Tuesday 5 April 2016

When will I get the possession of my flat?

Real estate was long considered as a sound investment  in India. However various machinations have left this country depleted environmentally and even 'mentally' as the real estate market went crazy. I have documented my theory on the reasons of this madness in an earlier post.

Anyway, a friend of mine has bought a flat in a city around five years back and is awaiting possession. Finally after several frustrations, my friend asked me the prashna, "When will I get possession of the flat?" and the chart is given below:

When a person buys a house or constructs one the houses 4 11 12 matter as 4th is the prime cusp of property, 11th is desire fulfillment/ gain and 12th is the expense needed to make the house.

However, when one buys a ready constructed house, then in addition to the 4 11 12, we must also see the 6 and 9th house for possession. Why? Because 6th house is 12th from the 7th (the opposite party from whom we purchased) and 9th is the 3rd from the 4th cusp of the 7th (since the opposite person must lose the property for us to get it). So in the DBA of 6th and 9th, the buyer will get possession of the property.

Since the native has already paid 100%, we need to concentrate only on the 6 and 9 cusps.

Current, dasha is Jupiter, significations:
Ju 3, 6 11; Ve 5, 1 8

So Jupiter is signifying the 6th house, albeit not very strongly. As we can see from the Ruling Planets at the time of the question, Jupiter appears as the Moon Starlord, so I can consider the ongoing Dasha.

Jupiter is in the Sub of Jupiter, so I know it is signifying the 6th cusp. As such we can indeed consider the ongoing Dasha.

The ongoing Bhukti is of Mercury. Mercury signifies both 6 and 9th cusps. However it is in the Sub of Mars, which signifies 2 7 1 and 2 4 5. In fact Mars is untenanted and there are no planets even in Mars sub. So it is a VERY strong significator of the 7th cusp and as such will work in the favour of the builder and thus Mercury Bhukti will not allow possession to pass to the buyer.

The next Bhukti is of Ketu. Significations are:
Position:  5
Conjunct (Mo): 5, 10; Ju: 3 6 11
Aspect (Ju): 3 6 11; Ve: 5 1 8
Aspect (Ma): 2 7 1; Sa:  2 4 5
Aspect (Sa): 2 4 5; Me: 6 9 12
Star (Ju): 3 6 11
Sign (Sa) 2 4 5; Me 6 9 12

Ketu is in the sub of Venus which signifies the houses 1 8 5; Sa 2 4 5, again none of the houses 6 or 9 are signified here and as such the possession will not happen even in Ketu Bhukti which will go on till April 2018.

The Bhukti after that is of Venus, As seen above Venus does not signify any of the relevant houses and as such this Bhukti must also be left, which takes us to December 2020.

Looking at transits, I think the possession is possible after Jan 11, 2021, when the DBA of JU-SU-MO is going on and Sun transits Sa-Su.

This seems like an awfully long period for possession of an almost completed flat*, but that is what I am getting, and for the sake of my friend who has invested in this house, I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

* This is possible only for corporate reasons, ie builder going bankrupt and his properties getting attached or something like that. Or even if the papers of the house are not in order.

My caveat is that this is the first ever Q on "possession" that I have seen, versus "property buying Qs" that usually come my way. Let us see what transpires.

May Bhairavi give my friend, whatever is the best!


  1. This Q was asked in April when the possession had been promised for May. I just found out today that possession today, in September 2016, is no where in sight!
