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Thursday, 28 April 2016

When will I change my job?

An old client asked me this Q today. The chart and significators are as follows:

First thing to check in a Prashna chart if whether Moon reflects the query.  Since the cusps 5 and 9 are responsible for a change in job, we need to check if Moon is a significator of the same. Moon is in the star of Venus, Venus is posited in the 5th house. Moreover, the 9th cusp falls in the Cancer sign owned by Moon. As such, Moon is reflecting the query and we can go ahead to analyse this chart.

As we can see, all planets signify 5 9 combination in full, but for Saturn and Sun which have just the 5th house represented. So overall a very powerful chart for job change.

Currently the DBA of Ve-Ma-Ra is on. To change a job, as per Nadi principals, it is necessary for a separative planet to be present in the DBA. Even planets that are aspected or conjunct with Separative planets can cause job change. So in this case, almost all planets can allow job change.

Now to check transit conditions:

A) Any three planets that signify the event should:
1) Conjoin in one house OR
2) Aspect each other OR
3) Transit the significator houses OR
4) Aspect the significator houses OR
5) Transit over their natal positions

B) After one of the 'A' conditions are fulfilled, the one of the below conditions should also be fulfilled:
1) A transit planet signifying the event should transit over the natal degree of any planet that also signifies the event OR
2) Two planets signifying the event transit in a sign come closer than 1 degree OR
3) Any planet signifying event comes within 1 degree of the cusp of significator houses OR
4) Moon (if it signifies event), conjoins with THREE other planets signifying an event

Of the above I usually discount the A5 condition when checking prashna charts as the chart for transit and prashna are identical.

It is interesting to note that as on the date of casting this chart itself, condition A3 is getting fulfilled with Venus and Sun in the 5th cusp and Jupiter and Rahu in the 9th cusp.

The condition B4 gets satisfied on 5th and 6th of May. Interestingly due to Mercury turning retrograde, the condition B2 gets satisfied on 9th May, 13th May, 14th May.

So one can safely say that May 1st to May 15th 2016 is a favorable time for the native to change jobs.

Notably during this period the Sun too is passing through the sign-star combination of Mars-Venus, both planets that appear in the Ruling planets at the time of judgement. Also, since all planets are positive for job change the DBA lords will necessarily always be in favourable stars and subs.

Notably, just because the Asc is in Scorpio, a sthira Rashi, I decided to examine the next Antara of Jupiter, to get an alternative set of dates for job change. Jupiter also appears in the Ruling Planets further increasing its importance in my eyes. Jupiter is conjoined with Rahu and aspected by Saturn, and thus takes on the separative properties of these planets and can thus effect change of job. Jupiter Antara runs from 29th June to 13 November 2016.

During Jupiter Antara the conditions are satisfied from July 24th to August 24th 2016.

Therefore the two date ranges I can give to the native for job change is 
1) May 1 to May 15 2016 
2) July 24 to August 24 2016

Another question that is generally asked along with this question is, whether the change will be a good change for me career-wise (money, work etc). It is a general rule that if the combinations for job change are accompanied by the combination for wealth 2 6 10 11, then the change is good. If however the combination for job change is accompanied by 6 8 12/ 5 8 12 then the change is for the worse.

Any regular reader of my blog can scan the Nadi significators and he/ she will will see 5 12 and 6 12 scattered throughout the screen. There is a 11 also, but an 11 alone cannot mitigate the problems caused by 5 12 and 6 12. As such the job change will likely not yield the result that the native wants it to.

It should be a learning point that I have earlier analysed the native's natal chart and advised that current period is one of turmoil and stress professionally and have also suggested some remedies. Since that is the destiny of the native at this time, changing of jobs will not allow an escape from it. That result from natal is also beautifully reflected here in the horary chart.

In the natal chart, the 10th CSL is Jupiter and Jupiter is in Rahu's star. Jupiter is posited in Kumbha and Rahu in Vrishchika, which are BOTH Fixed signs. Such people should NEVER leave one job without having an iron clad offer on another one.

Also, the native has his Moon in Sagittarius and such people are currently under the sade-saati influence of Saturn. As such, times will be difficult. But a more important observation here is that during the period that Saturn will remain retrograde (March 25th to August 13 2016), the native is likely to get false/ misleading offers. So he should not jump ship unless he has a iron clad offer in hand and examine each offer in this period well. This advice will stand true for all periods when Saturn is retrograde while the native is running his 7.5 cycle of Saturn.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Will my child get selected in team?

This was a question that was passed on to me by another jyotish who wanted my view on in. There are actually two questions, asked by a mother about her second son. He was trying out for a training camp by a cricket association in Mumbai and also for their under 14 cricket team. These Qs were via prashna kundlis and I have rotated both charts by the 7th house to represent the 2nd son.


DBA is Mo-Sa-Ma. Moon has 5 12 (which is 6 11 for the opposition), so Moon is negative. Saturn has 7 12 so negative again. Mars has 6 12 but that is beaten by 10 11, so Mars is positive. But as per my experience, a chain must be complete. Since Dasha itself is weak, the chain is broken and I predicted that the child will not get selected in the under 14 team.


