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Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Is the Coffee king alive?

A entrepreneur went missing today after leaving a note that suggests he could have escaped or committed suicide. I decided to examine the matter using a prashna chart:

Since I do not know this person, I have rotated the chart to make the 9th house as the Ascendant. Let us first look at Nadi significators:

The ongoing DBA is Ju-Ve-Su, and the B-A lords clearly signify 6 8 12. In fact the entire chart shows that 6 8 12 and 4 6 8 12 dominate indicating that that answer is negative, ie the coffee king is sadly no more.

I next use my own significators to examine the question:

The D lord Jupiter is signifying the 1 3 6 4 7 houses. Of these 4th house is from the moksha trigon of 4-8-12. 7th is the badhaka and maraka sthan.The results of even positive houses of 1 and 3 are being diverted by 4 7 8 in the sub significations.

The B lord Venus is signifying similar houses but it is even more negative at the stellar level signifying 1 4 7 8 at both stellar and sub levels.

The A lord Sun is also similarly negative.

On balance I have to say it does not look good. 

All three DBA planets are in watery signs, and I expect him to be found in a similar space, a fresh water (cancer) guttery (Scorpio) place. 

Monday, 29 July 2019

Will this person divorce?!

This is an odd question. But there is a married person who is seeing a friend of mine. The married person has 'promised' to divorce current spouse soon. I being worried about my friend wondered if this divorce would actually happen, or is it a lie.

First lets analyse this person's personality. Asc CSL is Mars, Mars is posited in the star of Sun. Sun is placed in Pisces. Pisces is by nature a cowardly sign among the zodiac, and such people avoid confrontations. Also it is a sensitive sign, and what they will consider an insult is a mystery (same for Cancer and Scorpio, but they react in a different way).

There is Moon in the Ascendant, so the nature is very sensitive. Coupled with the nature of Pisces, this makes the person super sensitive, and indeed this person is unable to handle even the slightest criticism. 

I find Nadi significators better when gauging nature, so lets put them up here:

There are various combinations of 2 1 6 8/ 2 1 6 12/ 2 1 8 12 as can be seen from the yellow highlights. This is a classic sign of depressive tendencies. And this person is indeed quite volatile in this department. 

Jupiter/ Moon conjunct with Venus or Ju/Mo aspecting Venus gives rise to brand conscious personalities. People who like to show off. In the above chart you can see Ju has aspected Venus. 

Saturn in the second house signifying 6 8 12/ 8 12/ 6 8/ 6 12 makes one prone to lie.  This person also has demonstrated this ability several times, in outright lying or twisting of the truth with no real guilt.

Now let us look at my significators for their predictive ability.

The 7th CSL is Rahu, in the star of Moon. Neither have any connection with Jupiter or Mercury or any dual sign. But as we have seen in the last blog this does not mean that a divorce will not happen. Rahu signifies 7 which is pro marriage and 1 12 which are anti marriage. Rahu also signifies 3, (but no connection to Ju/Me).

So 7th CSL does not negate the chances for divorce. So I turned my attention to the dasha. The person got married in the Mercury dasha, which as one can see has no marriage positive houses. But the person was in a relationship from the end of  Saturn dasha - Jupiter Bhukti which strongly signifies 2/7/11 at stellar levels.  

One can believe that this persons Mercury dasha was not ideal for married life, though it did produce two children. The person also had affairs during this time (Me shows multiplicity and signifies 4 + 5 8 which is hidden affairs), which resulted in married life being strained. 

But despite such heavy opposition to marriage, divorce DID NOT happen.

Now look at current dasha of Ketu. Ketu strongly signifies 2nd house of family, and also 6th house (of divorce). But 2nd house is stronger, and it receives support from 7 11 from the sub. A lone 10 at sub level may not be enough to bring the divorce about. Though Ketu is a separative, my expectation is that the person will not actually divorce current spouse. 

The remaining Bhuktis are of Sa and Me. Sa is marriage positive with 2 and 7 signified at stellar and sub levels. There is a chance of divorce happening when Me Bhukti comes between 4 june 2020 to 1 june 2021. But my moot question is that if Me was unable to bring about divorce when it was dasha lord, why would it be able to do so as a Bhukti under a marriage positive Dasha?! Chances are slim, at best.

Lets look at the next dasha, Venus. Venus signifies absolutely no marriage negative houses at the stellar levels. It signifies 7 11 at sub levels. Leading me to think that this person will not actually pull the trigger, and my friend is being intentionally or unintentionally misled.

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Documenting divorces 1

I decided to use my significators to check if I can try to see how the marriage will be or will result in divorce.

There have been quite a few cases in my personal knowledge, and I will document them below and see if a pattern.

Lets take up the first chart:

The 7th CSL is Mercury (signifying multiplicity/ duality), Me is in star of Ketu. Me is posited in Dhanu, a dual, fire, dharma, male,semi fruitful sign. Ketu posited in Aquarius a fixed, air, kaama sign, male, barren sign.

Notably, Shahasane says that 7th CSL must somehow be related to Me/ Ju and signify the 3rd house for legal separation to happen.Basically some amount of duality/ multiplicity must be introduced to the 7th cuspal sublord.

Lets look at Me in the above chart. It is signifying 11 (marriage favorable) and 6 10 12 (unfavorable) houses at the stellar level. So straight off we know that both results will be given.

