic education) + 9th (higher education), led me to believe that the native would be best suited for some sort of innovative teaching process.  So some innovative/ new type of teaching would be best suited for the native.

So I suggested an "innovative teaching field" for the native as a good fit with her personality. In addition I suggested two more fields (because people don't accept a single, direct answer):

a) Something innovative related to the teaching/ education sector
b) Health sector, it could mean counselling, teaching yoga, gym, Reiki etc
c) Creative field: House/ car Interiors, anything to do with beauty and art

But added: "Hence I have highlighted the education/ teaching field in the list above. You can consider taking employment also in a similar company as an alternative to business. Health sector as mentioned above is also suitable, but I would subordinate that to education"
Had also mentioned:  "I would suggest focus on a business that requires more of your brain and personality than of your capital"

In response the native said, "I am keen to be a life coach". As readers can make out, what the native wants to do fits in perfectly with what I suggested. It would have been better if this question was asked directly ie "will working as a life coach be suitable for me"?. Would have saved me time and I could have seen more details about that specific person. But what to do, whether it is the vagueness of thought or some need to keep testing me, the native lost a good chance to get a deeper answer. I spent time evaluating multiple professions instead of spending time in finding out nuts and bolts  of a specific question.

My pranaams to Shri KSK ji and to Suresh Shahasane from whose books I learned a system that gives such specific answers.

Jai Bhairavi Devi!

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Career vishleshan

This is the chart of someone who asked me a career related question just this past week.

Again, lets do this using core Krishnamurti Paddhati as elucidated upon by Shri Shahasane?

Lets look at what the grahas are saying about the career. We will look at 10th CSL and various Dasha lords

Ve 10, 5 12; Me 9, 1 4

Su 3 9; Ju 7 10

Mo 2; Ke 5
Ma 10, 6 11; Me 9 1 4
Ve 10, 5 12; Me 9, 1 4
Ju 7 10

Ma 10, 6 11; Me 9 1 4

Ra 11
Ma 10, 6 11; Me 9 1 4
Su 3 9

Ju 7 10; Mo 2

The end of Jupiter dasha will take her to the year 2062, by which time the native will be 77 years old and most likely retired.

Now what are the planet(s) you see most prominently displayed by her dashas? Mercury and 9 1 4. I have highlighted them in the significations list above. The native is a Gemini ascendant as well, 

Now we can make some educated guesses what is the best profession for the native. Readers know from my previous post what is the general stream of Mercurians: Teacher, writer, author, journalist, lawyer, accountant, broker, advisors, mathematicians, anything to do with any sort of communication and analysis.

 Now let us how the planet's karakatwa fits it in with the house signification:

1st - head, brain, thought, personality, strength, ego etc
4th - breast, chest, mother, secrets, formal education, home, place most comfortable in, vehicle, landed property, going indepth
9th - long journeys, higher education, father, dharma, pilgrimage, teacher, intuition, spirituality, communication

Since Me is also a buddhi karak graha, we can say that this person will do work that is done at at intellectual level, involves communication, travel, deep study. The person will also be a good teacher. Though Mercury can give engineering studies, there is a lack of the 8th house needed for that field, so mostly the person will not work in an engineering field. The other field it can give is finance/ commerce.

So trade, travel, even advertising, marketing, investigative journalism, teaching, can be good career options.

In reality the native works as a analyst in a market research firm, travels a lot for her work and communicates with a LOT of people. 

Now her question was whether she could do business. For that let us examine the 10th CSL. It strongly signifies Ve 10, 5 12; Me 9, 1 4.  But it doesnt signify the 7th cusp. But I think that due to the 10th signification and not signifying the 6th house, 'business' is not denied to the native. Though I feel the native will be more comfortable  in a employment scenario.

Let us examine the Dashas to see when is it best to start a business. For business, I always look for periods that are very good for money, because unlike in a job when the worst thing that can happen to a native is losing it, in business even bankruptcy is possible!

