Thursday 14 November 2019

Will Congress NCP Sena govt be formed in MH?

There is always a problem in prashna kundalis, in that only someone with skin in the game should ideally ask the question. In other words, there must be a burning desire to know the answer and not mere idle curiosity. While prashna is deadly accurate, the ones that I have got wrong, came from casual questioners. And since people generally never paid me for answering their questions, they had the luxury of asking questions without any gravity behind them.

So today, when the doubt arose in my mind as to whether Congress NCP Sena govt be formed in MH, I dont know whether it is curiosity or a burning desire. Especially coming off the success of a fantastic prediction, I dont know even if I want to do this. 

I think I am very keen to know the answer and in that spirit, and in my everyday spirit of adventure and experimentation, I decided to cast a prashna chart. 

The chart is as follows:

My significators:

Now I am going to look at a few things. First of all I need to see the 3rd CSL because the three parties in question are trying to come to an agreement on a common minimum programme. I know, I know, 3rd CSL is usually seen for things like "Will I get the contract?", but I think in essence it means multiple parties agreeing upon a document. So I am experimenting if it will work here.

Then I am going to see the 7th CSL to see if partnership is indicated.

Finally I am going to see the Dasha, Bhukti lords to see if it will happen.

The 3rd CSL is Saturn, Saturn is signifying houses 1 9 10 12, and not 11. Therefore it suggests that the parties will not agree upon any document.

Now to look at success of the partnership through 7th CSL. If 7th CSL signifies 5 or 11, then partnership is formed. If it signifies 6 or 12, then partnership breaks. If if signifies 5/8/12, then partnership is not fruitful for the partner from whose pov you are looking at the chart.

Now 7th CSL is not signifying either 5 or 11, therefore partnership may not get initiated at all. In fact 8th house signification means, Cong-NCP will cause damage to Shiv Sena without a partnership even.

Finally lets see the Dasha lord. Now if a partnership happens, alliance happens, then its going to stay for 5 years right? So we need a strongly favourable dasha lord. Dasha lord is Mars. Mars is signifying 5 8. 5th is maaraka for 6th house of winning, and 8th is the house of delays, obstacles, insults, etc.

Now it can be argued that 8th house may stand for "unearned income" also. So maybe this 8th signification means that the new alliance partners may be getting unearned income through this unholy friendship. Well for that we have to see the nature of the 8th house. 8th house CSL is Venus. Look at Venus, is it signifying 10 11? No, it is signifying 5 8. Which is again a negative combination for reputation, finances etc.

Then lets look at Bhukti. It is of Saturn. Saturn is signifyin till June 2020, and then Sun till Sept 2020. Saturn signifies 10, which is mildly positive. But can a solitary 10 give rulership of a state like MH against all odds? Especially when it is also signifying 9 (10th maaraka) and 12 (house of loss). The Bhukti after that is of Mercury from June 2020 to June 2021, this is an outright positive. But then again it is subordinate to the rule of the Dasha lord Mars, which does not even have a single 10th signification. Can Bhukti give, what Dasha lord denies? I dont think so.

As such, no matter how close you feel that a Congress NCP Sena government is to be formed, I believe it will fall apart at the last moment. Even if they come together they will fall apart on the floor of the house in a few weeks if not a 2-3 months. So dont worry.

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