Notably the 3rd house is not signified, and here is where I differ from Shahasane ji. He sees 3rd as the sole cusp of deciding documentary matters, but I propose that we can even consider the 10th cusp as the a substitute given that it stands for government authority (and it is govt authority that grants a divorce isnt it?!)

So 'how' will the results of the marriage favorable house be diverted? Look at sub sigs of Me. 1 6 8 10 11. 1 8 (fights), 6 10 (litigation/ govt interference/ court), but marriage will sustain for sometime (it lasted for about 10-11 years) due to the 11th signification.  

The divorce same through in the DBA of Ju-Sa-Ju. Ju dasha started in early 2015 and thats when the problems between the spouses began. In fact due to circumstances beyond the control of the couple, they had to live separately since then. 

Look at Jupiter. It has no strong signification of 2/7/11 at star level at all. It does weakly signify 2 and 7, but strong significations are needed for a marriage to sustain. It signifies 6 10 (litigation/ official process) at stellar level, which will result in documentation (3rd sig at sub level) and sub sig of 1 which is the maraka of family house 2. 

Look at Bhukti of Sa. Not only is Sa a separative planet (RA/KE/SA/SU being the separative planets) it signifies 6 8 10 at the sub level again indicating the end of the marriage.

On the date of the divorce decree the transit position was as follows:
Ju in Scorpio-Me-Ve
Sa in Sagi-Ve-Sa
Su in  Cance-Sa-Ke
Mo in Aries-Ke-Sa

Now lets look at the chart of the spouse of the above person:

7th CSL is Saturn and it is in its own star and sub. In such cases Shahasane says one should consider the sub-sub as its star lord. Now I feel this doesnt make sense. We cannot question the divine will which placed a planet in the unlikely position of being in its own star and in its on sub in that star. So in this case, Shahasane's condition that the 7th csl must have connection to a duality is not being fulfilled

Lets look at what 7th CSL is saying, it is giving results of 7 11 and 6 12, so equally balanced between pro marriage and anti marriage. It is also signifying 3rd cusp. Notably, it is giving results of 3 9 12 along with 7th, and indeed the family lived abroad almost since marriage and the break happened once the family returned to India. it appears that the 12th house was being utilised for being abroad and when in India it began to act as opposition of marriage.

Notably, the value addition of my strong significators versus traditional Nadi significators is becoming clear now. The original significations are extraordinarily strong for marriage with no negative houses. But the strong significators show that all is not well, and they better reflect reality.

Now results will be delivered by DBA. The relevant DBA was Ra-Ve-Ve.  Notably Ra is a separative planet. Ve is in a dual sign, and in rapt conjunction with Mercury. So does this satisfy the duality condition?!

The sub lord of Rahu is clearly showing that the outcome of the houses in its stellar signification is in the form of the 4th and 10th house. 10th house which goes towards litigation and authority figures. If you note the Venus sigs you will see that Venus does not signify 2/7/11 strongly at all. This is remarkably similar to the condition of the spouses' chart discussed earlier. 

For this person, the marriage started and ended in the Rahu dasha itself. And Rahu is saying that in its sub level significations. Its stellar says thats results of 7 will be available, but they will be in the nature of 10th house (in sub). As per usual stellar astrology, I would have predicted that marriage will not happen at all! But stellar sig means it will happen, and it will happen in the way shown by the sub.

Now why did the divorce not happen in the bhuktis of Ra, Ju, Sa, Me, Ke.  Look at the stellar level significations of all these grahas. Ra and Sa signifies 2/7/11 at the stellar levels. So marriage sustained. In Ju, there is no stellar signification of 2/7/11 at the strong level, but there is no opposition either, ie no marriage negative houses (1/6/10) are signified. In fact there is  weak signification of 2 (you can see in the Nadi column). As such the marriage survived then as well. In Me, the stellar significations of 2/7/11 ceased AND negative 10th was signified. Interestingly Me bhukti started around August 2015, which roughly coincides with the marriage negative Ju dasha of the spouse in the earlier chart which began in Feb 2015 and problems and separation began. Isnt it fascinating how the bad marriage period for both spouses approximately coincided.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

New avenue of research, no marriage at all

This is a gentleman I know who never married in his life, he is nearly 65 year old currently. I want to see how my new way of looking at the role of stellar and sub significations fits in with this person's life. Ill put charts and significators first.

First, lets check the 7th CSL. It does signify 11th (from the 2/7/11 marriage positive houses) and therefore marriage is not denied to the person.  It must be noted however that Rahu is strongly signifying 1 6 10 as well at the stellar level which are marriage denying houses. But as per my ongoing research, the results of 11 will also be given.

As luck would have it, this gentleman reached the marriageable age during the Rahu dasha. So we have to see if Rahu allows marriage. Rahu is giving results of 11th, which means there is gain. But gain of what? That will be shown by the sub level significations. At the sub level significations we see that there is no 2/7/11, but infact has marriage negating houses of 6 10. Now normally, under the traditional rules of stellar jyotisha, I would say, "see this explains why no marriage, as Sublord decides". But my new thesis (under research) says that sublord does NOT decide, he only re-directs. 

