Friday 12 July 2019

Will I get a job I have applied for?

Prashna asked by someone I know on whether he will get a job with the central government that he has applied for. The following are the chart details:

6th CSL is Moon and signifies the 10th house, suggesting that the question is indeed about an increase in reputation.  6th CSL signifies 5 9 as well which fits because he is looking for a change in some urgency.

It is important to see Moon's significations when looking at a prashna because it tells you that the person is actually asking the same question that he is thinking of (since Moon mind/ mati).  Interestingly the ongoing DBA is is Sa-Sa-Me, and Sa is the karaka for a job.

So, we can go ahead and examine this chart. Look at significations of Sa and Me. It signifies 5 8 9 12 at various levels. These are all houses which negate a job, or create problems in a job. 5th is Maaraka for 6th, 9th is maaraka for 10th, and 8 and 12 are generally duh-sthanas. 

In fact if you look around and see, all planets very clearly signify job negative houses of 5 8 9 12. So unfortunately, I had to tell him that he will NOT get that job. Given that I had arrived at significations using my own small twist on Krishnamurti Paddhati, I asked him to tell me if I was wrong and he heard that he DID get the job, because that will allow me to tweak my significators. But honestly, it looks difficult.

One thing that must have stood out about this stellar system is that the answer is VERY CLEAR. There is no hemming and hawing, about this being positive but that being negative. The answer as it stands is a clear NO.

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