Tuesday 10 May 2016

Eating disorders: A preliminary research

Sitting idle one day, I decided to check if it was possible to identify eating disorders. I am trained in finance, so I honestly do not know how many sub-classifications this term ("Eating disorder") has, and how many of these sub-classifications and genuine and how many 'manufactured'.

The second problem I faced was getting birth data on people with eating disorders. So I trawled the astrodatabank to get data on Anorexia and Bulimia (the only two disorders I know of from Hollywood gossip haha).

Because I  am unsure of their birth times I am forced to rely only on planet arrangements and Nadi significators to arrive at my conclusions. 

Before cluttering this space with chart data, allow me to pen down my inferences. I would be obliged if my readers (over 100 a day), can test this on their own charts if they are indeed afflicted with any eating disorder. If they can send me accurate  birth times for themselves or anyone they know with eating disorders, I can create a database at my end for further study. Feel free to let me know of any other patters that you may have noticed! If the birth time is accurate then I can even go into the cuspal sublord levels to check. Rest assured identities will not be revealed.

Would it not be amazing if what is happening with an individual can be identified this way? Or even to figure out if one's loved one has this tendency, would it not enable parents to keep an eye on what is happening?

Please write to me at bhairaviuvacha@gmail.com with the subject "Eating disorder: <specify type of disorder>. I will need birth place (city), birth time and birth date.


1) Saturn OR Uranus either in the 10th cusp OR aspecting the 10th cusp OR aspecting the 10th lord OR conjunct with the 10th lord OR conjunct with the 10th cusp

Remember Saturn has 3 aspects - it looks at the 3rd, 7th and 10th sign from the sign it is posited in. Uranus has just the 7th aspect

Conjunction is sign level, ie. not in degrees

I found Saturn in more cases than Uranus for the above conditions

2) Ne-Ju or Ur-JU or Ne-Ve or Ur-Ve or Ju-Ve conjunction or aspect (not necessarily mutual aspect) also noticed in eating disorder cases.

Notably, both above conditions should be satisfied.

Now let us  examine some of the cases:




1) Saturn aspects 10th cusp by its 10th aspect, and even Uranus is present in the 10th cusp

2) Uranus and Jupiter has mutual aspect

1)  Saturn aspects 10th cusp by its 10th aspect, and even Uranus is present in the 10th cusp

2) Venus and Neptune are conjunct in Virgo. Notably, Ju also aspects Uranus by its 5th aspect.


1) Saturn aspects 10th cusp by its 3rd aspect. Uranus aspects 10th cusp by its 7th aspect

2) Venus and Uranus conjunct, Jupiter and Neptune also conjunct


1) Saturn aspects 10th cusp by its 10th aspect

2) Neptune is conjunct with Venus in Scorpio. Notably, Jupiter aspects Uranus by its 9th aspect


1) Saturn aspects 10th lord (Jup) by its 7th aspect. Uranus aspects 10th cusp by its 7th aspect. 

2) Uranus and Venus are conjunct in Virgo


1) Saturn aspects 10th by its 3rd apect

2) Venus conjunct with Neptune in Scorpio


1) Uranus in rapt conjunction with the 10th cusp in Libra

2) Jupiter and Venus conjunct in Aquarius


1) Uranus inside the 10th cusp, Saturn conjunct with the 10th lord (Sun) in Pisces

2) Neptune and Venus mutual aspects (7th)


1) Saturn is the 10th lord and also aspects the 10th cusp by its 7th aspect

2) Jupiter and Venus conjunct in Capricorn 

CASE 10:

1) Saturn is the 10th lord and also aspects the 10th cusp by its 7th aspect

2) Jupiter and Venus conjunct in Leo

CASE 11:

1) Saturn conjunct with the 10th cusp, Uranus inside the 10th cusp

2) Jupiter and Venus conjunct in Pisces

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