Lets examine this in detail. Native till get the 11th house results during Rahu dasha, ie he will gain. Now "gain" is a generic term. Now I believe that since marriage has to be signified, there must be signification of the 7th house. Now note, this is slightly different from the first case I examined under new avenues. In that case 7th was signified at the stellar level, so there was no doubt that the results of the 7th house were being delivered. But in this case, we have 11th, so we need an explicit 7 signification.

Now we know marriage is always going to be a problem area for this person. The 7th CSL signifies 1 6 10 along with 11 so there is always going to be discord or delay or some such issue. Now the sublord signifies 5 6 8 9 10 houses. Their cuspal sublords are as follows: Ju Ve Ve Ju Ke, so we have to examine Ju Ve and Ke.

Now Ju, Ve, and Ke HAVE to signify 7th house through their STELLAR SIGNIFICATIONS, and only then can we say that 11th will cause gain of spouse after much difficulties (6 10). Now look at the significations in the table above. Ve and Ke has outright 1 6 10 and no 7. Ju has 2 11, but not 7. So gain of spouse is NOT signified in this dasha. So marriage did not happen till end of Rahu dasha till the native was 32 years old.

Then the Jupiter dasha started. He is getting results of 2 and 11. and the results are of the type 4 5 11 (sub significations). Now what are the CSLs of 4 5 and 11? they are Ve and Ju. Ve as we have seen has 1 6 10 and no 7 in its stellar significations, while Ju has only 2 11 and again, no 7. Therefore we cannot say that this gain (11) and addition to family (2) is in the form of a spouse. The native remained unmarried till the age of 48, after which he stopped looking for a spouse (he had infact stopped  several years earlier).

I will need to test this on several charts to check if its working though. This blog series is part of those experiments. 

New avenue for research (child birth)

Continuing on from my previous blog, let us see how (if at all) we can apply my revised understanding of the SUB's role in child birth.

This is the chart of friend who has been trying to get pregnant, but has been unsuccessful so far. Let us examine the reasons. 

Note the 5th CSL is Saturn and it signifies 2 5 9 11, the full combination at the stellar level. So child birth is not denied. 

She and her husband began trying for a child around September 2014. That was in the DB of Su-Ve. Sun shows 5 11 at the stellar level, but Venus does not. Hence during the period of roughly a year, the pregnancy did not happen.

Now Moon Dasha has started. Notably, the thrust of the pregnancy attempts was using medical intervention. Lets see if the Dasha indicates this. Both Sun and Moon show 2/5/9/11 at the stellar level, but show 6 7 at the sub level.

Now as per traditional rules of stellar astrology, child birth will not happen in this period. But based on my experimental system, we have to see the CSL's of 6th and 7th, which are Moon and Jupiter respectively, and then see their significations. Both Moon and Jupiter signify the 2/5/11 houses at the stellar levels. So I will say that child birth is not denied, but the results will be in the nature of 6 and 7.

6th is the sthan for disease. It is also the vyayasthana for 7th house (of husband). Indeed it is the case that there is some issue with the husband's semen that is causing the delay in the pregnancy. The 7th house is also signified, 7th stands for husband or partner, and sperm as well, it also stands for contracts with other parties. 

Now how do I interpret this? That medical help will be required for impregnation. And will husband's semen not work and a donor will be needed. (6th is husband's loss).

Anyway, the period I think this will be done best is ongoing Bhukti of Jupiter, which strongly signifies 5 11 at stellar and sub levels. Jupiter is also the natural karaka of child birth.  Jupiter bhukti will run till Nov 11, 2019. Of these Moon, Mars, and Rahu antara are pending. Of these Moon is the best antara (till Aug 2 2019), then Mars (till Aug 30) and then Rahu. While Rahu does not deny the event, it signifies the 9th house by aspect of its starlord hence weakest among the three. But I hope that a strong bhukti will carry this pregnancy through.

Based on how the pregnancy happens, I will be able to refine my interpretation. But at least I cannot reject it completely due to non support at sub level as I would have done traditionally. 

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

New avenue of research (using a marriage example)

I came across this chart recently. I had made several correct predictions for this person earlier using my Nadi knowledge. But some interesting facets came out when I applied my strong significations methodology here that may suggest a new avenue for research on the role of the sub. I will put up 

I have given the Nadi significators under the heading "All" and my strong significators under the heading "Strong".

I will give the cuspal sublords as a separate table for ease of reference below:

Now the interesting bit.This native got married in the Ra-Ra period (it was a love marriage), and is now getting divorced in the Ra-Ve period. Ie for married in 2008 and getting divorced in 2019. 

Look at Rahu. As per traditional understanding of stellar theory, this native should NEVER have gotten married at all, isnt it? While there is a strong signification of 7 at the stellar level, the sublord completely negates marriage by showing 4 10 at strong levels. 10 is a marriage negative house belonging to the 1 6 10 grouping. 

So I thought, if this person would have asked me, "When will I get married?" just before the Rahu dasha started, I would have said clearly, "not for the next 18 years" (Rahu dasha length). (oddly, the Nadi system does not negate the marriage, but hints at its weakness). My system would say its a clear no, and I would have been wrong.

This led me to question the foundations of how we view KP astrology. It is repeatedly hammered into our brains that the Sub lord is most powerful, SUB decides, SUB speaks, etc. etc.

But in reality, I feel (and what KSK also says in some of his earliest works, if i recall correctly), that the SUB diverts results. In other words, neither is the sub more or less important than the stellar signification, but both are playing different roles.

