Sunday 28 February 2016

Another marriage post.

Please see the chart:

The boy is 35 and still his marriage has not happened. No doubt cause for worry for his parents. This Q was asked on a social media website and I decided to examine it thinking of the pressure the guy's parents must be under.

First thing I did was to note the Ruling planets at the time I cast the chart, marking the beginning time of my examination (6.48PM):

Asc sign lord: Su
Moon stl: Ra
Moon sign:  Ve
Day: Su

Since this is a natal horoscope, I decided to check if the 7th CSL appears in the RPs, to check accuracy of the recorded birthtime. The 7th CSL is Rahu, which appears in the ruling planets, so I can proceed analysing the horoscope without rectification.

Is marriage promised? The significations of Rahu are as follows:
Position: 12
Aspected by X
Conjunct with X
Star lord (Sa): 2 7 8
Sign (Su): 2 10, Mo 12, 1

So Rahu signifies 2 and 7 from the marriage house grouping 2/7/11 so marriage is promised. When? We will now examine.

The dasha lord is Mercury: 11, 3 12; Ra: as above 1 2 7 8 10 12. Thus Dasha lord Me is signifying 2 7 11, so it is a very strong significator of marriage.

Lets say the boy has started looking for marriage around the age of 26, so from the year 2007 onwards, then we would have had the Ketu , Venus, Su, Moon and Mars Bhukti so far. Lets look at the last Bhukti that has passed, ie Ma. Mars signifies: 10, 5; Su:  2, 10. Mars is in the Sub of Rahu which is a strong significator of marriage. So technically the marriage should have been fixed then, but it has not. In such cases, Shri Shahasane advises us to select only that Bhukti that appears in the Ruling Planets. Since the current Bhukti appears in the RPs, we can stay with it. It is important to note that Rahu's sub Venus is also signifying the 11th house.

For Antaras too I decided to stick with the planets appearing in the RPs, Venus and Sun. So Marriage is likely to be fixed between 20th March 2017 to 7th October 2017.Look at the transit of the Su, the following dates would be key:

20th March to 30th March 2017
19th May to 27th May 2017 

The last key date range is 30th Aug to 15 Sept 2017

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