Sunday 14 July 2019

No marriage despite favourable dasha, transits explain!

This is a natal chart that I had seen several months ago.

Note phone number in the chart is not mine, its some random number that the software shows.So dont call!

The problem is that the native is unmarried and I am trying to figure out why! Look at the significators below for the reason of my confusion:

The native was in the dasha of Ketu from 2012 to 2019. If you see Ketu it signifies 7/11 at stellar and sub levels. Then why in the space of 7 years of its dasha did he remain unmarried?!

There is only one possibility (assuming that my system is not inherently flawed) and that is this:

Ketu is a dasha of 7 years. As such antaras are fairly short, the max being up to a year or so. I addition to this, there are 4 grahas (Me Mo Ju Ra) which do not allow marriage due to non signification of 2/7/11. These four grahas account for about 1300 days out of the total dasha period of 2555 days (7*365), that is more than 50%. 

In addition, these same planets come as antaras within even bhuktis of fruitful planets, thus further reducing the period in which the favourable transits can happen.The list for that is as follows:

Therefore, of the 2555 days of this dasha, (666+1300) 1966 days completely negate marriage. This leaves only about 589 days where DBA lords agree for marriage. However, these days are spread over seven years of the dasha reducing the chances that DBA lords + Sun and Moon satisfied the condition of transiting in the Star-Sub of marriage favourble grahas. Remember the D lord Ketu is a slow moving graha and thus is unlikely to shift stars very soon. 

What is all this leading to? It is my contention then that the because of this, there never came any point in the dasha when the transits which are necessary to actually bring the event across fell into place. 

I need better software to test this though. Will try to work something out.

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