Current Dasha is Moon:
Mo 2; Ke 5
Ma 10, 6 11; Me 9 1 4
Ve 10, 5 12; Me 9, 1 4
Ju 7 10

Moon is in the sub of Mercury and Mercury is in the star of Saturn. While Planet + Star will tell natives "what" results will come, it is the sub which deals with "how" the results will manifest. Significations are:

Me 9, 1 4; Sa 5 8 9

As such despite the strong signification of the 10th house, I would not advise the native to start business in Moon Dasha as Saturn signifies the 3 houses that are inimical for a career:

5th - creativity, entertainment, irregularity at attending office, difficulty in taking harsh decisions, difficulty in extracting money from clients, tend to over delegation of work.

8th - Financial losses, theft, sudden loss/ accidents, mind to make 'easy money', getting cheated, bribing or taking bribes, insults, disappointments, delays etc.

9th - Facing intense competition, mind flitting to the 'next big thing' instead of concentrating on what one has, tendency to avoid challenges, etc

Given that these houses are more prominent, I would look to the next few dashas. Next dasha is:

Ma 10, 6 11; Me 9 1 4

Sa 5 8 9; Mo* 2 (* Sa is on own star and own sub hence I substitute the sub sub lord Moon as star)

Again, we see that Mars dasha will be dominated by the 9th house and also has an impact of  5 8 9. There is a 2 signified at the strongest sub's star level, but 2 is the weakest in the money giving houses of 2 6 10 11 and I am unsure if it will do enough to mitigate the impact of 5 8 9.

The next dasha (starts Nov 2028):

Ra 11
Ma 10, 6 11; Me 9 1 4
Su 3 9

Sun 3 9; Ju 7 10

While Rahu has 9 as well, it is signifying strong for business houses of 7 and 10 and also 6 10 11 though signlord Mars. As such this will be a good period to start a business. The 3 9 will give a LOT of travel in this period, mostly to lesser developed countries (Mid East, Asia etc) and regions within India.

The next dasha (starts Nov 2046, ends Oct 2062):

Ju 7 10; Mo 2

Ra 11
Ma 10, 6 11; Me 9 1 4
Su 3 9

This will be the best period in the native's career. Whether she does a job or she does a business, the dashas of Rahu and Jupiter will be the best for her, for her career.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Choosing a Academic Stream

This is an interesting concept for me, because it is one that can be used most by parents to figure out which academic path is best suited for their child. Note, this a methodology to pick a study stream that is most suited to the persons mentality, and does not deal with the success in that study or the career that comes after it. Its about putting the child in the best possible position, given the circumstances.

The methodology is quite logical. First list out the stellar significations of the cuspal sub lord of the 4th house, which is the primary house of formal education. Then list out the stellar significations of the Dasha lords that will be ruling during the period of higher education and career (because if someone asks you for advice on what to study,  it is only logical to suggest that curriculum that will be most applicable to what you think he/ she will do in the future). 

It is important to first note down which Graha denotes what sort of a career, so that relevant  study paths can be looked at:

Sun: Government or government approved service, security, own/inherited business, copper, gold, wheat, medicines, chemicals, medical or medical related field etc

Moon: Water related work (navy, docks, ports, water department), salt, fish, pearls, business related to liquids, milk, petrol, cooking, farming, travel, juices etc

Mars: Soldier, police, detective work, chemist, dentist, surgeon, butcher, barber, iron and steel, cook, engineers, physicist, foundries, weapons work, land, construction etc

Mercury: Brokers, teachers, lawyers, arbitrators, advisors, writers, journalists, printers, publishers, astrologers, accountants, translators, travel agencies, mathematicians, marketing and advertising, PR, communications of various types etc

Jupiter: Higher education, colleges, religious institutions, law related, hospitals, managers, finance, judges, banks etc

Venus: Films, dance, sports, entertainment, singers, all types of artists, vehicle related (garages, car salesmen, automobile engineering, drivers), farming, sex workers, aesthetics related, sweets and sugar, Opticians, beauticians, glass work, tea and coffee related, perfumes, beauty products, finance and money etc.

