Monday 8 February 2016

Medical diagnosis

This is the Prashna chart of a young lady which a friend referred to me in the context of whether she would be hospitalised and what line of treatment should she undertake.

First let us analyse what exactly is wrong with her. The prime house of illness if the 6th, and the 6th CSL will tell us what we need to know about the nature of her affliction.

The 6th CSL is Mercury. Mercury is posited in the 4th house and in a star owned by the Sun. Sun is posited in the 5th house. Notably, the 6th CSL is at 29 degrees in Sagittarius sign suggesting that this infection is in lower part of the chest (towards stomach).

The ongoing DBA is contains Rahu as the Antara lord which suggests that the doctors first diagnosis may be incorrect and additional tests must be run. This conclusion is supported by the appearance of Me as the 6th CSL and I urge the lady's family to take a second opinion w.r.t. the illness.

Mercury is in charge of lungs and the breathing mechanism in humans. It is posited in the 4th house which is also indicative of the problem being in the chest area.  

Mercury is in Sun's star. Sun is based in the 5th house, again suggesting the heart and chest area, though slightly lower than the lungs. However, I applied the heart's pumping action to Sun's karakatva to mean that there is some issue with the ability of the girl's lungs to pump as usual. This would likely result in shortness of breath and fatigue. 

Can the chart tell us more about the affliction? 

6th CSL Mercury is conjunct with Venus. I am not able to immediately associate Venus with the diagnosis I have carried out so far, except perhaps it is suggesting that the affliction has spread to the throat region. 

Me's starlord Sun is conjunct with Moon. Moon is a cool natured graha and is also in charge of the fluids in one's body. Notably, Moon is also the karaka for the breast region in case of women, this is again suggesting the chest area as seen above. This may suggest cold congestion in her chest caused by excess liquid/water/fluid secretion in the lungs. Notably, Sun is aspected by Saturn using its 3rd drushti. Saturn is prime karka for arresting the flow of things. So perhaps it is this fluid related congestion that is causing lung(s) to collapse?

In fact it is interesting to note that Jupiter aspects Mercury by its 5th drushti. Jupiter is in charge of growth so in case of diseases one can attribute it to Cancer. But in this case I interpret the growth to mean growth in fluid that may be flooding the lungs of the girl.

Jupiter is conjunct with Rahu which also aspects Mercury. Rahu again brings to question the ability of the doctor to diagnose the illness correctly the first time. While I have not read any literature, my extremely limited personal experience attributes Rahu and Ketu to viruses/ bacteria/ pathogens that cannot be seen with the eye. As such I am inclined to say the girl is has some potent infection that is causing this trouble. 

The 6th CSL posited in a fire-y sign and in the star of Sun, suggests that the girl is probably running a very high fever as well. The Dasha lord being Mars also supports the thesis of the symptoms being of an acute nature. 

What about the cure?

The Dasha lord Mars is posited in the star of Jupiter. Jupiter is posited in the 12th house which suggests that the patient must be moved to a hospital immediately. 

The Bhukti lord Rahu is also posited in the 12th house, supporting the contention that hospitalisation should happen.

However, the Antara lord Saturn is posited in the star of Mercury which signifies houses 2 and 4, preventing hospitalisation from happening. This much needed hospitalisation will be delayed till the next Antara of Mercury. 

While Me itself signifies 2 and 4, it is posited in the star of Sun that signified 5 and 12...hospitalisation will happen after 27th of February 2016, if the patient and her family members are left to their own volition. In my opinion the patient should be hospitalised immediately.

As far as the final cure is concerned, I will only put the Nadi significators and my readers should be able to glean the result if they have followed by blog for sometime:

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