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Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Logic of the Seed

Those readers who may have consulted with me may have been intrigued by me asking for something like this:

"Focus on your specific question. AFTER your mind has become focused on that specific question, give me the first RANDOM number that comes to you, between 1 and 249. Remember, the number needs to be a RANDOM number and NOT your lucky or favorite number"

This number is the seed that I use to plant the prashna or horary chart.

Lots of those who have asked me a question have wondered why they need to give a seed and it seems non serious to them. Hence I am doing this post to give the basis of this seed.

To understand why a seed is needed lets take a hypothetical situation. Lets say Narendra Modi walked into a traditional astrologers office and asked "Will I become the PM of India in the next election?" 

The traditional astrologer will then proceed to cast the prashna kundali of the time Narendra Modi came into his office and will give him the answer based on the Muhurta chart. 

Now suppose, Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Nitish Kumar, Laloo Yadav, Arun Jaitley, car pooled to the jyotisha's office and entered together and each asked, "Will I become the PM of India in the next election?" Now the traditional jyotisha is in a fix. Because the same time chart (or even a slightly different time chart for each of them) will now give the same answer. Earlier the muhurta chart would suggest victory or loss, but now with multiple people asking the same question, to whom specifically does the Muhurta chart apply?!

Stellar astrology proceeds on the assumption that the person coming with the question already has the answer encoded in the planets with him. The jyotisha's dharma is only to interpret it for him. It is for this reason people who have consulted with me may have noticed me asking them to prioritize their questions, if they have multiple questions. 

So what does the Seed do. The Seed, FIXES the Ascendant of the chart, irrespective of the actual Ascendant of the time. For non regular readers, Ascendant is the first house of the 12 houses and is the one rising on the eastern horizon. So once the ascendant is thus 'artificially' fixed, all the other 11 houses will be fixed and the chart will become PERSONALIZED. 

Such a bespoke chart will give the specific answer to the question that is being asked. So people entering in together will still have different charts as we are no longer depending on the actual position of the houses or cusps, but an artificial one. The seed is nothing but a divine intervention into the querent's mind and hence it has to be a random number and not a favorite or lucky number. In fact those unfortunate enough to know me personally have to pick a number tag out of a bag or turn to a random page in a book I give them. It has to be THAT random. And only after their mind has focused on a specific question.

Now why 249? Some may ask. Well, there are 249 subs aren't there! How? We know there are 12 signs, divided into 27 constellations and each constellation broken into 9 unequal parts, each part being ruled by a planet (this is the sub). 

So, 27 * 9 = 243.

The balance six come from 6 different signs in the chart, where the star (constellation) and the sub remains the same, but the sign changes. This happens in Aries-Taurus, Gemini-Cancer, Leo-Virgo, Libra-Scorpio, Sagittarius-Capricorn and Aquarius-Pisces. 

So these 'broken' star-sub combines in 6 places give six additional sign-star-sub combinations which then give

27 * 9 = 243 + 6 (broken) = 249

So the entire 360 degrees of our cosmos are broken into 249 parts and when the querent chooses a random number he is basically saying, "for my question divinity wants the Ascendant to be fixed at the beginning of point so-and-so" 


I have generated a random chart with a random seed number of 100 to show this difference. actual sign ascending at this moment on the eastern horizon is Sagittarius. So the first house or cusp will in reality be there,,,represented by the TmAsc in the figure above. 

BUT, for my hypothetical question, the Ascendant has been artificially fixed in Leo which changes the house or cusp (cusp is just the starting point of a house, I use the terms interchangeably), placements. 

So if a child was born at 12:44PM in my location, his ascendant would have been in Sagittarius and his Moon would have been in the 5th or 6th house (same for other planets).  BUT, for the purposes of a question that is asked of me, I have personalized this chart by fixing the ascendant causing planets to change houses and thus change their significations.

So now I can hand my random number bag to Narendra Modi, Nitish Kumar, Rahul Gandhi, Laloo Yadav and Arun Jaitley and ask them to give me a random number each. And in a span of 15 minutes have bespoke answers for all of them!

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Anatomy of evil

Here are the Nadi significators of someone this jyotisha has the opportunity of knowing well. The person is undoubtedly the most cruel that I have encountered in my life. While 'evil' is a strong term, what exactly is 'evil'. Lack of sensitivity? Tremendous ego? Aggression? Selfishness? Need for self importance to the point where the person does not care what they have to do to others to get it?

