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Friday, 2 June 2017

Pregnancy woes

First the chart and significators:

This lady has been trying to conceive for the last 8 years or so but has been unsuccessful. The chart came to me yesteday and I examined it at 2:31 PM when the RPs were, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Jupiter. Since the question pertained to conception, I saw the 5th cusp sublord which is Jupiter. Jupiter features in the RPs and so I concluded that the chart timing is correct.

Jupiter is in Rohini Nakshatra, which is owned by the Moon (in fact Rohini is considered by puranas as the favourite wife of the Moon). As once can see above significator table, Jupiter is not signifying either 2/5/11 needed for conception. It does however signify 9 which is the 5th from 5th and is considered by some to be almost as powerful in giving a child. Additionally, Jupiter is aspecting the 5th house thus signifying by aspect. Also if one closely observes, Jupiter is in rapt conjunction with the 11th house, in fact if the birth time were to be fixed at a minute earlier, Jupiter would have fallen in the 11th cusp instead of the 10th. Readers must also know by now that Jupiter is in fact the natural significator of child birth and is placed in the star or Moon (signifying motherhood). The 5th cusp also falls in Scorpio which is a fruitful sign and the 11th cusp and 5th CSL in Taurus which is a Semi-fruitful sign. Only the 2nd cusp falls in Leo which is barren. Giving all this due consideration, I concluded that a child is not 'denied' to the native. But given the lack of a clear cut 2/5/11 signification it is no surprise that conception has not been easy so far.

The native has been trying for 8 years, so roughly from 2006 onwards. Her Mars dasha ended in July 2005 and after this Rahu has started. Rahu is a natural malefic and thus it is no surprise that it is troubling her in his own way. Rahu has the full combination of no child at the planet level (1 4 10). But it also has 5 9 11 there. It has 5 9 in the star countered by a 10 and then 9 at the sub level. While this would normally be considered good enough to give a child, it has been rendered weak due to the full no child combination being present in the planet. But perhaps a good bhukti might do the trick. 

Now we know Ra-Ra will not work due to the compromised nature of the north node. This took up time till 14 Mar 28, thereafter there was Jupiter Bhukti. As already seen above, while Ju is a natural child giver, the strong signification of 1 8 10 at star and sub level means it cannot overcome an already ambivalent Rahu dasha to give a child. This took up time till 7 Aug 2010. Then Saturn bhukti started, lets look at Saturn. Saturn has a 9 but stronger signification of 1 8 12 (this suggests a defect and indeed the lady was diagnosed with endometriosis) and so no chance till 13 June 2013. Then Mercury Bhukti started. Mercury is better than Saturn and Jupiter but similar in strength to Rahu for child birth, which will not do. This took up the period till Jan 1 2016. Ketu is also similar, 1 8 10 12 defeating the 5 9s. This took up period till 19 Jan 2017. Now she is in Venus Bhukti till 19 Jan 2020. Venus has a 4 signified but has a 9 11, 9 and 9 11 at the planet, star and sub level respectively making it a strong planet for child birth. Now this can be looked at! Notably, Venus is in the RPs as well. 

To figure out the Antara, obviously Venus antara is good and Sun may also give child, so current till September 2017. Sun and Venus are both in RPs. Moon is not a strong child giver as seen from the significators table. Mars is a possibility, so the period from 13 Dec 2017 to 15 Feb 2018, followed by Rahu is a possibility. So the first 7 months of 2018 is when conception will happen at the latest, after a nearly 9 year wait. I will post the news as I am informed.

Given the overall stature of the horoscope, I will also say that chances of a natural conception are slim (not impossible), and most likely conception will happen via IVF, sperm donor, or similar such medical procedure. 

Note: the lady also asked me a prashna and that chat was incredibly positive suggesting chances even in the current year! However her husband works abroad and is home only few weeks every year and so I will stick to my longer term prediction so that he can plan a trip accordingly. But in event of him coming earlier, even July-August 2017 is a good time as per the Prashna chart.

May Bhairavi give her, what is best for her!