Saturn: Iron work, coal related, mining, hair related, wool, leather and such animal products, bone related work, museums, archaeology, detective work, death related work (grave yards, slaughter houses etc), family planning work, astrology, Air conditioning work etc

Rahu: Jails, graveyards, black coloured things, black magicians, illegal work, rag pickers, daily wage labourers of different sort, low status work, thieves, photography, scientists, dealing in antiques and broken down things, electronics repair, radiation and X Ray, tantra vidya etc

Ketu: Medicine related, especially surgery and medicinal manufacturing, yogis, siddhas, astrologers, beggers, occult subjects like astrology and meditation etc

To put it in a modern context and very broadly, 

Saturn, Mars and Mercury combining with the 8th cusp can be deemed to be of 'Engineering' stream. 

Venus, Mercury, Jupiter combining with 2nd 6th, 10th or 11th cusp are of 'Commerce' stream.

Sun, Mercury, Mars combining with 5th 8th or 12th cusp are of 'Medical' stream. Moon too will come here but it will be in subjects lie Psychology.

Moon owning the most sensitive sign (Cancer), deals more with Arts side of studies. 

In terms of signs:
Engineering: Aries, Scorpio, Gemini, Virgo
Commerce: Taurus, Libra, Gemini, Virgo
Medicine: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius 

Now, lets try and apply this to a few charts:

Chart 1 (18 July 1986, 10:40AM, Morena) 4th cusp and pertinent period Dasha significations:

Ra: 7
Ma: 4, 3 8; Ve: 12 2 9 
Ke: 1
Ju: 6 4 7; Su 10 11
Ve: 12 2 9; Su: 10 11 
Ma: 4, 3 8
Ve: 12 2 9

Me: 11, 1 10; Sa  3 5 6

Ke: 1
Ju: 6 4 7; Su 10 11
Ve: 12 2 9; Su: 10 11
Ma: 4, 3 8
Ke 1

Ve: 12 2 9; Su: 10 11

Su 10 11; Ju 6 4 7

Mo 3 11; Sa 3 5 6

A simple glance at the significations will tell the reader that Sun signifying 10 and 11, and Venus signifying 12 2 9. I have also highlighted them to make it easy for the readers. The native's Ascendant falls in Virgo.  

Let us first take Sun and 10 11 for analysis. 10 and 11 stand for honour, dignity, authority, political power, government or gain from government, own business, permanency. Now putting this together with Sun, we can get that this person has something to do with the government and/ or has his own business. Sun can give medical stream, but it is not signifying the 5/8/12 houses needed for medical or related fields. Sun is signifying the 10th house which falls in the 'commerce' house category.

Lets look at Venus and 2 9 12. 
2nd house  - wealth, family, vehicle 
9th house - higher education, pilgrimage, justice, travel etc
12th - foreign lands, imprisonment, hospitalization, losses,  

Now Venus' natural signification of vehicle fits well with travel and foreign land, so perhaps a travel tourism or cab business will be a good fit for the individual. 

Venus is 'commerce' planet. Additionally, the native's ascendant is in Virgo, a 'commerce' sign as well. Venus signifies 2nd house of wealth further nudging me towards a commerce/ finance related field. 

As such travel related work and Commerce field will be suited for the individual. In fact with the 4th CSL strongly signifying 2 9 11  one can say that the native will be good at studies and do a professional course like MBA finance, or even Chartered Accountancy.

In reality, this native is a Chartered Accountant, who is running his own business (own practice) and in fact lives far away from his native place and needs to travel considerably for work. 

Chart 2 (19 Dec 1991, 17:14, Thana) 4th cusp and pertinent period Dasha significations:

Sa 8 9 10; Mo 3 12

Mo 3 12; Su 4 7

Ma 6 7 12; Me 6 2 5

Ra 7
Ju 4 8 11; Ve 1 6
Su 4 7; Ke 1
Su 4 7, Ke 1
Ma 6 7 12; Me 6 2 5
Me 6 2 5; Sa 8 9 10
Ju 4 8 11; Ve 1 6
Ve 1 6; Ju 4 8 11

Ju 4 8 11; Ve 1 6

Ve 1 6 and Me 6 2 5 are most prominently represented at the stronger levels.