Lets look at the significators, and readers can do a similar study for people they know. Feel free to write in to with your notes and experiences.

The significators are:

Aggressiveness, need for self impotance, limitless ego:

The combination of 7 8 12 gives the person these traits. Ketu, Venus, Sun, Mars (broken), Rahu, Jupiter have the full combination of 7 8 12. Even the balance planets have a 7 8/ 8 12 in them. This person is extremely aggressive and has a tremendous ego. Another pointer to the ego is the number of 1s present in the significators. 1 means self, so this person cannot see the point of a world where this person does not exist. Six out of nine planets here signify the 1st cusp for this this native,


7 8 12 also shows the 'dhongi-ness' of the individual. For non Indian readers, 'Dhongi' means someone who projects something they aren't. A lot of the 'vedic' jyotishas for example, who wear long gowns, big marks on their forehead, and generally act holy, must have some form of this combination in their charts. All this feeds into their need to look holier-than-thou or different from the natual population.

Complete disregard for others feelings:

We know that 2 5 11 is the combination for child bearing. What does child bearing mean, it means love and caring. Similarly the combination of 2 5 9 11 also denotes a loving and caring individual. 1 4 10, which are maraka sthans for 2 5 11 are considered as marks of a cold, calculating person, with absolutely no empathy in them. 1 4 6 10 is also the combination for cold behaviour. Ketu, Venus, Sun, Rahu, Jupiter have the full combination of this attitude. Saturn and Moon have part of the combination.

Interestingly the native's Ascendant sign lord is Jupiter. Asc will determine the basic nature of the person and as one can see from the significators above, the combinations 1 4 10 and 7 8 12 are part of the basic make-up of this person. So I doubt the person feels that they do anything wrong at all.

Continuous state of strife:

Some people thrive in a vitiated environment, and thus always want to keep some strife going. Since the 6th house represents enemies and 7 8 or 7 8 12 represents strife, the combination 6 7 8 or 6 7 8 12 will represent such people. Look at the number of these combinations from the Nadi significators above, four planets out of nine. So this person spends half the time in creating strife, as that feels the most natural and comfortable for the native.


6 8 12 combination without the 10 11 make a person face continuous failures and generally unfortunate. This is the classic sign that that a horoscope is a representation of our past lives karma. The negative traits this person has brought forward makes life hell for people unlucky to be around (thankfully this jyotisha is not one of them). But this person will not get success or lasting happiness from this behaviour, due to 6 8 12s. God and Karma cannot be bribed. The odd part is that such people use misfortunes befalling them as a justification for their behaviour! Afterall, with so many 1 4 10s, they are only concerned with damage to self and not to anyone else.

Dabbles in occult?

The '?' is because this is not something that I know for a fact. But look at the prevalence of the '8 12' houses in the significators. The 8th and the 12th houses have a lot of esoteric significance. The 8th house represents going into the depth of something and the 12th house is that of something that is very removed from the ordinary. Thus these houses are receptacles of that which is beyond ordinary human intelligence, beyond logic. 

Interestingly, Asc lord Jupiter for this person is sitting in the 12th house of the occult, further increasing my suspicions. The lord of the 10th house (of worldly achievements) is also sitting in the 8th house. The 10th CSL is sitting in the 12th house.

Also, look at the number of 4s that arise in the chart. 4th house is the house of secrets buried deep within. This person is secretive and people around such a person will not have any clue of what is happening in their mind or their activities. Another necessity for the negative manipulators of energy.

The directional arrangement of planets that I discussed in the past post, indicate that Saturn (work) is conjunct with Ketu (spiritual) and is aspected by Rahu (karaka for black magic or deeds associated with the dark). The reason this jyotisha feels that the native is not dabbling in tantra for the purposes of liberation is due to the lack of the 5th cusp and the 9th cusp in the chart. 5th is the house of Dharma and Love, 9th is the house of religion and pilgrimages.  In fact, in this chart the 5th house appears only twice and in both cases is afflicted ( 5 7 12 combination in Mars and 5 8 12 in Moon).

This is not an individual who is in quest for a higher goal in life and this the 8 12 if used for occult is finding representation through the basest of means. Revenge, jealousy, anger and ego.