In this chart as well the DBA is of Mo-Sa-Ma. Moon signifies 6 8, Sat has 6 8 but beaten by 10 11. Mars has 6 8. It has 10 11 but both are not joined and hence should be seen separately. Again the chain is broken and the chart gives a negative answer.

The child will not get selected for the coaching class either,

Sad news, but then I believe failures teach us more than success and I hope these roadblocks propel the child to grow even stronger.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Do I have cancerous knots in my body?

An old friend who has also become an old client asked me this question. At first glance I was not keen on looking at this chart, as this is not a matter of a cold or even a fracture but something way more serious. Medical doubts should be handled by a medical practitioner, indeed before an astrologer. But I gave in after her insistence and only after she promised to get the 'knots' checked out irrespective of what my answer was. 

The following chart was cast:

The ongoing DBA is of Ke-Ve-Ju.

Ke signifies 1 6 8 and 1 4 10 concerned with disease and slow action of medicines. 

Venus too signifies 1 4 10 and 1 6 8 with similar outcome. 

Jupiter signifies 1 6 8 and 1 4 as well.

So overall it is best if the native gets herself checked with a doctor as soon as possible. If the doctor has any room for doubt, then get a second opinion as Ketu is known to cause diagnostic confusion.

I decided to examine this using K.P. as well. While strictly this 'cancerous knots' is not a medical diagnosis, it is a estimate of sorts and so I decided to apply the rules of checking whether the diagnosis is correct or not.

The rules of the same are as follows:

Shahasane says if the 6th CSL is posited in a 'sthira' rashi or the starlord of the 6th CSL is posited in a 'sthira' rashi, and the 6th CSL signifies any one of 1/6/8/12 cusps, then the doctors diagnosis is correct. Notably, it is enough if ANY ONE of the 6th CSL or the 6th CSL's starlord is in a 'sthira' rashi, the other can be in a 'chara' rashi, NOT in a 'ubhaya' rashi.

So when is the diagnosis incorrect? Shahasane says, if the 6th CSL is Mercury or the 6th CSL is in the star of Mercury, OR the 6th CSL or the starlord of the 6th CSL (any one of them) is posited in a 'ubhaya' rashi OR are within a 4 degree orb of Mercury, then the diagnosis that exists at the time of this prashna is wrong.

Let us examine this chart. 6th CSL is Sun. Sun is posited in Aries (chara rashi) and in the star of Ketu. Ketu is posited in Aquarius which is a 'sthira' rashi. So neither of the two are in an ubhaya rashi. Notably, Sun and Mercury are usually not too far away from each other, so I checked that Mercury is more than 4 degrees away from the Sun. Sun signifies the 8th house via its star lord occupying the same.

As such this corroborates the Nadi conclusion that indeed the native should visit a physician at the earliest.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

A sad one, I hope I am wrong

I have been receiving whatsapp messages and forwards from several different people talking about a young lady who has gone missing. After several back and forths, I got the confirmation from a school friend that the girl is indeed missing and it was not a sham forward. I felt the urge to check when she would return and cast the following chart:

The Nadi significators are as follows:

The first thing I noticed in the chart is that the Dasha lord Mars is conjunct with Saturn which is a natural significator of death. Remember, in Nadi, only sign level conjunctions are considered unlike KP with two planets have to be within 3-5 degrees of each other to be considered conjunct. The Bhukti lord Mercury is aspected by the malefic Rahu. Rahu is also a significator of sudden events.

Worried, I looked at the Asc sublord. Again, it is Saturn. Saturn is the only graha that administers death. My heart sank.

Look at Saturn's significations: 1,2, 11; 4, 6, 9; 3 8

2 is a maraka house, since Asc is in a chara rashi, the 11th is a badhaka house, even the 4th house is the house of 'the end' and we also have 3 9 houses (not returning home) prominently displayed. This is clearly not a good situation.

I then turned by eye towards the Nadi significators, and any regular reader of my blog can see that 2 combinations are standing out: 1 4 8 12 and 2 3 8 12.

1 4 8 12 stands for accident and 2 3 8 12 stands for kidnapping or confinement (whether this is jail, a private locale or an hospital I do not know).

The Asc's cuspal sublord Saturn is placed in a Sthira Rashi, so we know that the person is not moving ie she is in a house or a place not in a car or train etc.

Saturn is placed in the 3rd house, that suggests that she has not gone too far, maybe in the same city or neighbourhood. Saturn is placed in Scorpio, which is natural significator of gutters or slaughterhouses or dirty, underground places or redlight areas etc. Scorpio is also a watery sign, so probably close to or in water, mostly dirty water. Saturn itself is a significator of dark, cold, lonely places etc. So that is the sort of place the native may be found.

Notably, Neptune has not aspected Saturn in anyway, so if one were to look at the right place, the person will be found quite easily.