Now Rahu is saying 7th house result will come. How will it come? through 4 and 10. For us 10 is relevant because it is this that is negating the possibility of marriage under the traditional understanding. 

Now I propose, that we need to see the CONTENTS of the 10th cusp, by examining the 10th CSL's stellar significations. We can see the 10th CSL is Ketu, which is in the star of Jupiter, and they signify 7th cusp very strongly. (Interestingly the 4th CSL is also Ketu, so do not want to repeat it here)

So the way I will interpret the Rahu dasha is this. 7th house results will come (as long as the 7th CSL signifies 2/7/11 at its stellar level, then marriage will happen). But the quality of the results will be bad since, the primary result is that of the 10th house which is a marriage negative house. In addition, one more thing that is noteworthy is that 10th house also shows government, official seal, etc. and hence suggests that divorce would happen.

This also explains the conundrum. Lets say a beggar has 10 11 in his chart. and Bill Gates has 10 11 in his chart. Now 10 11 for a beggar may mean getting Rs100, while 10 11 for Bill Gates would mean getting US$1bn. The quality of 10 11 will be gauged from the cuspal sublord of 10 11 and thus the contents there of.

So when would it have been a no marriage? When the Dasha lord had not signified 2/7/11 at its stellar level. Because a sub lord cannot give what is not promised, it can only show the quality of it.

Now look at Venus (the bhukti in which the divorce will happen). Note that Venus bhukti just started in March and matter precipitated immediately thereafter. Venus signifies 4 10 at the stellar level. Now here I propose, that we do not examine the 'contents' of the 4th and 10th house. Because stellar significations role is to only point us to what house to look at, not the quality or nature of those houses.  

There is another person's chart re child birth that I would like to study using the above insights and see if it its. Thats another blog post though. But this would indeed be a more detailed way to look at a chart, ie instead of looking at blanket denial, a more nuanced approach. Its validity will be proven only over a period of time as we apply it to more charts.

Monday, 15 July 2019

When will my land be sold?

A friend has some ancestral land on the edge of Mumbai that is on the market. They have been trying to sell it for quite some while and finally today I was asked a prashna.

The following is the chart and my significators:

Moon signifies houses 3 and 5 which is from the sale of property house group of 3 5 10. So question can be examined. Interestingly, the RPs contain Mars which is a primary karaka for land and property.

Some more interesting things. Since property is seen from the 4th cusp, look at the 4th CSL. It is Jupiter and in the Star of Me. Jupiter is a large planet and it is a large piece of land (>40 acres) that is to be sold. Jupiter is in the sign Scorpio that represents dirty, brackish water. The property is actually a marsh land, and underwater with mangroves on it.

The 10th CSL is Jupiter again, and it is in the star of a retrograde Mercury. Normally I would conclude that this property would never be sold, but because there are multiple planets in the star  of retrograde planets, we have to relax this rule and continue examining the chart.

Now I have to select the Antara. There are three antaras left in this Bhukti, Rahu, Jupiter, and Saturn.

The ongoing dasha is of Ketu. Ketu signifies 3/5 at the stellar level and 3 at the sub level. Indicating that property sale is possible. The 8 12 suggests that the sale will happen at a price that is much below the market rate (which fits given the situation of the land). 

In fact if you see almost every planet has 3/5/10 at stellar and sublevels. Indicating that property sale is imminent. The presence of 2/4/11 I interpreted as they will have to work hard to sell the property and its not going to be smooth.

The ongoing Bhukti is Mercury. Mercury is a fast moving planet and along with Moon appears in the RPs again support my confidence that the much delayed land sale will happen soon. Mercury too has 3 in stellar and 5 at sub levels.I selected the Jupiter antara for two reasons:
1) Ju appears in Ruling Planets, while Ra and Saturn do not, and
2) Jupiter is the only planet that is signifying the 10th house (at sub level). Otherwise only 3/5 houses out of 3 5 10 were represented by Dasha and Bhukti.

So my surmise is that the property sale will happen Aug 18, 2019 to Oct 4, 2019.

Lets see how it goes!

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Ruling Planets, experiment: When will Chandrayaan 2 be launched

The launch of Chandryaan 2 was postponed at the last moment today (literally in the last hour). Better safe than sorry I always say! But it is natural that I got curious as to when the chandrayaan would be launched again. So again I decided to experiment with Ruling Planets.

This is the chart at the time of the prashna arising in my mind:

As one can see, of the ruling planets, all except Venus and Ketu are in the star of a retrograde planet. Therefore these must be discarded. I need to now look for alternates:
1) conjunct with existing RPs
2) aspecting lagna at RP time chart
3) In the lagna the the RP time chart.

RP lagna is empty and also doesnt receive aspects, so conditions 2 and 3 above are useless.

Of the existing RPs, Sun and Jupiter and not conjunct with anyone. Ke is conjunct with Saturn, and Mars is conjunct with Mercury. But both Saturn and Mercury are in the star of a retrograde planet. Therefore they cannot be considered. 

Venus is conjunct with Rahu and Rahu is in the star of Jupiter who is direct, and thus can be used.

So final RPs are Ke, Ve, Ra. 

Since the event is expected to occur in a months time (they have not announced it yet), I will have to see the transit of the Moon. Moon should transit Ve-Ra-Ke or Ve-Ke-Ra for the event to happen.