Mercury represents both engineering and Commerce, but as it does not signify the 8th house I will take it in the commerce category.

The Asc is in Taurus, a commerce ascendant and two commerce planets are strongly signifying the commerce houses of 2 and 6.

Mercury and 5 could have also given the person a possible career path in communications and entertainment.

In reality the native is a chartered accountant and works in the finance department of one of the country's largest Air Conditioning company.

Chart 3 (18 Dec 1964, 20:23, Ratnagiri) 4th cusp and pertinent period Dasha significations:

Ve 4 11; Sa 7 8

Ra 11
Mo 1 11; Ma 2 5 10
Ve 4 11; Sa 7 8
Ve 4 11; Sa 7 8
Ma 2 5 10

Ju 10 6 9; Ve 4 11

So Ma 2 5 10 and Sa 7 8 are most prominently represented.

The Ascendant is in Leo.

Mars natural significations are land, construction, iron, cutting, butchering, sharp instruments.Now combine it with house significations: 2 -wealth, family, mouth, which gives fields like income from land or property, 5 - healing, entertainment, art, sports, etc so perhaps a sportsman or an action star or surgeon, 10 reputation, govt position, etc - so perhaps in the armed forces or employed by the government in some position of respect.

Saturn's natural significations are death, cold places, hard things, long duration illnesses. Now combine with house significations: 7 - marriage, opposition, spouse, legal bondages, and 8 - accidents, getting hurt, death, going in depth, extreme difficulties etc.

In reality the native was a skilled surgeon who had to stop conducting surgeries due to an accident and then focused on helping terminally ill patients.

I will continue my research on the career + education front, and keep adding more charts as I get time to analyse them. Readers should kindly contribute cases that fit and do not fit the bill either in the comments section or email me at

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

How fate changes! #EventStudy

Its been sometime since I have posted, what I would call, an "educational piece". So here goes. The chart below is of a native who moved abroad (from India) and did really well in material life till the dasha changed. The Dasha lord gives us an indepth look of why things changed the way they did and serves as an underline as to why jyotisha should be used to map out ones life so that one can optimise the good times and prepare for the bad. I will be doing this analysis using core Krishnamurti Paddhati and the role of the sub lord in it.

The native began his career in the Rahu dasha.. Let us see how the Rahu Dasha of the native was supposed to be, after all the Dasha determines the status of the native!

Rahu posited in 8 (Rahu is untenanted, ie. no planets in its stars so strong signification of 8)
Conjunct with Saturn: 8, 2; Venus: 11, 5 6 10 (Venus in 11, cusps 6 and 10 are empty so strong sig)
Sign lord Sun: 1; Venus: 11, 5 6 10 (Sun in Asc)
Star lord Venus: 11, 5 6 10

Sub lord Ketu 2 (Ketu is tenanted, so weak signification of 2)
Aspected by Saturn 8, 2; Venus: 11, 5 6 10
Sign lord Saturn 8, 2; Venus: 11, 5 6 10
Star lord Jupiter 7, 1, 3

As one can see, Rahu is giving results strongly of houses 1 6 10 8 and 11 and weakly of houses 2 and 5. The sublord is strongly giving results of houses 3 6 7 10 11 and weakly of 1 2 5 8. It is clear that 

With strong signification of 6 10 11 by planet and star and of 6 7 10 11 by sub and sub’s star, it is clear that financially this was a very fruitful period for the native. The 8th signification perhaps gave him some problems at work or in the family, it also made him do his work using bribes etc, but a positive 6 10 11 at the deciding Sub level, it could only turn out positive for him. As such, he stayed with this wife and children in grand style in a lesser developed country (Rahu). There was also troubles with spouse in this period due to the 1 6 10 significations, but the strong stellar signification of 11th cusp, supported by the Sub's  signification of 7 and 11, ensured that despite separation etc the spousal relationship did not break.  