Readers will wonder why I have not rotated the chart by the 9th house since the person is not known to me (as I had done in this case). The reason is that in Nadi such a rotation is not asked for as in KP. But let us rotate the chart and see if we get a different result. The chart and significators are as follows:

Despite rotation, we see that DBA (Ma-Me-Ma) has 4 6 8 12/ 7 12 and 7 8 12. In fact 7 8 12 combination is 5-6 planets, and as in the earlier linked case, I have to say the outcome is is not good.

I pray to the Almighty that just as I get a few wrong here and there, may this one also be a wrong prediction and the girl return hale and hearty to her family soon.

While the Whatsapp message is pretty widely circulated, I will not give the identity of the girl here unless the actual fate (good or bad) is known. I do not want her parent's random net searches to dishearten them.

May Bhairavi give her family the strength to bear whatever happens.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Why am I not predicting BJP's latest election's results?

Hello folks,

This is a question that has been asked to me about a zillion times in person, on twitter, over the phone, by believers, skeptics, people I know, people I don't know....well you get the idea.

The genesis of this question actually lies in three posts that I have made. 

The first post was regarding BJP's chances in the general elections. Notably, at this time I did not know the proverbial 'A' of astrology and had in fact over a period of a long illness created a fairly heavy Excel model to mathematically predict the outcome for BJP alone. I had predicted 215 seats for BJP alone, remember this was in October 2013 when well financed experienced statistician with all the tools at their disposal were predicting about a 160 seats at most for the BJP. And I did not have the clairvoyance of jyotish then!

Then the second post was made in July 2015 and the third one was made around September 2015 predicting an reconfirming my projection for BJP's situation in the Bihar assembly elections. In both the posts I highlighted that BJP would lose Bihar and very badly in fact winning about 50-60 seats.

In addition to this I have made several predictions in politics regarding the shelving of the land bill, re-election of Amit Shah etc etc so it was natural for people to ask me to continue doing so in the upcoming elections. I am truly humbled by people's faith in my limited ability to try and interpret the will of the Gods. 

But here is a  practical aspect on why I am not making election predictions suo motu. Regular readers of my blog know, understand and appreciate that I try to keep even my wrong predictions on the blog. Sometimes I feel I know where I have gone wrong, other times I don't and I frankly write that I went wrong but I don't know what I did wrong. How else can one conduct an empirical study of jyotish in good faith?!

Anyway so coming back to the main question. I do not have the exact birth times of the candidates of the party leadership of the BJP and of its competitors. I need this to see their fates don't I? I have asked some people who claim to be close to the party leadership but I have been unable to get the correct or reliable data from them.

As my beloved readers know, that in absence of a natal chart I rely on a prashna chart. Prashna chart is not a second rung type of a thing. In fact in many cases I consider it to be an even better reflection of the future as the prashna chart exists for the sole purpose of answering one question and one question alone. 

The only limitation to the erection and correct interpretation of a prashna chart is that the asker must feel a genuine need to know the answer. A casual question cannot be answered. Just as you cannot take a life insurance policy on your unrelated neighbor's life, you cannot ask a prashna where you are not really interested in the answer. If the reason for the prashna is to prove me or the science of jyotish false, then I readily admit that I am a fool and jyotish is a lie, kindly do not waste your and ,what is infinitely more important to me, my time in analyzing casual or malicious questions.

I wish to stress that it is not the extent of the question but the gravity of it which is important. For example, a child may ask a question "will I get a chocolate today?" with much more gravity than someone asking "will Iran and USA sign their nuclear accord?"

So in the case of Bihar elections, I felt connected to the poll. The results would have affected the peace of my mind. I needed to know, I wanted to know. As such, I felt it right to cast a Prashna chart. I do not feel the same need in the case of West Bengal or Assam or anywhere else. And it is this reason why the same prashna asked at two different times, months apart with different 'seeds' gave me the EXACT SAME ANSWER. Indeed I did not feel it in the case of even Maharashtra where I reside! I cannot help what my mind unconsciously prioritizes :) Hence I did not ask these prashna's to myself.

So for the cases of other elections I would prefer questions coming from someone who is intimately connected with the polls. It would be the state party head of whichever main party is contesting. Or it can be the CM candidate. Or it can be the strategy head. I would not take question from a PT or a general supporter, only because I cannot divine if the need to know is genuine. Even a solitary candidate might be more interested in his own seat rather than the party's situation in the state as a whole.

So while discussing with someone on Twitter today, I mentioned I will happily solve this prashna if either Shri Narendra Modi ji or Shri Amit Shah ji asks me the question. It is not pride or some need to meet or communicate with them that prompts this response. It is because honestly I do not know any other person in BJP who has as much at stake in every poll that happens. 

If I were to take non-serious questions then my analysis will be wrong and I am likely to get wrong answers. This will shake my scientific study of astrology and that is wrong. If I use bad instruments then can the experiment itself be flawed? I want to avoid this situation altogether. 

In fact this is something I have learnt along the way of my Jyotish journey and in fact can attribute someone my earlier failures like in the case of will RK-KK get married etc to this 'non serious' nature of prashnas.

I know my regular readers will understand and appreciate the limitations of this science and support me. Thank you all!

Has my mother in law done black magic on me?

This was an unusual question sent to me by someone who had consulted with me before. I had to read it again and then confirm it with the questioner whether the person was serious.

