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Friday, 5 February 2016

Is my business partner cheating me?

This was a Q asked by a friend who has been facing issues from a business partner on a project. The following chart was cast by me on the seed of 86:

As per K.P., if the Dasha lord is a significator of the houses 5/8/12 and the sublord of the Dasha lord is also a significator of the 5th house then the native can get fooled by his partner in this dasha.

The Dasha is of Ketu. Its significations are:
Position: 7,
Aspected by Ju: 1, 5 8; Su: 1 6
Conjunct with nothing
Star lord: Ju 1, 5 8
Sign lord: Sa 4, 6 7; Me 11 2 5

So Ketu does signify not just the 5th house but also the 8th house.

Ketu is posited in the sub of Venus. Venus is posited in its own star hence we will substitute its sublord Jupiter to be its star lord.

Its significations are:

Ve 5, 3 10; Ju 1, 5 8

So both conditions are satisfied for the native to be cheated.

Lets look at Bhukti lord Saturn.

Saturn: 4, 6, 7; Mercury: 5, 3 11

So the Bhukti of Saturn is very positive, i.e. it will be difficult for the native to get cheated by the partner in this Bhukti. Either the partner will not get an opportunity or then he might be caught or the amount of cheating will be negligible.

The current Antara is Venus. As seen earlier, Venus signifies 5, 3 10; Ju 1, 5 8, so again the Antara is bad for the native. This means that the partner will cheat, but native may not face a major loss due to it if he is vigilant. However due to the unfavourable Dasha, the native will have to ALWAYS remain on his toes while dealing with this person.

So why does he not break the partnership?

I examined this question, because as astrologer is not a stenographer or translator, he is an interpreter of the divine guidance is coming the way of the native. So if I would have answered a terse, "yes", to the prashna, I would have done my job but not my duty.

K.P. says that a partnership breaks if the 7th CSL is the significator of 6/ 12. If the 7th CSL is the significator of the 6th, the opposition takes the lead in breaking the partnership. If 7th CSL is the significator of the 12th, then the native himself takes the initiative in braking the partnership.

The 7th CSL here is Venus. As seen earlier, Venus signifies 5, 3 10; Ju 1, 5 8. It is not signifying either 6 or 12, hence the partnership is unlikely to break. This indicates that despite putting the native under stress, the partner has some leverage that will cause the partnership to remain. This suggests that the native should not push for a gambit where he offers the partnership as sacrifice, such a gambit would likely fail.

Now lets see the original Q from a Nadi perspective:

It shows a similar result. The Dasha lord has 5 8 in both star and planet. Bhukti lord is positive, This bhukti goes on till Oct 3, 2016, which is the saving grace as that comfortable covers the duration of the project.

But all other planets (perhaps barring Sun) are unfavorable. In fact Moon, Rahu, Jupiter contain the full combination of partner cheating (5 7 12/ 6 8 12).

So the period the native needs to be extra vigilant is: April 14th 2016 to August 10, 2016. The period between 10th June 2016 to 10th August 2016 is the key period even within this as it comes under Rahu and this time the the native' prashna chart will be under the influence of three malefics- Ketu, Saturn and Rahu.

So will the partnership be ultimately profitable for the native?

In K.P., success in partnership is determined by the 7th CSL again. Since Venus (7th CSL) strongly signifies 8 and 10 we can say that the native will profit from the project less than what is expected and the partner might profit more than what is expected.

Hence native should try to take advantage of the favourable dasha and complete the work but be prepared to take a some scale back of profit expectations at the cost of the partner benefiting more.

Also the following planets suggest combinations of 3 6 8/ 3 6 12 :Ke Su Ma Mer

Hence I would advise the native to keep complete control of the documentation and not sign a shred of paper without reading it forwards and backwards.


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