The native moved abroad in November 2007 to an African country. Notably, despite there not being any strong significations of moving abroad by Dasha lord, Rahu is the natural karaka of foreign countries. The 3rd cusp is also strongly signified by the starlord (JU) of the sub lord. The actual move abroad happened in Ketu Bhukti and Sun Antara. Regular readers of the blog will know how Rahu and Ketu usually send the native to a lesser developed region of the world, so this native was sent to Africa!

Ketu is in its own Sub and its significations are as follows:

Ketu 2 (Ketu is tenanted, so weak signification of 2)
Aspected by Saturn 8, 2; Venus: 11, 5 6 10
Sign lord Saturn 8, 2; Venus: 11, 5 6 10
Star lord Jupiter 7, 1, 3

It is clear that it was the Sun antara that provided the impetus for going abroad, look at the significations:

Sun 1
Star Venus 11, 5 6 10

Sub Mercury 12, 9, 7
Subs Star Ketu 2

As can be seen the sub Mercury is a very strong significator of long journey (9) and foreign land (12). This move was followed by a “HUGE jump in salary” to put it in the native’s words. The Why is clear from the significations of 6 10 11 of Rahu, Ketu and Sun.

Rahu dasha ended in February 2015, after which Jupiter dasha started. Now lets look at Jupiter’s significations.

Jupiter: 7,3 1 
Star lord Saturn: 8, 2 

Sub lord Mars: 1, 4, 11, 12
Sub’ star Sun: 1

Jupiter is tenanted and as such will primarily give results of its starlord Saturn which is posited in 8. The 8th house is a malefic house that deals with accidents, insults, disappointments, delays, hurdles, stress, bad decisions, all types of losses etc. 

To analyse what sort of troubles the native might face one would have to see the 8th CSL  and its significations. The 8th CSL is also Jupiter, which we have seen signifies 8 and 2. As such the native best avoids driving or any hazardous activity since 1st, 8th and badhaka (7th), maraka (2 and 7) and 4th (end of everything) are signified. The saving grace is that 7th is weakly signified. 2nd signification means problems regarding money flow and problems regarding family. 2nd is also the vyayasthana for the 3rd house which deals with documents and travel which suggests some problems in getting permissions and hurdles to travel. All these issues the native is currently facing in spades. 

However, the sublord has the power to divert these results. The Sub Mars strongly signifies the 1st and 4th house. 1st house suggests self efforts, which the native will have to put in. The 4th house suggests that the native will get help from his home country and family. However the 4th house is also a malefic house suggesting it will also aid the other malefic house (8th) in creating troubles for a native.

Indeed as soon as the Jupiter Dasha started the native was cheated by his foreign supplier and he suffered a huge loss to the extent of selling off his home, and living on borrowed money. His travel documents have been impounded by his creditors and he is unable to return to his home, even though his family in India is taking efforts. His wife and kids had to come back to their home country and he is left alone to fend for himself in the foreign land (1st cusp signification impact). In some ways it could be argued that he is imprisoned. In fact the only reason he is not in jail is because the primary cusp of confinement, i.e. 12th house is weakly signified and 4th house of own home is strongly signified.

Now with travel documents confiscated (illegally) the native is unable to travel back to India to be with his family. Without travel documents, no work is possible and the native is currently living off the help of his friends. Again the 8 and 11 combination coming into play with him getting unearned income. But 11 is weakly signified, hence only meager amounts are coming in even as the 'sting' og 8th house (insults) is intact. 

So when can he return to his home land?

The houses to return are 2, 4 and 11. Lets see the significators of the same:

2nd house: House lord is Saturn, Jupiter and Venus are in Saturn’s stars. Ketu occupies the 2nd house, Mercury is in the star of Ketu. So Mercury (A), Ketu (B), Jupiter (C), Venus (C) and Saturn (D) are the significators of the 2nd house (in descending order of strength)

4th house: House owner is Mars. There are no other planets in the 4th house. Since Mars is becoming the sole significator of the 4th house, we will see if there is any planet whose sublord is Mars. Jupiter is such a planet. Thus, Jupiter (A) and Mars (B) become significators of 4th house.

