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Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Lost person will he be found?

There is a person who has been missing from an area in Mumbai over the past day at least. There has been a frantic social media campaign on searching for him. I looked at a self generated prashna chart to check if I can predict the fate of this person. The chart has been rotated by 9th house since I do not know this person. The chart and significators (nadi, and my own) are given below:

The first thing I checked is the Asc CSL, to see how the self/ body of the person in question is doing. Asc CSL is Rahu. Let us look at Rahu's significations above.

Rahu signifies 2 1 6 8 (depression), complete moksha trigon (4 8 12), general misfortune combination of 6 8 12. Note Rahu is also the graha that confuses, it is possible that this person was confused at the time of going missing. 

Rahu's only saving grace is that it also signifies 5 10 11. Will that be enough? I looked at my own significators next to identify the strongest significations. Below:

Here is becomes clear that Rahu is not signifying the positives. Because even though it does signify 10 11 in the source levels, the result grahas it signifies only 1 2 7 12 of which 1 12 is self loss, and 2 7 are the maraka sthans. In fact in the strong significations, only the maraka sthans of 2 and 7 are signified in the results section. The source grahas also include the 9th house which is the badhaka sthan for this chart given that the chart has a sthira ascendant. Overall the Ascendant is not showing me positive signs.

Lets now look at DBA. The ongoing DBA is Ve-Sa-Me. 

As per my significators Venus strongly signifies 3 and 9. Both the houses are houses for staying away from ones house. Thus the dasha itself is denying this person from coming back home. However news about the person will definitely be received (Venus has 3 + 11).

Bhukti of Saturn is also not encouraging. Note, Saturn is the only graha that can give death. It is also signifying 1 + 12 + maraka (2 7) + badhaka (9) + 8th house of accident

With sincere hope that my analysis is incorrect and the person is in fact found hale and hearty, I think we will hear about his whereabouts between 21 to 25th March, either when Moon transits Rahu or Mercury star.