What is happening in the last month in the state of Maharashtra is something that even an ace film maker could not think of. So you can imagine how difficult it has been for humble jyotisha enthusiasts like yours truly.
To the credit of my gurus, and best wishes of my followers I am happy to say that I managed to predict the unpredictable. The fact that Devendra Fadnavis (DF) despite all his hard work, and wild popularity could not get elected straight up was predicted by me. I dont deny that this is a Pyrrhic victory as I would have rather preferred being wrong.
I had suggested an upaaya, that DF steps down and then comes back as CM, which is what happened eventually. But he was able to last only for 80 hours thanks to Ajit Pawar (AP) pulling support ostensibly because his uncle Sharad Pawar (SP) the head of NCP managed to outwit him.
Now this is the one that I cannot comprehend, because based on the chart data that I have for SP, his Mercury Dasha is really bad for him. So he should NOT have won a fight. I dont have Ajit Pawar's chart and its possible that his chart is worse than his uncles causing this loss. But, given how bad SP's chart is I find it hard to believe that AP's is worse. Its possible of course, but not probable.
So now that Uddhav Thackeray (UT) is slated to become the CM, I decided to examine the charts for all 3, DF, SP, and UT in a comparative analysis. Caveat: I have taken SP's details from a book, and UT's from someone on twitter who claims its accurate.
Now since this is is a comparative analysis I have only taken down the Dasha and Bhukti significators here.
Regular readers will instantly see why I did not think DF would have an easy ride to CM's chair as was expected. Dasha lord simply does not signify 10th house. It in fact is giving results of 8 12 causing insults and troubles. I still maintain that even if DF manages to reach the CM's chair in some way now, he will not complete the term.
But look at Sharad Pawar's chart. The Dasha lord is giving results of the 5th house, which is the house which negated the 6th house of competition. And what kind of results is it giving, 1 8 and 12. In fact if I were so see it another way I can say that 5th stands for health, and 1 8 12 means severe harm to health. So not only do I see loss and defeat, I see big decline in health. While health wont decline on a dime, I cannot see the 'victory' as its touted to be in the politicking of the last 30 days at all! So is there more going on behind the scenes that we see? or am I plain wrong? Perhaps we need to give it 6 months to play out.
Look at UT's dasha. Dasha lord is outright positive. 11th house is giving results of 10th house. ie his desire (11th house) of 10th (status, promotion) will be realised. But, the dasha is playing out since October 2012, so its not something that has changed now to give him the CM's chair. So what status did his dasha lord confer upon him? If you see his wiki page, he became the head of his father's political party, Shiv Sena in Jan 2013, which is just 2 months after his Jupiter Dasha started. In fact if you see his Rahu dasha before Jupiter dasha he had no 10th house signification, even a weak one, hence did not manage to get to the post of SS head then.
Even though we can say that his dasha isnt the factor that has changed now, because its been there for a good 7 years already, we must concede that it is not negating having a status like it is for DF or SP. So lets look at the Bhukti UT is under now. UT is getting results of 3rd house and 7th house (not even a weak signification of 10th outright). But no 10th in either the house source section (blue area) or the type of results section.
As such one can see that between the three principal players in this drama, UT has the moderately positive chart in that at least his dasha is signifying 10th house in the results section, and 11th in the source section.
DF is getting 10th house signification in the upcoming Bhukti which begins in the 2nd half of January. So can he ascend to the CM's chair. Well, he can. I say this despite his dasha lord not supporting because DF will now be appointed as CM by Modi, and Amit Shah who have very powerful horoscopes. But I still maintain as I always have DF will not be able to hold on to the CM's chair. And I hope it is for the reason that he is called away to Delhi. Because I cannot ignore the fact that he has a Ketu dasha going on (sudden events), and it signifies 1st, 8th and 12th house.
So lets see, I believe there are many more twists and turns to the ongoings in MH, and there is much more than what meets the eye. Wait for it. BJP may have another chance at taking control yet! Maybe 6 months tops.