11th house Mars is the house owner, no planets in Mars nakshatra. Venus is in the house. Saturn, Rahu, Sun are in the star of Venus. Thus, Rahu (A), Saturn (A), Sun (A), Venus (B) and Mars (D) become significators of the house.

So in total, Mercury (A), Ketu (B), Jupiter (A), Venus (B), Saturn (A), Rahu (A), Sun (A), and Mars (B) become significators of the 2 4 11 combination.

Since ability of Jupiter to send the native back is not in question (has full combination of 2 4 11), we can say that the current Bhukti Antara combination of Saturn-Mercury (lasting till Jan 1 2018) will bring the native back. Note, Jupiter (Dasha lord) is a strong significator of the 4th house, Saturn (Bhukti lord) is a strong significator of the 11th house and Mercury (Antara lord) is a strong significator of the 2nd house.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

A challenge accepted - the aftermath

Regular readers will remember that I had received a very dishonorable challenge from a practitioner of Vedic system of astrology. The gentlemen who in fact had referred to me as a fraud used to be a high official in the police force. The challenge and how I won it was can be read about in detail here.

Anyway, so in that post I had written that marriage of the native is impossible till March 2018. After that there is some chance. Best chance is in the period 5th Dec 2023 to 10 Nov 2024, but that itself is a slim chance. This chart is not one that is destined to have a happy marriage at least as per me. As usual I always pray that let me good predictions come right, and bad ones come wrong.

So I heard that the native's marriage is fixed for March 2018. Naturally I was happy for the family and also somewhat satisfied that my prediction has sort of come true. But only somewhat satisfied as truly if you asked me this is still not the best time for the marriage to happen ('best' being relative to this chart ie).

As a result I kept checking with my friend on the marriage preparations. As (bad) luck would have it, I was just informed that the match has fallen through. The hall was booked and invites had gone out. But marriage was cancelled last minute. What can one say. Man proposes,  the graha disposes.

May Bhairavi give the native whatever is best.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Method of recitation of mantras

I am writing this as a easy way to tell those who consult with me as to how to recite these mantras. I am not advocating willy-nilly recitation of these powerful sounds by readers. Now when I think a mantra is appropriate for someone, I can point them to this post instead of individually explaining to everyone:

1) Background:
Chanting to be completed in 21 days at most. Can complete earlier if you increase count. Chanting to be done everyday in the same spot, facing the same direction (East) and at the same time (+/- 5 mins at most). Sit on an aasana.

2) Sankalpa (to be done on just the first day):
Light a ghee lamp. Sit facing east the lamp in front of you and with a empty plate or vessel in between you and the lamp. Take Rs 1/2/5/10 coin in your right palm. Take some haldi-kumkum, any 1 flower, a little rice and spoonful of water in the same palm. Touch your right arm at the elbow with your left hand finger tip. Hold your right hand in front of you. Close your eyes and pray to the graha (whose mantra you will be reciting) and to your kuladevata to a) solve the specific problems your are reciting the mantra for (mentally detail the issues) and b) to help you to complete your sankalpa. Then pour contents of the hand into the vessel in front of you. You can keep the coin with you or give it to a temple. The other contents can be put at the base of any plant or tree (preferably flowering ones).

3) Chanting:
Chant the prescribed number of malas ( mala of 108 beads to be used) everyday. Do not vary the number. For example, if you are supposed to chant 8 malas, then you cannot do 7 one day and 9 another 8. 8 means 8.

4) Can I use a counter instead of a mala?
Yes. As long as the count is the same. I prefer a mala.

5) What time is best for chanting?
Anytime. but keep it fixed. Preferably late at night, but not compulsory.

6) Can I chant twice or thrice a day (ie 4 malas in the morning and 4 in the evening)?
Yes. As long as you keep this EXACTLY constant and not vary it. Also follow the rule regarding time, place and direction.

