To analyse one's failures is important, and this is another one such. Not by a way of an excuse but this does highlight the limitations of core Nadi systems.
The native was of an advanced age but marriage had not materialised. The person is (and also was when I had examined the chart) in the dasha of Rahu. Look at the Nadi significators:
Now look at Rahu. Apart from a sole 11 at the planet level, it signifies 6 and 10 at the more powerful sub and star lord levels. Following the Nadi system, there is no way I would have said this dasha which ran from 2008 (to 2026) is good for marriage.
Then comes the more interesting part. Using the Sublord speaks/ Hasbe type of significations to identify strong and weak significations, we see tat Rahu is neither untenanted, nor its own star or sub. It means it lacks the strength to signify any house.
Rahu is in the star Jyestha, owned by Mercury, Mercury signifies 9th house where it is posited. It owns the 6th house that isnt empty, so only feebly signifies the 6th house.
Rahu is in the sub of Venus. Venus is in PurvaPhalguni, its own star. So it can signify the house that it is in 8th, and the 10th house that it owns via sign lordship. It feebly signifies the other house it owns (5th) because 5th has Ketu posited in it.
So Rahu signifies 9th at stellar level, and 8th and 10th at sub level. Now, without signifying 2/7/11 houses, how did it manage to bring about marriage in the Rahu dasha (albeit delayed to 2018)?!
This question kept me up the night! Now I see two possibilities.
1) Rahu is extremely close (within 3.20 degrees) of the 11th cusp. As we know cusps are the most sensitive points of the chart and one can conclude that Rahu has got the signification of the 11th house, despite it having no stellar strength. I.e. if God placed a planet so close to a sensitive point then he wanted to to have that signification :))
2) Rahu aspects the 3rd house and 7th house, and both 3rd and 7th are empty. Thus Rahu gets the significations of both 3rd and 7th, of which 7th is a marriage-positive house. Again, this is DESPITE Rahu NOT having stellar strength.
Possibility 1 is close to Gondhalekar's four step method, while Possibility 2 is closer to the core KP method of taking aspects. (which oddly sublord speaks/ Hasbe do NOT consider aspects).
I do not have enough data to conclude on this at this point, but I will make this note to ensure that I will examine aspects and proximity to a cusp to check the significations, whether or not the planet has stellar strength.
It is worth mentioning that the irony that a planet which lacks strength being unable to signify the house it is sitting in, but still being able to signify a house that it is close to, or simply aspecting, it not lost on me. But hey!
Now why Ketu Bhukti. Ketu has stellar strength as not only is it untenanted but it also falls on own sub. So Ketu signifies the 5th house. Notably Ketu is very close to the 5th house cusp, so it would anyway signify the 5th house whether it had stellar strength or not (as discussed above).
Ketu is in Venus sign, so it will take on all the significations of Venus. As per Sublord Speaks, Ketu will take on significations of Venus at all four levels.
So lets look at Venus. Venus is on own star, so it will signify 8th house of position. It owns 5th and 10th, of which 5th is occupied, so it will signify 10th. Venus is in sub of Ketu, so again the 5th signification. Ketu is in the star of Moon. Moon is in 12th and owns the 7th. 7th is empty, so Moon will signify 12th and 7th.
So Venus signifies 7 8 10 12, and thus Ketu signifies 7th at planet level strongly.
Ketu is in the star of Moon which signifies 7 and 12.
Ketu in the sub of Ketu so again 5 7 8 10 12 (between Ketu and Venus).
And again Moon as the star lord of the sublord signifies 7 and 12.
So Ketu signifies 7th house VERY strongly at both the stellar and sub levels.
The key points here are (and subject to continuous verification):
1) Can a planet (tenanted or untenanted) signify (occupied/unoccupied) cusps due to proximity
2) Can a planet (tenanted or untenanted) signify empty houses by aspects
3) A node signifies all the houses that are signified (at all 4 levels) by the planet it represents