Cruel profession:

Another interesting thing that regular readers may have noticed is the profession. With so many 1 6 8 12s, the native had no choice but to be a doctor. Even in directional association of planets Saturn + Ketu suggests a medical related field (like I said in the last post, this directional business is good for confirmation, not so much for prediction). Now readers will wonder what is such a person doing in the noble profession of medicine. Abortions!

While this jyotisha is all for women's rights and planned parenting, it is one thing to support something conceptually and quite another to remove a fetus from a womb, thus 'killing' it. In the same way that people who eat non-veg food on a daily basis would be hard pressed to wring a chicken's neck or tear a cow apart while its alive. For that you need a butcher only.

So, what is the solution for such people. Can they be changed? No. Primarily because they themselves believe they are perfect. People around them can at best avoid engaging with these natives. Some problems have no solutions and are best avoided.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Problem on relying on Graha karakatwa based analysis

I came across a couple of books on Meena Nadi Jyotisha by R Gopalkrishna Rao. Flipping through them it became clear why relying on Graha based analysis versus Cusp based analysis is so fraught with mistakes. To clarify, my analysis makes use of cusp significations as a primary predictive force and graha karakatwa as a secondary one. So for career I will look for DBA of planets that signify 2 6 10 11. I worry about the actual planets which constitute the DBA only later. So If Jupiter or Saturn are coming in the DBA than I might say that the person will work with large organisations. If Rahu or Ketu or Saturn are part of an overseas chart then I say say that the job will be in less developed countries. Something like that. 

In graha karakatva, Saturn is always considered the planet for service, So planets associated with Saturn will suggest the type of job. The problem with relying on this is that it is so open to interpretation. Let me demonstrate.

The books I read, classify signs as per direction. So planets lying in a sign that belong to the same direction will be considered as conjunct. Those conjunct with and aspecting Saturn will determine the career part of the native.

So all the planets that fall in the EAST direction will be clubbed together and they will be aspected by all the planets that fall in the WEST direction.

Now numerous people have consulted with me over the months. I  got together a list of Chartered Accountants and compiled their charts in the above format and the results were as follows:

Now readers can assess for themselves. Is there a pattern to planets that are conjunct with or aspecting Saturn? Yes! Mercury or Moon are either aspecting or conjunct with Saturn the karyaka for service. Mercury is the karyaka for business and accounting and also education while Moon is one of the royal couple (since Chartered Accountants are State-certified under an Act of the Parliament). One also sees Mars or Jupiter involved. That can be interpreted as the 'guard dog' role or the advisory role of Chartered Accountants. 

But each of these planets can also be interpreted quite differently. Mars can mean armed forces or land related, Mercury can mean communication, Jupiter can mean judiciary or educational institutions and Moon can mean something as removed as a 'dairy' or travel related. 

So if I know this person is a C.A., I can link all these planets and explain why he is a C.A., but given the chart it is near impossible to have any predictive ability of the chart. 

It is this reason why people who rely on sign and planet karyakatwa are forced to rely so much on flowery language and mythology and frankly stories, because they need to fill their consultation time (usually it is 30 minutes) with this jargon as they are unable to predict at all.

Just yesterday someone who consulted with me the first time said that a famous astrologer charged him US$40 over and above his fee for just taking 10 minutes extra time. 

This graha and sign karakatva business was okay 5000 years back when there were handful of professions; farmer, army, ruler, priest, doctor. These things can only spin stories now, not give answers.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

I rest my case...

This is in continuation of my earlier post. My prediction has again come correct. Now anyone can say that they know more than one of the most honest Defence Minister of India, but that will only show their own intelligence and not of anyone else:

Sunday, 9 October 2016

#PoliticsPost Surgical strike vs. Crossborder raids

In their sickening game of one-upmanship, the Congress has targeted the first surgical strike (SS) that Indian government had ordered the Indian army to do in response to Pakistan's Uri provocation. Congress has moved from "prove raid happened" to "so what? we used to do surgical strikes all the time!". Talk about shifting goal posts! But that is what dim minds do when cornered into a position and finding themselves short of facts. They shift goal posts.

In any case, media has let loose some information about an operation called Ginger in 2011 which is being touted as an example of a surgical strike. It is interesting, that those people who say that surgical strikes were not an uncommon occurrence can come up with only one example. Notwithstanding, the treacherous act of giving military information in the public domain just to win some political brownie points, there are some basic issues with this new narrative that opposition politicians are trying to peddle through their friends in the media. 