7) Can I chant on a full stomach?
Keep an hours gap atleast from a full meal and chanting. Keep a glass of water close to you to sip in the middle if you so require. Sit comfortably. It is important that you are not physically disturbed during the chanting, ie. someone touching you, or you getting up to answer the doorbell or talking on the phone, or petting your dog etc.

8) Do I light the cow ghee lamp everyday?
Not necessarily, but I feel a positive change in environment when I do light it and I prefer to.

9) Can I eat non-veg and drink alcohol during the days I am chanting?
No. In fact if possible then try to maintain brahmacharya to the extent doable.

10) Can a woman chant during her periods?
Ideally try start on a day so that chanting does not coincide with the monthly cycle. But if unavoidable, then its ok to chant then.

11) How loud to chant?
Just so much that you can hear yourself. 

12) What are the Mantras for the Grahas?

May Bhairavi give you whatever is the best for you!

Verdict on Triple Talaq

India awaited a historic verdict from its Supreme Court on the barbaric religious practice of Triple Talaq amongst Muslims. I felt the urge to check what the outcome might be a couple of hours before the 5 judge bench (consisting of judges from 5 different religions) to hear the issue and rule on it.

The chart I cast at the time was as follows:

Lets look at the chart first. Rahu is the graha that signifies Islam and thus Muslims. Rahu is within 1 degree of Leo. While I dont follow traditional astrology, they regard the first and 29th degree of any sign as especially powerful. Note I use geocentric latitudes and true node calculations.

The sign Leo signifies the Govt and is owned by the Sun. Sun is also present in the Sign of Leo as also is the Moon. Both Sun and Moon are significators of the government. So all in all, Rahu was in a critical degree of a sign that signifies government and conjunct with 2 grahas that signify government. This suggested to me that if anyone acts on this barbaric religious practice, it will be the government and not the court.  

I looked at the ruling planets of the time which were Moon, Mercury, Ketu, Sun and Mars. For the court I would have liked to see judicial planets like Jupiter or Saturn take prominence and thus concluded that the barbaric practice will not be removed on the court's direction, but on action from the government.

Further confirmation came when I saw the cuspal sublord (CSL) of the 6th house. The 6th house or cusp gives victory over the opponent. It is Mercury and Mercury is retrograde. Mercury is in Purvaphalguni which is a nakshatra owned by Venus. Thankfully Venus is not retrograde as that would mean that an adverse verdict would be pronounced.

Anyway, since 6th CSL is retograde it means result will be delayed till Mercury goes direct. Mercury goes direct only after Sept 5 2017 and means any action on the Talaq issue is possible only after. That further confirmed that whatever order the Court gave today would be a middle of the road kind of an order as 'finality' is impossible today. 

But then what sort of an order can be expected. I was sure it will be a positive-ish order because the 6th CSL was strongly signifying the 10th house of reputation. (Again it didn't signify 11th house, so gain today was impossible). But 10th house means that reputation protecting order would be there. 

Now look at DBA, Ketu-Sat-Venus. Such an interesting combination of the DBA isnt it? Ketu signifies mixed castes, and it was a religiously diverse bench pronouncing the order. Moon was in Magha Nakshatra which aspires for a high chair and glory. Saturn, for I was curious about a court judgement, and Venus, because the judgement is about marital relations. Its amazing how things just align up in jyotisha as times!

Ketu has a negative combination of 6 8 12 but joined of an equal powered 10 and 11. Thus we can say it is marginally positive. Saturn has a 6 in planet and 12 in nakshatra, countered by a single 10 at the nakshatra level. This is a unfavourable planet. The only positive I can take of this is that it comes under a positive Dasha lord (Ketu) and at the sub level it has only positive houses signified. Venus is positive as well, a solitary 8 cannot do much. it has also a 10 at the planet level and a 11 at the sub level. So marginally a positive. Overall one can say that the DBA are positive but only after a struggle with the negatives. 