Venus owns two signs: Taurus and Libra. Taurus has no nakshatra owned by Ra or Ke and so that must be ignored. 

Libra has the nakshatra owned by Rahu. So Moon passing through Libra sign, Rahu star, and Ketu sub will indicate the date on which this event will happen.

This happens on August 7, 2019, and this is when Chandrayaan 2 will be launched!

Well I got this wrong.

The launch happened at 11:13:50 Munich time on July 22, 2019, when Moon was in Pisces (Ju sign), Saturn Nakshatra, Mercury sub, and Rahu sub-sub.

Oddly, these above grahas all appeared in the Ruling planets, but I had discarded them due to them being in star of retro planets. SHOULD THE RETRO RULE BE RE-EXAMINED? I will work out more example.

Other info:
Asc was in Virgo (Me), Mars Star, Saturn sub, and Saturn sub sub.

Sun was in Mo-Sa-Sa.

No marriage despite favourable dasha, transits explain!

This is a natal chart that I had seen several months ago.

Note phone number in the chart is not mine, its some random number that the software shows.So dont call!

The problem is that the native is unmarried and I am trying to figure out why! Look at the significators below for the reason of my confusion:

The native was in the dasha of Ketu from 2012 to 2019. If you see Ketu it signifies 7/11 at stellar and sub levels. Then why in the space of 7 years of its dasha did he remain unmarried?!

There is only one possibility (assuming that my system is not inherently flawed) and that is this:

Ketu is a dasha of 7 years. As such antaras are fairly short, the max being up to a year or so. I addition to this, there are 4 grahas (Me Mo Ju Ra) which do not allow marriage due to non signification of 2/7/11. These four grahas account for about 1300 days out of the total dasha period of 2555 days (7*365), that is more than 50%. 

In addition, these same planets come as antaras within even bhuktis of fruitful planets, thus further reducing the period in which the favourable transits can happen.The list for that is as follows:

Therefore, of the 2555 days of this dasha, (666+1300) 1966 days completely negate marriage. This leaves only about 589 days where DBA lords agree for marriage. However, these days are spread over seven years of the dasha reducing the chances that DBA lords + Sun and Moon satisfied the condition of transiting in the Star-Sub of marriage favourble grahas. Remember the D lord Ketu is a slow moving graha and thus is unlikely to shift stars very soon. 

What is all this leading to? It is my contention then that the because of this, there never came any point in the dasha when the transits which are necessary to actually bring the event across fell into place. 

I need better software to test this though. Will try to work something out.

Saturday, 13 July 2019

When will I get married? A mistake re-analysed.

I  had analysed a prashna chart 3 years ago and while I predicted marriage, it never came to pass. This has bothered me for some time, and now that I've managed to come up with my own small twist on KP significations, I decided to test whether the new method of deriving significations explains my mistake or not. The chart and the Nadi significators that I used are put below:

A look at the Nadi significators will make it clear why my date calculation went incorrect. They are peppered with 2 7 11/ 1 6 10 12s and this made it difficult to pinpoint the date. In such cases, identifying the strong significators and separating them from the weak ones makes a huge difference. My significators are as follows:

First step is to see the 7th CSL, which is Mercury in this case. Me signifies 12 7 6 at both star and sub levels making it clear that wedding is not denied to the person (thanks to the 7th sig), but it will not be easy going, and delays and perhaps many last minute discomforts in the marriage are possible (6th and 12th signification). The 12th signification suggests that the person may move far away from residence post wedding as well.

The ongoing Dasha is Rahu. Rahu signifies the 7th house through the 7th aspect of Venus (which is in its own sign). THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL POINT. Because Venus is signifying marriage denial houses 1 and 6, and the marriage positive 7th only by aspect. But I surmise that the fact that 7th house is empty and Venus is in own star means it signifies 7th strongly enough. The presence of Venus in the Ruling Planets (as Moon sign lord) is reassuring as well. So this again suggests that marriage not denied, but its going to be a bumpy ride till the end!

Now why did the marriage not happen so far? The Bhuktis after the Q was asked were of Sun and Moon. Look at Sun, it signifies marriage negative 6 -12 at the stellar level and no 2/7/11, so marriage was not possible till Sept 1, 2017. 

Then look at Moon bhukti. Moon signifies 2/7/11 at the stellar level, but only marriage negative 6 - 12 at the sub level thus again denying marriage. So marriage was not possible till March 3, 2019.

Now the person is in Mars bhukti, which signifies 2-11 at stellar and 7 at sub levels making it plausible for marriage to happen in thus bhukti.

Why did marriage not happen in the antaras of Mars and Rahu then? There could be three reasons, 1) The presence of Saturn in the RPs suggest that there will be a delay. and/ or 2) The Asc is in a ubhaya rashi (Dhanu) which also suggests a delay, and/or 3) The transits did not fit.

I will need more data to conclude on point 1 and point 2. I do not have the time to verify point 3. 

Then there was the Jupiter antara from May 21, 2019 to July 12, 2019 (yesterday). Jupiter has no 2/7/11 at the stellar level and thus marriage was not possible then. Now there are antaras of Sa, Me, Ke, Ve, so marriage is possible during the period of July 12 2019 to Jan 29, 2020.

I tried to pinpoint the date by using transits. 