Afterall black magic is hokum right?

To be serious, I do not know. For me, jyotish was also hokum till certain incidents convinced me otherwise. So what do I know of black magic or 'abhichaara' as some people in India call it? Nothing.

All I know is, "what I cannot see or understand, cannot exist" is the very crown of ignorance and the antithesis of a scientific mind. Do not take my word for it, google up some work on quantum physics and tell me the you do not think the speakers are sounding more like Hindu philosophers or spiritualists instead of physicists. 

Apparently now even talking about such things can be prosecuted under some targeted 'superstition law', so let me give a disclaimer that the entire post is hypothetical and any resemblance to those living or dead or living after being dead is entirely coincidental and not intentional. No liability admitted! 

Oh the joys of living in a secular country! :)

Anyway, I digress. Let us see the chart:

As usual I will be analysing this chart using both Krishnamurti Paddhati and Nadi. This is also another example to elucidate the quickness of Nadi and the depth of KP working together in conjunction.

First let us look at Nadi significators:

The ongoing DBA is of Ke-Mo-Ra. Long time readers of this would pick up quickly that Ke and Ra are first rate malefics and dominate the DBA. Incidentally Mo also finds its place in the DBA, as Moon is the karaka of the mind and the mind is the first thing that is reportedly affected by such abhichaara.

Ke and Ra are also shadow planets, i.e. just mathematical points with no physical existence and thus govern things which have no tangible existence. So 'thematically' the association of this dissected Rakshasa with black magic seems to fit.

Now look at the significations, Ketu strongly signifies 7 8 12, Moon also strongly signifies 7 8 12 as does Rahu. In fact apart from Mercury and Venus, all planets are afflicted. by 8 12. This clearly suggests detriment to the native's interest and the answer would have to be Yes, black magic indeed appears to have been done to the native. And since the question is directed to a particular person it indeed appears that that very person has done it.

Now let us look at KP (as elucidated by Shahasane and as dealt by me over here first):

Primary rules to check if a 'baadha' (curse) exists, are:
1) At the time of examination of horoscope, Rahu/Ketu must be the Dasha lord, OR
2) Whichever planet is the dasha lord should be in the star owned by Rahu/Ketu, OR
3) Rahu/Ketu must be conjunct with the dasha lord, OR
4) Kalsarpa dosha ie. all 9 planets on one side of the axis formed by Rahu and Ketu, OR
5) Rahu/Ketu conjunct with Sun/Moon/Lagna lord

Condition 1 and 5 (above) is satisfied by this prashna chart.

If above is satisfied then SS recommends a second check. At the time of examining horoscope:
1) Ascendant star lord should be Rahu/Ketu OR
2) Moon star lord should be Rahu/Ketu OR
3) Moon or Sun or Lagna lord should be conjunct with Rahu/ Ketu OR
4) Kalsarpa dosha in the time/ prashna kundali.

Condition no. 2 is satisfied as Moon at the time of casting the horoscope was posited in the Magha nakshatra whose owner is Ketu.

So if there is a problem, isn't there also a remedy? Well...yes and no. 'Yes' because remedies do exist and 'No' because they will not work in certain cases. Either the individual will refuse to do them, or they will be done improperly or irregularly or something or the other will cause the remedy to fail. If such failure is seen from the horoscope, then there is no point is giving a remedy to the native at all.

SS gives us another set of rules to apply to check if the remedy will be effective or not and only if atleast one of the below is satisfied that the astrologer should even venture to suggest a remedy:

In the natal or prashna horoscope:

1) 9th lord or Jupiter should have aspect on 6th house OR
2) 9th lord and 6th lord should be in conjunction OR
3) 9th lord should aspect 6th lord OR
4) 9th lord should be posited in the 6th house OR
5) 9th CSL should be significator of the 6th house

Now here lies the problem. None of above points other than point 2 are getting satisfied. And I have some doubt on point 2 as well. Since the Asc of this chart lies in the Capricorn sign, the 6th and 9th houses fall in Gemini and Virgo which are both owned by Mercury. So in effect the 6th and 9th lord is the same. So is this considered as conjunction? Or does this make this condition itself "not applicable"?

I have not found the clarification of this point in any text that I have read, so we will deduce logically. The essence of the above conditions is to link the 9th house to the 6th house. 9th house is the house of spirituality, higher thought, education and healing, while the 6th house is the house of disease, of hidden enemy etc. So isn't the common lordship of 6th and 9th one of the highest ways the two houses can be linked?

Another support I can see is that Mercury is one of the just 2 planets that are completely unencumbered by 8 12 or 6 8. Mercury and Venus are also not conjunct or aspected by any malefics or planets signifying 8/ 12.

While Shahasane believes that worshipping the God represented by 9th CSL is more effective than the 9th lord, I will not suggest that in this case as 9th CSL is Sun which not only signifies the 8th house through ownership it is also in the star of Ketu. So we will stick with 9th lord Mercury.

For Mercury, the 'Ishta devta' is Shri Hanuman and so I recommended that the native chant Hanuman Chalisa or even Bheemroopi Stotra by Samartha Ramdas, thrice a day. morning,evening and night. 