This further strengthened my belief that it is foolhardy to expect a table thumping judgement from the Supreme Court on the Talaq issue today. It will be a positive judgement but actual concrete action on this barbaric religious practice can only come from the government after September 5 2017.

This is what happened in reality. The bench ruled 3T as "unconstitutional" by a 3-2 vote and while suspending its use for six months asked the government to legislate to ban the practice completely. I think this is in harmony with what the grahas foretold this morning when I saw the chart.

For those wondering if I have practiced post facto astrology, the answer is NO. I had made a succint prediction on my twitter much before the verdict. Only elucidating it here for those interested in learning.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

My first dog!

Is it apt, or is it almost ironical, that a dog should show up in one’s life when it is raining cats & dogs outside? But as they say…it happened to me! Finishing my Pooja on a Saturday morning a few weeks back, I was surprised to receive a call from a neighbor warning me of “a dog sitting right outside your door”. While I had never kept pet dogs till then I have always had a very soft corner for them. Opening the door, I find this bundle of sweetness curled up, wet, hungry, and shivering with cold outside:


My wife too has not been a pet owner, but she shares my affection for canines. We quickly got a few towels and manage to rub him dry through all his licking and hugging. We noticed that he had a limp in one of forelegs (perhaps due to the long walk from wherever he came). Since I have studied Jyotisha, I took his coming as a divine sign. After all he showed up on his own on a Saturday and just like Lord Shani who limps, he too came with a limp. Who adopted whom exactly, is thus a question that will remain unresolved.

My wife named him Coco, and like every good husband I know not to argue. “He looks like hot chocolate”, she said. And I agree. Coco’s antecedents are unknown. But given that he sought out a human house for shelter suggested that he was domesticated. Not having a collar meant that he has likely been abandoned. 

Quick visit to a doctor followed. I will recommend Dr. Aher to any other pet owners in Pune near the Baner, Aundh area. He is a young chap and clearly loves working with his patients. Since we didn’t know Coco’s vaccination status we got him vaccinated in a day or two of his arrival. Coco had a lot of ticks that were taken care of by some ayurvedic powder (helpfully provided by a fellow dog loving neighbor) and some meticulous picking by my wife. The doc suggested some de-worming pills which we gave him immediately that evening. Additionally, we are giving him calcium supplements, Vitamin A supplements, and something for his limp which appeared to be a swollen joint caused by excessive strain. There is also a liver tonic we mix with his milk.

Coco has brought a lot of joy to our lives. He is hard work, yes but it’s all worth it. No wonder dog owners live longer! Coco has seen a massive growth spurt in the last 2-3 weeks. He used to be able to squeeze out from our gate railings when came, now he cannot get his head through. The Doctor estimates that Coco is about 5 months old and will continue to grow for another 12 months. Already at a hefty 14 kilos, we expect Coco to level out at 30 kgs when fully grown. Look at him now!


We are still not sure what type of a dog he is. I know he is a local breed, generically referred to as Indi (for indigenous?) breed.  But judging by his patterns, uniform and very thick chestnut fur, black snout, tail and tips of ears, a symmetrical white patch on his chest, and his general demeanor, I suppose is some combination of an Indian Mastiff, Kombai and Gaddi.


The three pics above pics are courtesy of  (

Indian Mastiffs are a north Indian breed and are excellent guard dogs and were, quite abhorrently, used for dog fighting purposes. Kombai is a Southern breed and has a characteristic black muzzle. It is primarily a hunting dog. Gaddi is from the Himalayan region and hence the furry coat. These are also excellent hunting dogs and can stand up to even leopards. Apart from the physical markings Coco has shown remarkable strength of character in not backing down from neighborhood dogs that are larger and could probably make him their chew-toy. In fact in several cases I have had to restrain him from charging them! We keep him mostly free in our front yard but needs to be tied up for a few hours everyday for the limp to heal. After all doctor has advised bedrest.

He is mouthing though and tends to bite and roughhouse with me quite a lot. So we recently got in touch with a trainer who will start classes on Sunday. Coco will soon be going to school! How quickly they grow up.