The D-B is is Ra-Ma. Always move the slowest moving planets, and then the faster moving ones, to ensure that they are in a favourable star-sub during the period delineated by the DBA period of favourable planets. I also exclude any period when the DBA graha is in a favourable star-sub BUT is retrograde. I am just trying to be conservative.

The following planets are favourable, ie have a 2/7/11 signification at stellar and sub levels: Ma Me Ve Sa Ra Ke 

Ideally even planets with 2/7/11 signification at stellar levels should qualify as long as the sub is of planets that have 2/7/11 sig at the sub level as well. But as I said I am trying to be conservative.

ONE QUESTION THAT I HAVE: should I look at planets favourable for 2/7/11 or ONLY the 7th cusp, which is primary cusp for marriage? For now I have been agnostic, and if the marriage date differs from calculated then I can identify which houses were activated and thus refine my system.

After I identify the period when DBA planets are in favourable grahas, I also move Sun and Moon so that they are in favourable star-sub. So DBA+Su+Mo should satisfy transits for event to pass. This is my experiment anyway.

On November 21, 2019, the DBA planets are: Ra-Ma-Ke,

Ra is in Me-Ra-Ke
Ma is in Ve-Ra-Ra
Ke is in Su-Ve-Ve
Su is in Ma-Sa-Sa
Mo is in Su-Ve-Sa

The transit chart looks like this:

Lets see if marriage is fixed in November 2019 or maybe in December 2019!!!!

Friday, 12 July 2019

Will I get a job I have applied for?

Prashna asked by someone I know on whether he will get a job with the central government that he has applied for. The following are the chart details:

6th CSL is Moon and signifies the 10th house, suggesting that the question is indeed about an increase in reputation.  6th CSL signifies 5 9 as well which fits because he is looking for a change in some urgency.

It is important to see Moon's significations when looking at a prashna because it tells you that the person is actually asking the same question that he is thinking of (since Moon mind/ mati).  Interestingly the ongoing DBA is is Sa-Sa-Me, and Sa is the karaka for a job.

So, we can go ahead and examine this chart. Look at significations of Sa and Me. It signifies 5 8 9 12 at various levels. These are all houses which negate a job, or create problems in a job. 5th is Maaraka for 6th, 9th is maaraka for 10th, and 8 and 12 are generally duh-sthanas. 

In fact if you look around and see, all planets very clearly signify job negative houses of 5 8 9 12. So unfortunately, I had to tell him that he will NOT get that job. Given that I had arrived at significations using my own small twist on Krishnamurti Paddhati, I asked him to tell me if I was wrong and he heard that he DID get the job, because that will allow me to tweak my significators. But honestly, it looks difficult.

One thing that must have stood out about this stellar system is that the answer is VERY CLEAR. There is no hemming and hawing, about this being positive but that being negative. The answer as it stands is a clear NO.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Will India win todays's match?

So, as I sat at my computer today, I heard several moans of people complaining about how badly Indian team was doing at the semis, so I decided to check if we would win today.

I cast the following chart for the TIME this question came to my mind:

We know that 6th is the house of victory.  Lets first check whether it exists in the parcel of the 6th house.

6th CSL is Sun. What houses does Sun signify?

Sun is untenanted so it signifies the 9th house where it is posited. Sun owns 11th house of desire fulfillment, which is empty. So Sun strongly signifies 9 11.

Sun is  in Jupiter star, at this point, I must highlight that while my system ignores planetary retrogression in natal (birth) charts, they do not ignore this in prashna charts like the one above.

Since the primary cusp for victory is posited in the star owned by a retrograde planet, the answer is clearly in the negative to the question asked.

BUT, in his second book (Jyotish Vedh), Shahasane says that in case there are two or more planets in the star of retrograde planets then we should relax this rule and look at the DBA.

Dasha and Bhukti is of Rahu, and Antara of Mercury.

Rahu does not have stellar strength, so it signifies no houses at its own level. Rahu is in the star of Jupiter. Jupiter is 9. It signifies 3rd by its 7th aspect. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn. Saturn is in its own Sub so it has stellar strength. Saturn is in 11th and owns 12 and 1. Saturn is in the star of Venus. Venus is in 4 and owns 3, 4 and 8.

So the stellar sig of Rahu are: 9,3,11,12, 1
The sub sig of Rahu are:11, 12, 3, 4, 8

Lets look at Mercury. Mercury has no stellar strength. It is  in the star of Saturn which we knowsignies 11, 12, 1. Me is in the sub of Venus. Venus has no stellar strength. Ve is in the star of Rahu.  Rahu is in 5, signifies 11,12,1 (via Mercury its sign lord), 5 via Sun conjunction, 8 and 1 via aspect.

So Mercury is signifying 11, 12, 1 via stellar sig.
Sub sig: 11 12 1 5 8.

While there is 11 in both Rahu and Mercury at both Stellar and Sub levels, There is also 12 (house of loss) and 4 8 12 sub levels.

This indicates it will be a close match, but unfortunately the result will not be in India's favour. Lets see what happens!

India will not win today's match.

An experiment with Ruling Planets

This is one area where I have faced maximum failures. Today I decided to give it one more shot. I was awaiting the internet connection person from 7AM. He had given to me a time range of 7AM to 10AM.

