Monday 16 May 2016

Who will win in Tamil Nadu?

 I know I had said I would not check for poll results unless someone with a stake in the results asked me. But I could not resist the temptation to check for tamil nadu for the following reasons:

1) I have no qualms about either parties (ADMK or DMK) winning the polls

2) Exit polls have been inconclusive: India Today and News Nation give the lead to DMK while CVoter and VDP Associates give the lead to ADMK.

So naturally out of curiosity I cast 2 charts, first one to ask if ADMK would win and the next to ask if DMK would win. The charts are as follows:

ADMK winning?

DMK winning?

In the ADMK chart, the 6th CSL is Saturn. Saturn is posited in Mercury's star. The significations are

Sa 1, 3 4; Me 5, 8 11

In the DMK chart, the 6th CSL is Sun. Sun is posited in its own star so we will  use the sub Jupiter's significations. The significations are

Su 11, 3; Ju 3, 7 10

ADMK's 6th CSL is signifying houses 5 and 8 which suggest victory of its opposition. It is also signifying the 11th house which is positive for its winning.

However, DMK's 6th CSL is much more cleaner in suggesting a victory, though its strong signification of 10 and also signification of 11 at planet level. It is not signifying any defeat houses like 4, 5, 8 or 12.

Thus it appears that whatever confusion the pollsters and statisticians have, the charts are absolutely clear that DMK will win.

Let us look at the Nadi perspective as well. Here are thes significators:

ADMK sigs:

DMK sigs:

Ongoing significators are Su-Sa-Ma.

ADMK: Signifying 6 10 at planet and star, neutral at sub level.
DMK: Signifying 11 at planet and star and 10 at sub level, making combination of 10 11.

Sun is more positive for DMK.

ADMK: Full combination of 5 8 12, countered by a solitary 11.
DMK: 5 8 at planet level, 5 12 at sub level, but not joined as star has 11. 11 at sub level too.

Saturn is equal for both.

ADMK: 6 12 at planet and sub level, no positive houses.
DMK:  Combination of 5 8 12 countered by solitary 11.

Mars equally bad for both.

However, on the day of the results, Mars antara will be getting over and Rahu will be starting. Lets look at Rahu:

ADMK: Full combination of 6 8 12
DMK: Combination of 6 8/ 5 8 but defeated by combination of 10 11.

Net, net I believe ADMK will lose and DMK will win, albeit by a narrow margin.


  1. What a one to get wrong! And so comprehensively. I will only repeat what I always say but dont practice. I cannot do prashna on questions that dont matter to me. I have to have more than just curiosity. There has to be an emotional investment. This is a lesson learned (again). In fact if readers go through my past post, the ones I have got wrong are just these ones. Prashna is a divine help. I cannot misuse it. I humbly accept my mistake and will try harder to not let my curiosity to get the better of me again.

    1. Would a prasna from a curious reader and/or a serious political follower but not a real stake holder be considered a worthy alternative?

  2. Ideally i dont think so. But i would be willing to try.
