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Monday, 25 July 2016

Will GST pass in the current session?

I got this question in email from someone I do not know, a week back. Normally I do not entertain questions where the person is merely curious and does not have a stake in the answer. Regular readers will know that the predictions I have gotten wrong are mostly such questions. Even from myself I do not see such 'curiosity value' questions. One way to ensure seriousness is to take some fee for my time spent in analysing the question (not for the prediction, mind you). But of course this person would not pay me and neither did I ask, but I do not know why, I decided to examine the question. The only reason I put this prediction here is because the answer I got is so different from what I think will happen. So I decided to put it up here just as a record.

The chart and significators are as follows:

The ongoing DBA is Ke-Me-Ve. Ketu signifies 7 8 12 and 6 8 12 and 5 8 12 and 4 6 8 12 at star and sub level. Me signifies 6 8 12 and 7 8 12 and 3 6 8 12 and 4 6 8 12. Ve signifies all the same combinations.

This is a clear negation of the chance of GST passing in the current session. In fact with the 7 8 12 and 5 8 12 the current session might be really stormy and a lot of arguments and scandals and fighting. But thee GST in the end will not pass in this session.

What is amazing is that the answer is such a clear NO to what I thought would be a clear YES. Especially considering that all parties have virtually agreed to support the decision before the session started.

Even if we take the 3rd CSL and 11th CSL we can see that while 3rd CSL signifies the 11th house, the 11th CSL does not signify the 3rd cusp. Suggesting that even if the Bill is introduced it will not pass.

It is better that this bill is shelved, given the number of 4 6 8 12s and 3 6 8 12s. It might just be shelved for good. But lets see...that was not the question anyway.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Will my child be able to pursue a career in writing

The chart is as follows:

Since writing comes under the heading of 'entertainment' for the purposes of horoscopes, the 5th cusp becomes important for analysis.

As the question is whether a hobby can be made into a career, a link between the 5th house and the wealth creating houses must be checked. Regular readers know that wealth creating houses are 1,2,3,6,10,11.

Shahasane ji gives a clear rule: 5th lord or the planets in the 5th cusps should be in the star of house lord of  wealth creating house or planets in a wealth creating house house. Only then will commercial use of  talent be possible, else it will remain a hobby.

In this chart, 5th lord is Me and planets in 5th are Ketu and Venus. The star lord of Me, Ve, Ke are Mo, Ra, Ma respectively.

Both Moon and Rahu are in the 11th house. Additionally Moon is also owner of 3rd house. Mars is in the 8th house suggesting some delays and disappointments (or perhaps the author writes mystery novels?), but is is also the owner of the 6th house.

As such, the native will be able to make money from his/ her hobby.

In fact, looking at the Nadi significators below:

this jyotisha is not surprised that the native decided to pick an art related field. Look at the number of 5s in the chart. I think the native would have been a more successful singer/ story teller/ teacher ie. any artform where she needs to use her mouth then even perhaps a story writer. This is simply by seeing how many more 2 5s there are in the chart than 3 11 that is needed for writing.

Seeing the 7 8s, one can say that the native has a very sharp style of speaking. See the Nadi significators of India's foremost satirist Shri PL Deshpande:

This is an exercise for my readers, to find the commonality in the significations of PL with the native in question. It is not too difficult and what I am trying to say will become clear.

Friday, 15 July 2016


Back to basics. Have been ridiculously busy over the last few weeks and hence not a chance to see a chart for love nor money.

Trying to clearing up a few queries that have accumulated in my mailbox, putting the slightly more interesting ones here. The time given in the chart below was different, I have rectified it using the RP as  on today at 8.06PM. The chart and significators are as follows:

The native is a divorcee who wants to get married again and asked if there was a chance of a remarriage.

Have a quick glance at the Nadi significators. At the first glance it stands out that the chart is quite weak from POV of marriage. So it is not surprising that the marriage was on the rocks from the beginning. The 7th CSL is Mars, Mars is  signifying the 3rd house through occupation of its star lord Ketu, hence the divorce was done legally and not a mere separation.

The native was married in 2012 and divorced soon after. We can see that the dasha lord Ju signifies 2 and 7 which allowed marriage to happen. The Sub lord of Jupiter, Saturn, however does not signify either 2/7/11 but signifies 10 at its starlord (Mo) level. So how did marriage happen at all?! The reason is that Saturn aspects the 2nd house, but that is the weakest level signification. So marriage happened, but from what the native tells me it was not consummated.

The rule that Shahasane ji gives for re marriage is as follows:

If 7th CSL is Me, or in the star of Me, or conjunct with/ aspected by Me then there is chance of remarriage. Similarly, if the 7th CSL or the starlord of the 7th CSL (any one of the two) is in a dual sign, even then there is chance of a 2nd marriage.

In this case there is no connection between 7th CSL and Mercury. 7th CSL Mars and its star lord Ketu are situated in fixed and moveable signs respectively. As such none of the conditions mentioned by Shri Shahasane are being met.

As such re-marriage is not possible, based on the rule. However, we can examine this question logically as well. This is done below:

Jupiter dasha ends in May 2017. Then Saturn Dasha starts. As we have already seen Saturn is a weak significator of the 2nd house and a strong significator of the marriage denial house of 10. As such Saturn will also be weak in giving marriage (remember, it has caused a separation earlier). Still marriage is not denied, but about marital bliss, it will need a lot of work on the part of the native and spouse.

I asked the native to give me a horary number to check when marriage can happen. The chart and significators are below:

While traditionally I would have looked at only 2 7 11 vs. 1 6 10s to check for marriage, I am not comfortable with the volume of 4 6 8 12s + 7 8 12s in this chart. I can only hope and pray that the 10 11s will act as a counter to the same.

If I shut my mind to this 4 + 6 8 12/7 8 12 combination, and focus only on 2 7 11 vs. 1 6 10 combinations, then the transit work out to somewhere in March/ April 2017.

But key point to be noted is that I am also ignoring the fact that 7th CSL Venus is in the Star of a retrograde Saturn. I am ignoring it solely because one more planet (Mercury) is in the star of a retrograde planet (Sa again). If I were not to ignore it, then marriage is straightaway denied.

But overall, this is not a good chart for marriage. It will be better if the native finds his destiny in some other facet of life.