Worse are the idiots who think they are glorifying he army by accepting the Congress' contention that every cross border raid is an SS. They are actually insulting the Indian army that has long fought a hard, long battle with its one (political) arm tied behind its back. Allow me to elucidate.

If the newest story, operation Ginger is to be considered not a cross border raid but a surgical strike, then by the same logic we have to accept that the act by Pakistanis of beheading our soldiers was also a surgical strike by them, isnt it? So the beheading of Hemraj ji by Pakis few years back with no retaliation from our side will have also to be conceded as a successful surgical strike by the Pakis against the Indian Army, right? So are these people calling every willy nilly crossing of the border an SS, saying that Pakis regularly do surgical strikes against our army?!

It is for this reason that the distinction between a SS and a cross border raid (CBR) or an ambush mission must be made. Every cross border action cannot be a SS. Crossing over a few 100 meters into enemy territory while and anti terror operation is on cannot be called a SS, it would be hot pursuit.

We need to understand what a surgical strike is. The traditional understanding is as follows:

"A surgical strike is defined as a military attack intended to inflict damage on a specific target, with little or no collateral damage to surrounding areas.

A surgical strike is "a calculated manoeuvre to ensure you deliver maximum damage which gives a big surprise to your adversary", explained former air chief Fali Homi Major"

A surgical strike is carried out with the political backing of the highest level of the government.

A cross border raid on the other hand is a shallow raid, at infantry level with no top sanction. CBRs are carried out at the risk of the army itself. If anything went wrong the army officers would be in the dock. In case of a SS, the responsibility of the success or failure of the strike lay with the government, not only the army. This is the BIGGEST difference.

I will be surprised if Manmohan Singh was even aware of this operation Ginger! Approving it is whole another matter!

Several people quote General Bikram Singh as saying SS have happened earlier. They are only twisting the venerable General's words. He said "India has crossed the LoC before, but never at this scale." Earlier it was left to the infantry. (credit to unsubtledesi for this transcript)

What does this (Ginger) sound like? An SS sanctioned at the highest level in Delhi or a small scale, ground level infantry cross border raid.

Now the idiot argument would be an SS is an SS, scale doesn't matter. This is like saying entering someones house and scolding him is the same as entering that persons house and murdering him. military operations, scale is everything! Size does matter (no matter what you tell yourself to sleep better at night).

The point is, this time our boys had the sanction of the highest levels of our government to go BEHIND Pakistani positions (3-6 km in fact) and take out high value targets and hit the terror infrastructure hard. This is what the present DGMO meant when he called this current action a surgical strike and said we have never done this before. It was the scale difference Gen. Bikram Singh was talking about.

It is interesting that The Hindu, which I understand broke this story is also referring to it as a "tit-for-tat", "ambush", and a "cross border raid" in the article itself. They are themselves not sure if this was a surgical strike or an ambush or a cross border raid, all very different things! Or this is a clever game to  muddy the waters and steal credit from our brave army which have successfully completed the first surgical strike and signaled a change in India's Pakistan policy.

In fact, military veterans have raised the same point. Do not call all cross border operations as surgical strikes!

In fact, check the next tweet. The officer responsible informed his senior officers apparently AFTER the strikes were done. This may have been done for plausible deniability if things had gone wrong.This is the biggest sign that this was a cross border raid with no sanction from the political leadership, thus precluding us from calling it a SS. Notably, I do not see any specific note that information was given to the government or permission sought beforehand!

So kindly stop blindly believing your political masters, and stop insulting our Indian Army by indirectly insinuating that Pakistanis have carried out several surgical strikes against India. Our Army has so far fought without political backing and only on its sheer grit and patriotism. Do not let your idiocy cloud your judgement.

Special thanks to @unsubtledesi  and @cestmoiz for inspiring me to compile this writeup.

Is it true that India has done "Surgical Strikes" before the one in response to Uri?

There are a lot of views about this, with the army ex-DGMO, and a political party (currently getting uncomfortable with sitting in opposition) giving differing views. While even the ex DGMO says that some minor cross border operations may have taken place earlier at a local level, they cannot be called surgical strikes.

While most sane people have agreed that the ex DGMO has called the particular political party's bluff, there is no doubt some idiots will continue to believe the politicians and not the army.  There is no doubt in this jyotisha's mind that the Indian armed forces were ALWAYS capable of capable of carrying out the strikes, BUT, it was ONLY the lack  of political spine that was holding them back. Finally, India seems to have got that with the presence of Modi in power.