At 7:26AM finally I decided to check what time he is going to come using Ruling Planets. At the time the primary ruling planets were as below:

Asc Star lord – Ketu, in the star of retrograde Mercury 

Asc Sign Lord – Sun, in the star of Jupiter, and sub of a retrograde Saturn

Moon Star Lord – Mars, in the star of retrograde Saturn

Moon Sign Lord – Venus, in the sub of retrograde Mercury

Day Lord – Mercury, in the star of retrograde Saturn

I will now exclude all the grahas that are in the STAR of a retrograde planet. Those RP’s that are retrograde themselves, or in the Sub of retrograde planets, I did not touch them.

So out of the beginning list of Ketu, Sun, Mars Venus, Mercury, I was left only with:
Sun and Venus.

In such cases exceptional cases where most of the RPs have been ruled out due to being posited in star of a retrograde planet, Shahasane advises the following on page 119 of his book “Phaladesh khanda”.

Take planets that are:

a) Conjunct with the existing full list of RPs (of those conjunct, the grahas that are slightly behind the RP, are stronger that the grahas that are slightly ahead of the RP…because the former is “coming” into conjunction, while latter has done its conjunction earlier and is now moving out).

b) Planets that aspect the lagna at the time of you using the RPs

c) Planets that are actually inside the lagna house at the time you are using the RPs

This is the chart:

As you can see, the planets that are conjunct with RPs are Rahu and Saturn. There are no planets inside the Asc house, and there are no planets aspecting the Asc. 

So final list of RPs  is: Sun, Venus, Rahu and Saturn.

Since the event is expected to happen soon, within an hour is what I expected I will move the ascendant cusp till such a point where its cuspal sublord is one which appears in the RPs.

Shahsane says on page 120, that if either Saturn appears in the RPs, OR, the Asc is in a sthira Rashi (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius) then skip the first favourable sublord and select the next one. We satisfy both conditions.

At 7:26AM, the lagna cusp was in Rahu sublord, which means the internet guy should be ringing the doorbell right now! But given that we have have delay so skip this one, I went down the list to see which next CSL is favourable. After Rahu sublord, coms Jupiter sublord. Jupiter is not in RPs. So lets see the next one.  

Saturn sub area starts at around 7:37AM and goes on till about 7:48AM. So I had a time range of about 15 minutes when that guy would show up. Now how do I narrow this further? By looking at the sub-sub of course! (a sub-sub is a further 9 unequal division of each sub area – super small).

In prashna charts you can look at sub-sub as there is absolutely no doubt about the time of the chart to the millisecond!

By default the first sub-sub in each sub is of the same planet as the sublord. So I skipped Sa-Sa. Then I came to Sa-Me and Sa-Ke. Since Me and Ke are not part of RPs I skipped those, and came to Sa-Ve. I followed the same rule of ignoring the first favourable period as we have Sthira Lagna and Saturn as one of the RPs. The next sub-sub that is there in RPs was Sun! 

The Ascendant traversed 
Su-Ke-Sa-Su from 7:42:52AM to 7:43:22. At sharp 7:43Am, I heard the doorbell ringing and it was the internet guy. The chart at the time:

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to be able solve this using Ruling Planets. I do not use them much, as I hardly ever get them right. But am very happy to have got this one. Yes you can put it down to coincidence and luck, sure. But it won’t rain on my parade.

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Sublord Speaks: Next Dasha of top political mind, how it is?

There is a well-respected, even feared,  politician in India who is known as the king maker and a past master at political arithmetic. Will it continue?

The significators are as follows:

He is currently in the dasha of Rahu which signifies 11th house of gains at stellar levels and 1 10 at sub levels.  In fact since 1996 when he entered into the Mars Dasha his career has been on an uptrend. This is evident from mars which gives him efforts + reputation at the stellar level and 6 11 combination of victory at the sub level.

While the next Dasha of Jupiter which begins in October 2021 at first glance does appear favourable (due to solitary 11 at sub level), a second glance proves more insightful. Jupiter is not signifying 10th house at either the stellar or sub levels, indicating that he might take a backseat in political affairs. 
What is worrying for me is that Jupiter is signifying the 4th house and the 8th house along with the 1st house. Worth remembering that 4th and 8th are both part of the trigon of 4-8-12 which deals with illnesses, obstacles and accidents.

I looked at the signification of the 8th CSL, which is Moon, to understand the severity of the 8th signification. Unfortunately, as one can see from the table above Moon too signifies 2-7 and 8-12, which are the maraka-badhaka and accident-loss houses. 

Coming back to the Dasha of Jupiter, I took heart in noting that the 11th house is signified in the sub level indicating that the result will be diverted to the benefit of one of the finest political minds of this generation. Just as I did for the 8th, I looked at the 11th CSL to ascertain how strong the 11th house is to protect him.

The 11th CSL is Ketu. Ketu is signifying 2 4 8 12 houses at the stellar and sub levels. There is the life extending houses of 1 and 3 as well though. Given the Dasha lord’s stress on accident-illness houses of 8th and 12th, their reappearance in the 11th CSL is not particularly reassuring. As such I feel that while 11th will try and mitigate the impact of the fourth trigon, the politician will take a backseat from politics from the next Dasha onwards i.e. end of 2021.

May Bhairavi protect his health, and give him whatever is the best for him.

Sublord Speaks: Marriage (another one!)