In additon the native can also worship a fierce form of the Devi, since Venus is the other strong planet in horoscope and also signifies the 9th cusp by aspecting it.

Let us hope and pray that relief ensues soon!

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Will my son pass the competitive examination to be held tomorrow?

The chart and Nadi significators is as follows (chart has been rotated from 5th as Q was asked by a mother w.r.t. her only child):

Let us first examine this Q using Shahsane's method. For competitive exams he says (Page 78 KP Jyotish Veda): If the 6th CSL is a significator of 6/10/11 then native gets success in competitive exams. If the same 6th CSL signifies 4,5,8,9,12 then the native gets failure. This is a general rule not just for exams but for all competitions in life.

The 6th CSL above is Mercury with significations: 5 7 10; Venus: 4 6 11. Now we can see that the 6th CSL strongly signifies (ie at star level) not just positive houses 6 and 11 but also a negative house 4 by virtue of being occupied by the starlord of the 6th CSL.

In such cases we need to the the 6th CSL of the competitor. Since this horoscope is from the native's point of view, the competitor will be seen from the 7th cusp and the 6th cusp of the competitor will be the 12th cusp. So we need to see the 12th CSL, which in this case is Ketu.

Shahasane says if the competitors 6th CSL (12th CSL in this case) strongly signifies the 6th, 10th or 11th house from POV of the competitor (so 12th, 4th or 5th cusp in this case), then the competitor wins. Let us see what houses Ketu signifies:

Position: 3
Aspect (Mars): 5 11 12; Saturn: 2 3 12
Aspect (Moon): 2; Ketu: 4
Aspect (Jupiter): 1 4 9; Venus: 4 6 11
Starlord (Jupiter): 1 4 9
Sign lord (Saturn): 2 3 12; Mercury 5 7 10

Since there are multiple planets aspecting Ketu, I looked to the Ruling Planets at the time of the question to see which of these planets will have primary significance. Of the aspects, only Mars finds presence in the RPs and thus we can take that to have the primary influence.

As we can see the 6th CSL of the competitor primarily signifies the 4th, 5th and 12th houses which are unfavourable for the native.

But to be thorough in my approach, I could not ignore the signification of 6, 10 and 11 at that star level by Ketu as well. So as advised by Shahasane I continued to investigate the DBA. But Shahsane in his example on Page 80 of KP Jyotish Veda advises us to see the DBA as on the date of results (which in this case is May 11). 

The ongoing Dasha is of Ketu which will continue beyond May 11. Ketu as seen above signifies both positive and negative houses.

Bhukti of Venus which signifies 5 and 10 at star level so again confusing. 

Antara and Sookshma during May 11 will be of Saturn which signifies 5 and 10 at star level, so again the Q is unresolved.

I am left with no other choice than to see Prana level for the first time ever! Rahu Prana continues till 11:33AM on May 11 and thereafter Jupiter Prana starts. We have seen Jupiter Prana offers no clear answer, so we need to see Rahu's significations, which are as follows:
Position: 9
Aspect (Saturn): 2 3 12; Mercury 5 7 10
Star (Sun): 4 9
Sign ( Sun): 4 9; Ketu: 3

Again, the chart is unclear on who will clear! Not all charts like to reveal the answer easily :) Today is an especial day with regards to posts concerning such stubborn charts.

Thankfully I can look at Nadi too, the significators are as follows:

DBA is Ketu, Venus, Jupiter. Ketu has 8 12 at planet level but  joined 6 11 at sub level with no negative houses at star level, so we can say on balance, Ketu is positive.

Venus is wildly positive.

Jupiter is the issue, there is a 6 12 combination which is not countered by a 10 11 combination, there however appears to be a combination of 4 9 11 which many consider to be as powerful as 6 10 11 in giving the results of a competitive exam. 

But again, I come back to the same question, WHY should a prashna chart be so difficult to decipher? In fact look at the Nadi significators above, 3 planets have 8 12, Rahu has a singular 8 in sub, 6 12 in Mercury and Jupiter. In fact the only out and out positive planet that I can see is Venus. this a CLEAR chart for passing of the exam? Of course not. I go back to my learning from the last school admission question. 

The Child will unfortunately NOT pass the entrance exam.

To cross check the result, I decided to use the options theory, option 1: child will pass, option 2: child will fail.

I took up this question at 12:01 AM on 17th April 2016 when the RPs are: 
Asc lord: Jupiter
Moon star: Ketu (in star of Jupiter which is retro hence ignored
Moon sign: Sun
Day lord: Sun

Options score will be: +9+12+5+5=31=3+1=4
4-2(no. of options)=2. The 2nd option is the child will not pass.

With a heavy heart I conveyed the message to the client saying that the exam is difficult this time, tell your son to attempt all questions as there are chances of him missing the selection by a fraction of a mark.