In fact the sheer idiocy of these claims from the politicians is revealed by this 2011 article in which the then army chief of India discussed the capability of surgical strikes. This article was in context of the USA having eliminated Osama in Pakistan in one such surgical strike and India's capability to execute similar operations. The General clearly stated: “All the three wings (army, navy and air force) are capable of carrying out such operations, when needed. But we need permission from the top for this,” 

In fact there was another article from few years back that said, "India does have the Special Forces, but they have been largely used as a kind of super-infantry - employing them on missions which the regular army would baulk at. We don't lack brave men, but we don't possess the combination of political will, politico-military-intelligence integration and specialised technology that make these operations possible."

The repeated theme is that our soldiers are brave and capable, but our POLITICIANS do not give permission.

Now that Modi has allowed the armed forces to do the right thing, every worm in the woodwork and their minions on the ground and among public have come up with how "surgical strikes" have been carried out many times. If this is true, then why did the political masters in 2011 with the entire media mechanism in their control not counter these claims by their own army chief? If they say national security, then is one to assume that they are ok to jeopardise national security right now?! And if they are ok to play with national security now for measly brownie points, how much credibility should we give to any claims they come out with!?

Anyway, these arguments can go on till the cows come home, and then some. I decided to ask if the information that India has done surgical stikes before the current one is correct? The chart and Nadi significators are as follows:

Since the question pertains to information being correct or not, we have to look at the 3rd CSL. KP says if 3rd CSL is connected to Jupiter, then the information is correct (ie. India has done surgical strikes before this one). If it is connected to Saturn or Mars the information is NOT correct (ie. India has NOT done surgical strikes before this one). 

As we can see the 3rd CSL is Rahu. Rahu is in Venus star and not connected to Jupiter in anyway. Rahu is however a representative of Saturn as Saturn has its powerful 10th aspect, in fact to the EXACT degree, As such it is clear that the information is not correct.

Even looking at the Nadi significators, the Dba of Ve-Sa-Ra is saying the information is NOT correct. Saturn is the natural significator of lying. Plus DBA is dominated by malefics.

Venus has full combination of 3 6 8 12, suggesting that the information is false.
Saturn has 12
Ra has 8 12

It is clear that the information is wrong and this in indeed India's FIRST surgical strike. Remember, like that DGMO said, surgical strike is a technical term with a specific meaning. 

This jyotisha is deeply saddened that he has had to take a look at a chart to prove the ex DGMO correct. For this jyotisha the word of the army is sacrosanct. I do not doubt it one iota. 

However for those unfortunate souls who want to believe that a disgraced political party is correct and not the army head, I had to check. May such unfortunate souls get well soon. 

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Will Trump back out of U.S. Presidential Polls?

With the unprecedented situation of Trump's sexist recordings being revealed to the public, he seems to have lost his already tenuous support among the Republican party as well. So will he back out?

I cast the following chart and significators:

The ongoing DBA is Ve-Su-Ra.

Venus signifies the 3 6 8 and 7 8 combinations which suggest that he might lose his nomination in an acrimonious environment. It has a 10 but a lone 10 cannot beat 6 8.

Sun signifies 5 8 which shows opposition (within party winning), 5 9 (attempts at letting him go amicably) and 7 8 (attempts failing and acrimony happening).

Rahu is the most negative of the lot. It signifies the full combination of 3 6 8 12, i.e. of losing the nomination. Rahu is also a separative, a malefic and interestingly also posited in Leo, the sign of government. Additionally Rahu is also the 6th CSL and 3rd CSL, exacerbating his troubles.

Both Asc and 7th CSL (opponent) is Jupiter, which suggests that the initiative will come from the governing body of the Republican party.

The result above is indeed interesting as its too late for the Republican Party to itself remove Trump. They can at best force him to back out himself. Maybe that is why 7th CSL and 1st CSL are the same? Lets wait and see!

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Who will be the next Army Chief of Pakistan?

I tried to solve it using the Ruling Planets. While this has worked for me several times, I am unable to get a comfort on this hence working on this principle more to get that comfort.

There are four choices for the replacement of General Raheel Sharif. As usual in Pakistan you can never ignore the incumbent who may decide to topple the PM instead of retiring himself.

