Thursday 21 May 2015

Heading to the finals of the IPL matches

IPL, or the Indian Premier League, is a unique phenomenon in Indian cricket. Without going too much into its controversies or cons, let me focus on something more important: the study of astrology.

In my earlier blog, with God's blessings, I had been able to predict the result of the last six matches of the play-offs with a virtually cent per cent success rate. The link for that write-up is below:

I see that one of the finalists has already been selected:Mumbai. The second finalist would be decided by the Chennai vs. Bangalore match to be held tomorrow. I wanted to try my hand at predicting the outcome of this match, and perhaps beyond.

I asked the queston: Will Chennai win the IPL match vs. Bangalore, to be held on May 22, 2015? The seed I gave was 108.

The following were the chart and significators:

As per traditional KP Rules:
If the 6th cuspal sublord signifies 6th and 11th house without signifying 5th and 12th house, then victory is assured. But if the 7th cuspal sublord is a significator of 5th and 12th without signifying 6th and 11th, then the opponent will win.

As can be seen from above, the 6th cuspal sublord is Mercury. Mercury signifies XI through the ownership of its sublord Moon. Mercury does not signify either of the negative houses 12th or 5th. Prima facie, this indicates a victory for Chennai.

Lets look at the 7th cuspal sublord, i.e. Rahu. Rahu is signifying I by occupation and X and XI by the occupation and ownership of its starlord Moon. Rahu is not signifying either the 12th or 5th house. Again, this suggests the victory for Chennai.

Lets look at Nadi rules:
The 6th CSL is Mercury. 6th cusp is the prime house of victory. Mercury is signifying positive houses of 10,11 at the star level, 1 10 at sub level and planet level. There is no negative combination of 6 8 12. This augurs well for Chennai.

The ongoing DBA is R-KE-ME.

Rahu signifies exactly the same houses as Mercury, and is hence positive for victory.

Ketu is signifying, 11 at planet level, 6 at star level, 10 at sub level. Hence a scattered combination of 6 10 11 exists and no negative 6 8 12 or 7 8 12 is there. Again, good for Chennai.

Mercury is positive for victory as seen earlier as cuspal sublord.

Based on this it is clear that Chennai will emerge victorious.

But lets look at this from another perspective, that of the opponent:

I asked the question: Will Bangalore win the IPL match vs. Bangalore, to be held on May 22, 2015? The seed I gave was 97.

The following are the chart and significators for Bangalore:

The 6th CSL is Saturn. Saturn is in the star or a retrograde planet (its own), that usually gives negative results. As per Page 231, Astro Secrets & Krishnamurti Paddhati by K Subramaniam, "In Horary astrology interpreted according to the rules of the Krishnamurti Paddhati, a planet deposited in the constellation of retrograde planet does not denote favourable results, while a retrograde planet deposited in the constellation of of planet direct in course will deny favourable results till it changes motion. The same rule does not hold good in respect of a radical chart (birth horoscope)."

At this point, KP is clearly indicating that Bangalore will lose.

For academic interest let us continue examining the chart further for now. Saturn is signifying the 6th house by its rashi ownership. It is not signifying the negative houses of 5 and 12.

The 7th CSL is Moon. Moon is signifying 12 by rashi ownership and not signifying any positive houses. So 6th CSL is saying Bangalore will win, 7th CSL is saying that Chennai is win. This is indeed an unclear result. (But we know the result based on KP rules)

Lets look at Nadi significations:

The 6th CSL is Saturn as seen earlier. Saturn is signifying 6 8 12, 5 8 12 and 7 8 12 at star and sub levels very clearly. There are no positive combinations of 6 10 11 or 10 11 or 6 11 either, being signified by Saturn. This signals defeat for Bangalore. Note that this is exactly as per the result of KP.

Normally I would not have examined the DBA, as DBA lords cannot offer what the primary house cuspal sublord has unequivocally denied. But just for kicks, lets examine the DBA. The relevant DBA is RA-VE-VE.

Rahu signifies 2 10  11. This is positive for Bangalore.

Venus signifies 5 8 12 at sub and star level which indicates scandal and/or struggle quite clearly.

Looking at the 6th CSL being in the star of a retrograde planet, the 6th CSL denying victory and the less than optimum significations of the DBA lords, I have to conclude that Bangalore will lose and Chennai will win the IPL match to be played on May 22, 2015.

So the final will be played between Mumbai Vs. Chennai!

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