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Saturday, 12 May 2018

Karnataka BJP win?

Will BJP get full majority in Karnataka 2018 assembly polls?

Chart and significators:

I had decided to not make political predictions but now that Karnataka polling is over and exit polls are about to start I became curious about the outcome. That BJP will have table thumping positive results seems to be the consensus (and one that I hope is correct). So I cast the chart to confirm, but unfortunately the chart does not seem to support my thesis.

6th CSL is retrograde Saturn and signifies houses 4 and 12 instead of signifying victory houses of 6 10 11. 

Even DBA lords, Mercury, Ketu and Saturn are not any better. Mercury has 6 8 countered by a solitary 11, which is not enough. Ketu signifies 4 5 12 at strong nakshatra and sub lord level. And Saturn is negative as seen earlier.

Thus I have to conclude that BJP will not be able to win a majority in Karnataka much against my wishes. 

Using Ruling Planets theory, I think that BJP will win between 51-75 seats. This is a sharp improvement over the 42 seats they currently hold but well below the required 112 and also well below what I would have wanted them to get.

This would be the kind of thing that would also support my earlier post on Rahul Gandhi becoming a force to reckon with.

Needless to say I hope this is one of the few I hope I get wrong.