Raj Thackeray (RT) is an impressive personality who a lot of people do not believe has gotten his due. People may accuse him of flip-flopping, and of opportunism. But these are value judgements that I do not make on the blog. And in any case, for a politician who is dependent on people's acceptance, it is neither here nor there.
A cartoonist by profession, and a graduate of JJ School of Arts by education, RT started his career with his uncle (father's elder brother) the illustrious Balasaheb Thackeray (BT). He worked closely with BT for several years and headed the student's wing of the Shiv Sena (SS) party. While it was expected that RT would succeed BT in heading the SS, BT preferred his son over RT. After a few years in the background, RT made an open declaration of withdrawing from the party around Jan-Feb 2006. After this till about 2009-10 he was active in his own political outfit (MNS) where he tried to get political footing on the locals vs. outsider issue. However, public attention seems to consistently wane till after 2011 till beginning of this year (2022), despite his impressive personality and oratory, RT's political heft was not visible.
Now this post is prompted by RT's renewed political innings on a Hindutva plank. To be fair, RT always had that plank but it had gone a bit on the background. Now with his stand for strict implementation of loudspeaker guidelines this has now come to the fore. Anyway, his volatile career and latest newsprint has interested me enough to look at his chart, and perhaps I will look at his cousin, Uddhav Thackerary's (UT) chart as well at a later date.
This chart is also important because I have derived even the complex significations. Readers will appreciate that as I learn more through the years I will implement more of what I learn and try and improve the reading.
With the caveat that the chart data has been sourced from internet sources, here is the chart. the star-sub delineation table and DBA table:

Now we come to the interesting, and slightly complex part. The calculation of significators. I have first calculated the simple significators, for all grahas,
barring Rahu and Ketu (will explain why later):
Now I underline the conditions of special significations:
1. First look at all empty houses
2. Of these empty houses, look for house/ sign lords that are:
a. untenanted, i.e. do not appear as starlord for any other planet
b. self tenanted (i.e. in own star), and do not appear as starlord for any other planet
c. Basically I am looking for such houses that are being signified by just one planet
d. for easy reference now on, lets call grahas in 2a& b above as "special untenanted grahas" or SUGs.
3. Now, for each such SUG, see which other PLANET it appears as a SUB for. Where ever it does, it will confer a strong signification of the house that it is a lord of, to that planet. So put that house in (brackets), as that house should be signified even if there is no positional strength for the SUG. So treat it like you would a house cusp that is within 1 degree of a graha. This is a point that I am checking - but this is a good placeholder for the thesis.
4. Now look at only those SUGs which DO NOT confer any special signification as per point 3 above. In other words, even after applying point 3, that empty house is being signified by just one planet, i.e. its sign lord only.
5. Only then look at which other HOUSES, these SUGs appear as sublords for. Whereever they do appear, then that HOUSE will have an EMBEDDED signification of this empty house. It is an HIDDEN/ EMBEDDED signification. So in this case, what I do is, wherever say, the 5th house has a hidden signification of say, the 2nd house, I will write 5E2. This will remind me that when a graha is signifying the 5th house, I should read it as also signifying the 2nd house.
So, what are the SUGS for RT, and how have I treated them:
And the final significations for RT look as follows:
Now it also makes sense to do the RA/KE significations after jotting down the special significations through the SUGS (as I alluded to earlier). Since RA/KE only get significations through other grahas, it helps to first finalise the sigs of these other grahas, and only then apply them to the nodes.
We can now begin to understand RTs career based on the final significators, and his DBA cycle:
First let us see which grahas are positive for career.
Sun - Positive, because it has strong signification of the 6th and 10th house, weak signification of 11th, and no real negative signification.
Moon - Negative for career. Primarily gives signification of 3 and 12, with results of 6 12. This shows travel, and also possibility of being backstabbed/ conned.
Mars - Mildly positive, but less than Sun. Signification of 6 10, no signification of 11 (not even weakly).
Mercury - Negative for career. 6 12, no 10. Weak 8 as well making it a bad 6 8 12 combination. Weak 11 not enough to counter.
Jupiter - Very positive for career. 2 6 10 11, full combination.
Venus - Negative for career. 6 12.
Saturn - Neutral for career. No 6 12. Solitary 8 not very harmful. Plus it has embedded 2nd house in 8th. 7 8 is aggression. But nothing bad, and nothing great for career.
Rahu - Positive for career. Strong signification of 10 11, countered by 6 8 12, but 10 11 wins vs. 8 12. Just shows struggle before victory, so the win is that much more sweeter. The type of results is 3 and 12. Suggests that reputation and gain will come from travel (3 12), communication/ writing/ drawing (3), and can even suggest a loss through 12. But I dont see that much of a problem, because the 12 CSL Ketu is signifying 10 11 (10 strongly and 11 weakly).
Ketu - Positive for career. You can see the significators and judge for yourself.
With the above in mind, we can chart the reasons for the ups and downs of RT's career. Based on net searches, I see that RT came into prominence in the year 1990 when he was around 22 years old. This was in his dasha of Rahu. As seen above, the dasha was basically supportive of his career. Especially the 10th house of reputation. He was in the Bhuktis of Ve, Su, Mo, Ma. Even thoug Bhuktis are mixed for career, the strong dasha helped him gain popularity. The prevalence of 4/9 and 11 in his chart helped him gain support from a lot of people.
The next dasha was of Jupiter (July 1995 till July 2011) which is the most positive graha in his chart. RT rose to prominence and was considered by many as the political heir to Balasaheb's legacy. However, this was not to be and in Jan 2006 he broke away from SS to form MNS. Note the break off was also in the bhukti of Venus. But because the dasha lord was supportive of career he was able to create and entire new political organization and even gain a lot of traction in some local elections that were happening.
However, in July 2011 the dasha of Saturn began which is neutral for career. So RT still has the party, and he is still in charge and enjoys support from his people, but his heft in Indian politics lost its sheen. but late in 2021 and continuing into 2022 we see his star rising again. And this is primarily because of the Bhukti of Sun. Sun is postive for political career as seen earlier. And since the dasha lord doesnt really oppose, he is doing well. Sun bhukti will continue till June 2022. It will be followed by Moon, Mars, Rahu. Jupiter. Moon will continue till Jan 2024, and is likely to see RTs career under some stress again. But then from Jan 2024 to end of the dasha we have positive grahas for career and RT should see his star rise fast again. This is why I expect RT to play an important role in MH assembly elections.
But I am unable to see longevity of the political career, as the next Dasha of Mercury which will last from July 2030 to July 2047 is quite detrimental to career generally speaking.
So to summarize, RT's career is closely following the conditions set by the grahas so far. He will be a meaningful force in the period 2024-2030. But career beyond that will be difficult, as it lacks planetary support in my opinion.