Saturday 30 January 2016

Words of appreciation!

These are kind words from a client of mine who had originally consulted me in November regarding his career. He had just been told that his project was coming to an end and feared losing his job in the new year. 

My prediction was that he would not lose his employment and a project would be assigned to him in February. I also told him that his Mars period was stronger than his current period and would thus translate into an even better job. I had also predicted that the next project would be at a far away place.

The gentleman wrote to me yesterday indicating that all my predictions had come correct, virtually to the date. It does feel nice to receive kind words of appreciation from strangers and a sense of having contributed even a small % to someone's courage and happiness.

I am very happy for this person and pray to God that I continue to be accurate with my predictions going forward as well. 

A screenshot of the email I received and my reply below?

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