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Thursday, 29 November 2018

BJP's poll prospects in Madhya Pradesh

Yesterday even as the voting was drawing to a close, I was inspired to investigate the prospects of BJP in the state of Madhya Pradesh. I cast the following chart:

6th CSL is Rahu, which is signifying 3 6 10 11 and no negative houses.

DBA during results is Me-Mo-Sa

Me signifies 1 2 3 6 10, which is positive.
Mo signifies 10 11, in fact solitary 11 at sub level
Sa signifies 1 6 which is also supportive of a win.

Conclusion: BJP will win in MP.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Esoteric meanings of Hindu scriptures

The interpretation below is as what was revealed to me by the Grace of Ma Bhairavi and Hanumana. It does not come from any scripture, and I have no authority of a scripture for this interpretation. I only have my experience. It is crystal clear to me. If others wish to disagree with this, I completely understand. But I cannot deny what I have seen.

This post stems from some messages I sent to like-minded individuals on a Twitter Group chat which discusses spirituality.

This can also be considered to be a follow-up to an old blog post I had written on the esoteric meaning of the origins of Sri Ganesha. 

My words on the group I mentioned earlier were to the effect that Hindu stories or scriptures like puranas or itihaasas reveal themselves to the reader based on his or her own spiritual knowledge or progress. To someone who approaches them as a story, they will seem like stories. To someone who approaches them as a seeker, they will reveal the most fascinating truths. 

The specific story I mentioned to my fellow Group members was the Ramayana. I will mention the salient points here.

The Ramayana itself can be seen as a story of enlightenment. Sri Rama can be seen as the Purusha, and Ma Sita as the Shakti. Their union is enlightenment. 

Ma Sita is in Danda-karanya, with Rama and Lakshamana. The spine in yogic parlance, is known as the Meru - Danda

A beautiful deer distracts Sita and she asks Rama to go after it. Then she sends Lakshmana, or Lakshya-mana behind Rama. She doesnt heed to the advice of Lakshya-mana to stay behind the Lakshya-man rekha for her protection.

People who know any Indic language will surely know what Laksya means, it means attention or focus. Till Ma Sita  was behind the wall of absolute focus, of Laksya, even the mighty Ravana who had lifted the Kailasa was not able to touch her.

But loss of focus led the her being abducted by Ravana. There is an esoteric meaning behind the names Raa-ma, and Raa- VaNa as well, but I will leave that for some other time. 

Where did Ra-va-na take Sita Ma? He took her to Lanka. For the story reader this is a geographical location, but for the seeker, it refers to Lum-kara, or Lum-ka. "Lum" is beej mantra of the Mooladhara chakra where the kundalini resides in an un-awakened state. 


Even if you look at it geographically, the topmost point of Bharat desha is the Kailasa, where Shiva resides. Lanka comes at the lowest point below the current political entity of India. It loosely mimics the energy system of a body in that sense. Interesting isnt it?!

With whose help does Raama set about recover his enlightenment, to recover his Shakti? With the help of Maruti, or Hanumana. 

Who is Hanumana? He is the son of Va-yu. He is known as the Va-yu putra. He thus represents the Prana-vayu in this interpretation. The prana is the string using which the kundalini or Shakti, meets Shiva. 

Another incident in the Ramayana is where the army of Vanaras is assembled in the south of India wondering how to cross the ocean. This is the story, the yogic truth follows.

The Va-naras are standing at the manipuraka chakra. But are confused on how to cross the Swadishthana chakra to reach the mooladhara.

Swadhithana chakra is located near the sexual organs. It is of the element of water. It this watery chakra that is worrying the Lord's army. Being associated with sex, many will get entrapped here. 

So who comes to the rescue? It is none other than Bajrang Bali, the eternal brahmachari! Who else but a true brahmachari will be able to cross an ocean of lust without getting entangled in it? So the prana can help you transcend the pitfalls of Swadishthana as well!

 What about the other Va-naras? They crossed with the help of Ram-naam. Even a stone with the name of Raam on it floated on this water and took the army across. Jai Shri Ram!

And what did Hanumana do with Lum-ka? He burned it. He purified the chakra thus preparing the ground for the progress of the shakti. It is also interesting to note that he used his tail in burning the 'city'. Because the vestigal tail is what is referred to at times as Kundalini and it rests behind the 'monkey' bone. In other words the prana-shakti burned the impurities of Lum-kaara. The impurities were gold, in other words attractive. But he burned it to purify.

In fact Hanumans depiction as a monkey or va-naara is itself very interesting to me. A monkey has complete control over his tail. In other words, Hanumana has complete control over his Shakti. He can move it at will to where he wants. This is also the esoteric interpretation of the symbolism if Hanumana.

I've been told to not reveal somethings publicly, but yesterday this came out in a flow when talking with some like-minded people and I feel I can put this in the public domain. 

Saturday, 10 November 2018

What is justice? The OJ Simpson case.

There has been some consternation about my recent comments on social media where I said that however apparent the guilt, certain politicians will not go to jail as their chart/ kundali did not have the combination of jail. The caveat has been that I am assuming the birth details of the said politicians available with me are correct.