This is a chart of someone I know. This person is in a relationship with a view to get married. Both partners have been seeing each other for a long time and question is not of if but when.

And looking at just the Nadi significators, this does look like a done deal. The person is in the dasha bhukti of Mercury (2010-2027) and Mars (upto Jan 2020), followed by Bhukti of Rahu (August 2022). Mercury is neutral for marriage but Mars is very positive, even signifying the full combination of 2 7 11.

So imagine my surprise when I looked at the significations per Hasbe/ sub lord speaks:

Mercury signifies the 7th house (though proximity) at the stellar and the sub level, making the dasha positive for marriage (though with problems as Me also signifies 1 4 6).

Mars signifies 2 7 11 at the stellar level but shockingly does not at the sub level, suggesting that while the person may come close to marriage being finalized it will fall through at the last moment.

Now why is the native facing marriage issues? Most of the marriageable age has been in Mercury, which by its significations is neutral for marriage. 

The bhuktis in between of Ketu, Venus, Sun and Moon had only Sun which signified 2/7/11 at both the stellar level and sub level. I havent ascertained if there was any prospect that came close to working out then.  But one must appreciate the difficult position of the chart where only 3 grahas give a 2/7/11 signification at both the stellar and sub levels (Su, Me, and Sa). 

This is an interesting chart academically because it shows the non-completion of an event that is so very close to happening. Whatever is the outcome, it will indeed be educative.

Sublord speaks: Marriage another variation

To analyse one's failures is important, and this is another one such. Not by a way of an excuse but this does highlight the limitations of core Nadi systems.

The native was of an advanced age but marriage had not materialised. The person is (and also was when I had examined the chart) in the dasha of Rahu. Look at the Nadi significators:

Now look at Rahu. Apart from a sole 11 at the planet level, it signifies 6 and 10 at the more powerful sub and star lord levels. Following the Nadi system, there is no way I would have said this dasha which ran from 2008 (to 2026) is good for marriage. 

Then comes the more interesting part. Using the Sublord speaks/ Hasbe type of significations to identify strong and weak significations, we see tat Rahu is neither untenanted, nor its own star or sub. It means it lacks the strength to signify any house.

Rahu is in the star Jyestha, owned by Mercury, Mercury signifies 9th house where it is posited. It owns the 6th house that isnt empty, so only feebly signifies the 6th house.

Rahu is in the sub of Venus. Venus is in PurvaPhalguni, its own star. So it can signify the house that it is in 8th, and the 10th house that it owns via sign lordship. It feebly signifies the other house it owns (5th) because 5th has Ketu posited in it.

So Rahu signifies 9th at stellar level, and 8th and 10th at sub level. Now, without signifying 2/7/11 houses, how did it manage to bring about marriage in the Rahu dasha (albeit delayed to 2018)?!

This question kept me up the night! Now I see two possibilities.

1) Rahu is extremely close (within 3.20 degrees) of the 11th cusp. As we know cusps are the most sensitive points of  the chart and one can conclude that Rahu has got the signification of the 11th house, despite it having no stellar strength. I.e. if God placed a planet so close to a sensitive point then he wanted to to have that signification :)) 


2) Rahu aspects the 3rd house and 7th house, and both 3rd and 7th are empty. Thus Rahu gets the significations of both 3rd and 7th, of which 7th is a marriage-positive house. Again, this is DESPITE Rahu NOT having stellar strength.

Possibility 1 is close to Gondhalekar's four step method, while Possibility 2 is closer to the core KP method of taking aspects. (which oddly sublord speaks/ Hasbe do NOT consider aspects).

I do not have enough data to conclude on this at this point, but I will make this note to ensure that I will examine aspects and proximity to a cusp to check the significations, whether or not the planet has stellar strength.

It is worth mentioning that the irony that a planet which lacks strength being unable to signify the house it is sitting in, but still being able to signify a house that it is close to, or simply aspecting, it not lost on me. But hey!

Now why Ketu Bhukti. Ketu has stellar strength as not only is it untenanted but it also falls on own sub. So Ketu signifies the 5th house. Notably Ketu is very close to the 5th house cusp, so it would anyway signify the 5th house whether it had stellar strength or not (as discussed above).

Ketu is in Venus sign, so it will take on all the significations of Venus. As per Sublord Speaks, Ketu will take on significations of Venus at all four levels.

So lets look at Venus. Venus is on own star, so it  will signify 8th house of position. It owns 5th and 10th, of which 5th is occupied, so it will signify 10th. Venus is in sub of Ketu, so again the 5th signification. Ketu is in the star of Moon. Moon is in 12th and owns the 7th. 7th is empty, so Moon will signify 12th and 7th.

So Venus signifies 7 8 10 12, and thus Ketu signifies 7th at planet level strongly.

Ketu is in the star of Moon which signifies 7 and 12.

Ketu in the sub of Ketu so again 5 7 8 10 12 (between Ketu and Venus).

And again Moon as the star lord of the sublord signifies 7 and 12.

So Ketu signifies 7th house VERY strongly at both the stellar and sub levels.

The key points here are (and subject to continuous verification):

1) Can a planet (tenanted or untenanted) signify (occupied/unoccupied) cusps due to proximity
2) Can a planet (tenanted or untenanted) signify empty houses by aspects
3) A node signifies all the houses that are signified (at all 4 levels) by the planet it represents