I asked the question on who will be the next head of Paki forces and laid out the options:

1) Ramday
2) Hayat
3) Ishfaq
4) Bajwa
5) Raheel Sharif

The ruling planets at 2:25PM are as follows:

Asc sign lord: Saturn (10 and 11)
Moon star lord: Mer (3 and 6)
Moon sign lord: Mars (1 and 8)
Day lord: Jupiter (9 and 12)

Since one of the planets are in a retro star, we will include everyone.

The total comes to 6. The number of options are 5. 6 - 5 = 1, therefore option number 1. Therefore, Lieutenant General Javed Iqbal Ramday, commander of XXXI Corps will become the next head of Pakistani armed forces.

Lets wait for December and see if the Ruling Planets have obliged me!

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Disease Diagnosis: Liver trouble or Cholesterol

A fellow jyotisha had been facing several health troubles. After getting the blood tests done, he was given a preliminary diagnosis which suspected two conditions. He asked me the following question:

This is the chart of mine. I am at presently running in DBA of Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury. I have continuous health problems from past 4 months due to the adverse transit of Jupiter in 8th house and Saturn is in 11th house. Sometimes it is cough & cold, infection in throat, seasonal fever, acidity, constipation, hypertension (both high & low blood pressure) etc. and sometimes due to gastric problems pain in chest, head, stomach & legs. From last 3-5 days I have viral fever and cough & cold and as per doctor’s advice, I have to done my blood test day before yesterday. Today reports come to my hand and I have found some disease at initial (starting level) level. What may it be –

1. Disease of cholesterol misbalancing between HDL, LDL & VLDL;
2. Thyroid Problem;
3. Exceeding the prescribed level of Bilirubin causing Jaundice in Lever;
4. Infection in blood causing fever like Malaria or Dengue;
5. Glucose level in blood was found high causing Blood Sugar;
6. A symptom of increasing of prostate gland was found;

So I had to select the same two conditions that were chosen by his doctors. His chart and significators are as follows:

Health has always been the bee in my bonnet, as I am yet to come across any methodology to correctly diagnose disease. I attribute this to my (and astrology community's general lack of medical knowledge). As such I am still on the look out for any coherent methodology that one can follow to diagnose disease. Even though in the current case I was able to correctly predict, the reality is that without a limited set of options I would not have been able to. I would be grateful to readers who can send me their charts with any illness that I will try to diagnose. They will need to tell me the illness as well at this stage so that I can evolve a method that works for atleast 70-80% of the charts.

Ok, this is how I worked on it:

First I saw the DBA he had said in which he became ill. It was Ju-Sa-Me.

Looking at the significators I realised that only Saturn has the combination of 1 6 12 (of illness). So it was the primary cause of the disease and I focused my attention only on that planet.

Saturn is in Jupiter's star and will thus primarily give results of Jupiter.

Jupiter  rules the liver. Jupiter is an expansive planet and hence it governs any excess in the body, whether it is excess growth (cancer) or excessive production of any enzyme etc. Jupiter is a fatty planet so any excess fat is also governed by Jupiter.

Notably Jupiter is in rapt conjunction with Mars that is the karaka for blood. Jupiter is in the sign of Pisces, which is a watery sign, of pure water, so it is something that could be impacting the blood.

Since Venus is needed to be related to be associated with Jupiter for causing diabetes, I eliminated option 5.

Since the 8th house or Scorpio sign is needed to come into play for the prostrate I eliminated option 6.

Since neither Rahu nor Ketu were involved I eliminated option 4. Since in my limited experience germ caused diseased need one of these planets there.

Now Thyroid was a distinct possibility. However the only reason I eliminated it was because in my readings I have come across the nugget that Moon needs to be involved for Thyroid problem. This eliminated option 2.

So then I was left with options 1 and 3. Now we all know that Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that's found in all cells of the body. So that fit in with the character of Jupiter as ruler of fatty substances.

Option 3 was increased production of bilirubin which also fit in with the character of Jupiter as a expansive (increased production) and liver ruling planet.

These two were my final diagnoses. I have been informed that my diagnosis is correct.

In fact just received this note from the fellow jyotisha:

"This is one of the best explanations. I really appreciate your readings. Even in KP, I think, you understand the facts that to judge the disease, how roles of Signs and Karaka Planets has to be scrutinized."