Anyway, as this was going on, I happened to watch an excellent TV series on Netflix called "American Crime Story: The People V. O.J. Simpson", on the famous, or should I say infamous case where a star American athlete allegedly murdered his wife. The 10 part series details how the case ebb and flowed and eventually how OJ Simpson was found not guilty. The series (in my opinion) seems to suggest that his acquittal was caused more by 'other' considerations rather than evidence. Well, there was irrefutable DNA evidence that was ignored by the court in making its decision! What are the chances of that happening?! Anyway, I will let you watch the series and enjoy the performances yourselves.

So I thought to myself, what a crazy chart this person must have! As luck would have it, the birth data for OJ was available with a high reliability rating. So I cast his chart and the significators are as follows: 

The houses/ cusps that need to come into play for imprisonment to happen are 2 (worry to family), 3 (away from house), 8 (insult, loss of reputation), and 12 (primary house of confinement). To prove that I am not making this up and retrofitting post facto, these houses have been first mentioned by me in this post

Of these houses, the 12th house is the primary house for jail. 12th house is called Vyaya sthan, or house of loss or house of expenses, because is the 12th house or negating house to the Ascendant. Generally, anytime a person's movements are restricted or he is unable to be with his loved ones whenever he wants, the 12th house is is operation. So 12th house will also signify being in a foreign land, it will signify being asleep, it will signify being hospitalized, etc. 

Now see how various combinations revolve around 12th cusp to give nuance in types of confinement.
2 + 3 + 12, will give political confinement. Why is 8th absent? Because being confined or political reasons does not harm your reputation. In fact in many cases your fame may grow. Hence immediate confinement is often used as a tactic by powers that be, to foist someone they want as a hero upon the masses.

3 + 4 + 8 +12 will cause a person to go 'underground'. Why is 2 absent? Because the family usually knows where the culprit is, so they are not worried. Why is 4 present? Because 4th is the house of secrets. For more details on the 4th house significance see this research article by me. 

4 + 8 + 12 will give house arrest. Why is 2 and 3 absent? Well the culprit is at home with his family. Why is 4 present? Because 4th is the primary cusp of your residence. 8th will also be there because there is still an element of insult if you are under house arrest for some wrongdoing.

Anyway, now the reader will see how nuance around the the 12th house allows us to differentiate between different types of confinements.

Now look at the timeline of  the case (taken form wikipedia):

On June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were found stabbed to death
(DBA: Ve-Ve-Me)

On July 22, 1994, OJ arraigned and was in jail for the duration of the trial, through he was taken into custody a little earlier.
(Ve-Ve-Me/ cusp of Ke antara)

On October 3, 1995, Jury found OJ not-guilty

The Moon Bhukti started in just a week (Oct 12 1995).

Now lets see what houses each of the DBA planets signify:

Ve 4 11                    Me 3 11              Ke 4 10                Su 1 2 11        Mo 8 12
     4 10 11                     3 5 9                  6 7 8 12                3 5 9                 3 5 9
     4 10 11                     4 10 11              4 11                      6 7 8 12            4 10 11

The biggest savings grace for OJ was that his Dasha lord Venus was wildly positive for him. 10, 11 combination with absolutely no negative houses. This Dasha was slated to run till June 2011 so it was unlikely to be found guilty of an offense of the level of double homicide. Note the number of 4 11s in this chart. 4 11 is a MUST HAVE combination for publicly beloved personalities, which OJ was.

His troubles began when he was picked up after a now infamous car chase that happened in Ve-Ve-Me or on the cusp of Ketu antara. Rahu or Ketu is a required presence in a DBA for an arrest to happen, because both of them are unabashed malefics and also responsible for sudden and unexpected events.

If you notice the full combination of court case and litigation (6+8+12) is present in the Ketu Antara, The presence of 7 8 12 (7+ 6 8 12) in Ketu is supportive of the cause of litigation being murder related.

From October 1994, the Venus Bhukti ended, and the Sun Bhukti started. This went on for a year till October 1995, when OJ was released after being found not guilty. then the Moon Bhukti started.

If you notice, Sun is the only graha in which the full combination of jail exists, ie 2 3 8 12, along with the combination of litigation for murder (6 8 12 + 7 8 12). There is just a solitary 11th cusp that is the favourable cusp for the native but it cannot stand the negative force of a combined 8 12 coming in different forms.

However even though a massively bad Sun Bhukti was able to bring OJ to his knees, reputation wise, financially, career-wise etc, the spotlessly positive Venus Dasha ALWAYS protected him at the last moment. In fact I can confidently say that had it been the other way around, ie had Sun been the Dasha and Venus been the Bhukti, there would have been NO WAY OJ would have been found not guilty. But this was not to be. 

Finally as Sun Bhukti ended, and Moon Bhukti began, look at the houses signified by Moon. It has he victory houses of 10+11 in the strongest sub level. It has 8 12 but at the weakest planet level. It does not have the combination of Jail, it does however have the combination of 3 4 8 12, which we have seen is the combination of going underground. Which OJ did, after his win. Due to various financial troubles, his legal dream team deserting him, his friends deserting him, OJ simply became a recluse for sometime, just effectively "going underground".

As such, had OJ consulted with me then, I would have said to him, there is no way you are going to jail for a long duration (since neither Dasha lord Venus, nor Bhukti Lord Moon allows him to be in a physical prison). Unlikely as it may seem, unfair as it may seem, there is a higher justice at play and sometimes the punishment that metes out, is worse than any trial or jail we have made on Earth.