Child admission in chosen school: One of the toughest charts I have seen

This is one of the toughest chart I have solved. It took me hours to see this chart, I remember  the question was asked to me on the evening of the 23rd of February but I was able to answer only the next morning after checking, re-checking and re-re-checking. Partly I re-checked because the answer was negative, but partly because the answer was just so unclear! What makes this even more surprising is the fact that this was not a natal chart but a prashna chart which is usually extremely clear in terms of the answer it provides. This one completely flummoxed me. Perhaps I should have seen my own chart (I never do!) for that day, it was slated to be a tough day for me clearly.

Anyway, enough of my sob story, I feel compelled to document this case only to highlight to my readers how it is not always clear and one has to really plumb the depths to arrive at the answer. What makes this case tricky and worth studying is that the apparent answer was CLEARLY positive! But something nagged at me and I kept researching and eventually I decided to give the opposite answer, which turned out to be correct. Phew. 

Ok the question came from a concerned parent asking whether their ward would get admission to a particular school. A pretty straight forward question, right? (or so I thought). I cast the following chart (rotated it from the 5th house as child is only/ first child about whom Q was asked):

Now Shahsane is quite confused about this type of question himself it appears. Reason is that he gives two different rules in the SAME BOOK, for this type of question.

On page 265 of his Phaladesh Khanda he says: "If 4th CSL is a direct planet, posited in a direct star, and signfies the 11th cusp, then the child will get admission to the CHOSEN school" 

On page 446 of the SAME book, he says that the above rule only means that the child would get admission to A school, not necessarily the chosen school. In fact here he says that it need not signify just 11, even signifying 4th cusp will do! 

If we have to see chosen school then another rule needs to be applied which is: 4th CSL and 11th CSL must be direct planets, posited in direct stars AND both should be posited in Sthira (fixed) signs.

Clearly, you can see where an astrologer like me who has learnt only from books can get confused. Anyways I decided to apply both rules sincerely to check.

The 4th CSL is Rahu. Rahu signifies:
Position: 9
Conjunct Jupiter: 8 1 4; Venus: 1 6 11
Aspect Sun: 2 9; Ra: 9
Aspect Saturn: 11 2 3; Me: 1 7 10
Star Sun: 2 9
Sign Sun: 2 9; Ra: 9

Incidentally I always like to check 11th CSL in such questions as desire fulfillment depends on them. The 11th CSL is Venus: 1 6 11; Mo: 8 Neither Venus nor Moon is retro or in star of retro planets.

As we can see above, the 4th CSL signifies 4 and 11, so clearly admission in chosen school is possible as per Shahasane jis first condition. At this point I was quite elated at the ease with which I got the answer. It is only Bhairavi who prevented me from sending my first take to the client. Afterall, I have to take the efforts and intellectual rigor to be honest to this science and to my client.

Then I decided to apply the second condition. The 4th CSL is Rahu posited in Leo. The 11th CSL is Venus posited in Capricorn. NOW this is where it got interesting. Leo is a Fixed sign BUT Capri is a Moveable sign. So this 2nd new condition is only 50% fulfilled.

Now I had a conflict, the first condition by Shahasane is fulfilled but the second one is now. What is worse is that in his book Shahasane has solved an actual  case using the first rule but the second rule is simply mentioned with no backing.Now what to do?!

I decided to examine the Nadi significators:

The relevant DBA was Ve-Ra-Sa. The first thing I noticed was that 2 out of the three planets were natural malefics. This naturally suggested that all was not well. Then I looked at the significations of the DBA, after all the CSLs confirm existence of the 'package' but the delivery is in the hands of the DBAs isn't it?!

Venus has a 6 8 at planet-star-sub combined level. But it also had a 4 9 11 at the sub level. 
Rahu had a 4 9 11 at the planet level, but the sub level was a stark singular 8
Saturn was overall positive wth a 10 11 and no negative houses

Again the answer using Nadi was not a clear YES. Then I looked across all planets in the Nadi significators, Ketu, Mars, Jupiter had 8 12s, making these planets outright negatives.Venus and Moon had a 6 8, countered ineffectively by a solitary 11.

Also a huge factor for me was the presence of a singular 8. It may be noted that in a natal chart when a planet has a single 12 or 8 signified and that planet appears as star or sub in majority planets then one area of life is completely destroyed. It is tough to tell which area, but one area (parents/marriage/ education/ health/ children/ marriage/ career etc) is completely in the doldrums. So when I see a singular 8 appearing in Venus, Moon, Rahu, Mercury at different levels (of which Ve and Ra are part of out relevant DBA), I could not help wonder why.

Another thing I then noticed, that while the 11th CSL was free from any retrogression it did not signify the 4th house of education (which was the basic question asked by the client!). So in the 'envelope' of desire fulfillment the page of education did not exist at all! Also, Venus signified the 8th house of disappointment and failure extremely strongly at the nakshatra level.

In the end this singular 8, coupled with the non - fulfillment of Shahasane's second rule and the 11th CSL situation (described in the above para) compelled me to write the following to the client:

"I see at best feeble chances of the admission happening in a school that you desire."

However, I could not get the first rule out of my mind and decided that there is no reason why an appeal to a higher power cannot be made to see if the 5-10% wriggle room can be utilised and recommended that the parent visit a temple dedicated to the divine feminine to pray for this school admission to take place. Assuming of course that the parent is not an atheist. The reason I chose a feminine form was that the Dasha lord and the 11th CSL is Venus, the karaka for Devi.

I also suggested that if possible the parent should visit any temple dedicated to a fierce form of the Devi, such as Mahakali or Bhairavi, instead of a benign form.This suggestion was made as the bhukti and antara were of Rahu and Saturn both malefic planets. Rahu is in fact a Rakshasa! Also the 4th CSL is Rahu.

Unfortunately before the parent could act on my advice, indeed within an hour of my sending the email, the parent received word that the child's application for admission in the chosen school had been rejected. Strange are the ways of Karma, it gets administered no matter what. I only interpret it!

P.S.: Why a prashna chart should be so difficult to analyse is however a prashna that I could not solve. After all my Sade-saati is also on...will Shani maharaj give anything without putting me through the wringer first?! :)

Friday, 15 April 2016

Will SRK's movie FAN make more than Rs 100 crore?

This Q was prompted by a similar Q solved by a astrology student known to me. First time I am solving a Q like this, so it will be interesting to see the outcome.

So I asked this Q and cast the following chart and Nadi significators:

The ongoing DBA is Me-Me-Ke

Even a simple glance at the Nadi significators above can tell you the situation of Me. It has 12 in the Planet, 6 in Star and 8 in Sub. Since the 6th cusp is a naturally negative house, the 8 in sub and 12 in planet will be linked through the 6th in star to form a full combination of 6 8 12.

Ketu too has a 6 8 12 combination with 6 in Sub, 8 in Star and 8 12 in Planet. There is a 10 11 as well, which being at Planet level will not be able to help much. At best the movie can get a good opening, and after Ketu Antara ends it flops.

After Ketu Antara ends there is Venus Antara which is negative with 6 12 and a solitary 11 at the Planet level which cannot help much.

But let us also see the cuspal situation. When you have to see the response for a medium like advertisement or writing etc, then we have to see the 9th cuspal sublord. 9th cusp is the 3rd to the 7th cusp of the opposite party.

In this case the 9th CSL is Mars, Mars is posited in Saturn's star which is retrograde. Given that another planet (Ketu) is also posited in the star of a retrograde planet (Ju), I decided to ignore this situation. If Mars was the ONLY planet in the retrograde star then I would have concluded that this movie will flop in the first week itself!

Anyway the rule is that the 9th CSL if it signifies the 3rd cusp then the response is good.

Mars signifies the following:
7 12; Sa 7 10 11

So Mars is not signifying thhe 3rd house at all. Again supporting the Nadi conclusion that this movie will not make Rs 100 crores (as this was the Prashna).

I guess the 'Intolerance' has spread to the Cosmos as well :)

Thursday, 14 April 2016

A one dimensional study gives only a one dimensional answer

I saw an interesting horoscope yesterday that highlights what I ALWAYS say w.r.t. the need to use both Krishnamurti and Nadi principals in conjunction with each other for a better reading of the chart.

Look at the Nadi significators for this horoscope I mention (I will put the chart up later):

We know as per Nadi principals, that following combinations are good for education: 4 9 11/ 5 11/ 4 11/ 2 4 5 9 (borderline).

Now look at the above chart and think if this native will have any academic achievements at all. None, right?! In fact I cannot see a single planet that is good for education. At best I can see a few 3 11 or 2 11s which means the native could have maybe done a basic commerce graduation (not CA or MBA or even MCOM) or maybe a journalism degree (3 11), both qualifications that are not at all intellectually taxing.

Lets see what we can deduce now. Here is the chart:

As per Shahsane (Page 263 phaladesh khanda), if the 4th CSL is either Me or Ju or in star of Me or Ju and signifies 4 or 9 or 11 then the general education status of the native is good.

If the 4th CSL signifies 4 and/or 11, it shows completion of general education. If the 9th CSL, signifies 4 or 11, it indicates completion of advanced or PhD-like levels of education.

Now lets take another look at the chart. 4th CSL is Mercury (in star or Sun) and signifies 11th cusp through ownership. So basic level of education is assured.

9th CSL is Mars (star: Sun) which signifies 4th house through ownership. So again high levels of education are assured. Thus even through the traditional Nadi combinations do not exist in this chart, we can say that the native will study till advanced levels.

Now see how, in the light of this new information (ie. good education) the colour of horoscope changes. Five planets have got the 5 8 12/ 7 8 12 combination. If good education was not indicated, then career wise this would have gone towards creativity (there are some 3s and 2s around) and character wise it would have gone to scandalous, aggressive character.

But now when we know that education levels are likely to be good, this same 5 8 12 and 7 8 12 will be utilised towards that. We know from Nadi principals that 5 8 12 and 7 8 12 combinations are repeated in the chart of a Gynecologist's horoscope.

The native is indeed studying in medical school to be a Gynecologist. By using Nadi alone, we would have dismissed her as a academic failure.

Now lets see how Nadi helps. The quick  diagnosis of her career as a Gynec, was possible through Nadi. See how the process would have been in Krishnamurti:

4th CSL is Mercury. Significations:

Mercury 1 2 11, Su 1

Relevant Dashas for education and career period:

Ju: 5 8 12; Sa 5 6 7
Ve: 3 10 12; Me 11 12
Mo: 2 12
Sa: 5 6 7; Ve 3 10 12

Jupiter 5 8 12; Sa 5 6 7
Saturn 5 6 7; Ve 3 10 12

These three dasha will cover a period up to year 2046.

At the first glance we can see two planets occupy a majority space above, Saturn and Venus. Among houses, the following are the most represented: 12, 5, 7.

Saturn is the planet of lower classs work, it represents history, old things, things to be used after death, abortions, family planning centres, autopsies, secrecy, cold products etc

Venus is prime karaka for sexual pleasure so concerns itself with sexual organs, also with the womb, uterus, urinary tract etc.

The 5th house has to do with child birth, the 7th with lower stomach, urinary tract, internal sexual organs. The 12th has to do with secret places, forbidden knowledge, surgeries , foreign places, death, jail, hospital etc.

Now I would have to combine my knowledge of these common houses and common planets to deduce what would be the right profession for the native. But using Nadi combinations that answer became evident very quickly.

Interestingly, I feel that the native may deal more with abortions rather than births. This is because of the prevalence of 7 8 12 in the horoscope and also the fact that the native will enter Saturn Dasha after ten years. Saturn is the natural significator of death. Even when you look at the current Dasha lord Jupiter, it fully signifies 7 8 12 and also is itself in the star of Saturn.

This study was to show the reader why it is necessary to approach a horoscope from multiple sides to get close to a correct answer. Ignoring vital elements of stellar prognosis is to our own peril.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Marriage woes

Another marriage post. I know, I know there seems to be a tilt towards marriage posts here, but that cannot be helped. Almost 70%-80% of the queries I come across are marriage related. Either: a) marriage is not happening or b) Marriage has happened but couple do not get along.

I do think it is the reflection of the times we live in where we have confused brashness for independence and rigidity for identity.

Anyway, here is the chart:

The native is a good looking, educated girl from a well regarded family. But unfortunately marriage is not happening, and a concerned relative showed me the horoscope.

I took up examination of the horoscope yesterday at 10:30AM. The ruling planets at that time were:
Asc Sign lord: Mercury
Moon Star lord: Mars
Moon Sign Lord: Mercury
Day lord: Mars

So basically only Mars and Mercury feature in the RPs.

Since the Q relates to marriage, the 7th cuspal sublord (CSL) becomes important and we need to verify if it has been correctly recorded.

The 7th CSL is Mars. Mars finds place in the Ruling Planets. So I know that the time of birth as recorded is largely correct.

Mars is posited in the 10th house and owns 2 and 7. So of the 2 7 11 combination needed for marriage, two cusps are being represented by the 7th CSL. So marriage is promised to the native. At least at this level, I was satisfied.

However, a promise does not mean much unless it is actually delivered to the native. The job of this 'delivery' is in the hands of the Dasha, Bhukti and Antara (DBA) lords. So unless we have a favourable DBA, the event, though promised, will not come to pass.

The ongoing Dasha is of Rahu. The significations are:
House: 6
Aspected by Mars: 10, 2 7 ; Ketu 12 (Ketu's full significations given below)
Conjunct with Nil
Star lord Saturn: 2 4 5
Sign lord Jupiter: 7 3 6; Ke 12

Ketus full significations:
House: 12
Aspected by Nil
Conjunct with Nil
Star lord Sun: 10 11
Sign lord Mercury: 10 9 12; Rahu 6

So we can see that the Dasha lord is signifying both positive and negative (1 6 10 12) houses for marriage. However, the 'tilt' of the Dasha lord is towards the negative with such negative houses being signified at the stronger Star level. But because positive houses are there, we can say that marriage is possible in this Dasha.

However, as per Shahasane jis rule: we must not look for such a Bhukti which is a strong significator of the primary 7th house of marriage. So lets look at which planets signify the 7th house:
House lord: Mars
Planets in star of house lord: Nil
Occupants: Jupiter and Moon
Planets in star of occupants: Nil

So only three planets signify 7th house, Jupiter, Moon and Mars.

Now I see an interesting thing. In the ongoing Dasha, the Bhukti of Jupiter has already passed with the marriage not having culminated. As such, I cannot consider all the three planets that signify the 7th house for marriage possibility.

Shahasane ji advises us (Page 195 of KP Jyotish Ved) that in such cases choose that Bhukti whose lord appears in the Ruling planets. The only planet common between the 7th house significators andd the RP's (seen earlier) is Mars!

The Mars Bhukti is from 11th Jan 2027 to 30th Jan 2028, a good 11-12 years away from today.

In any case marriage in Rahu Dasha is difficult as Rahu is in the sub of Venus. The significations of Venus are: 1 8 10; Me: 9, 10, 12. So not only does Rahu's sublord not signify a marriage positive house, it also signifies marriage negative houses. As such marriage in Rahu dasha till Jan 2028 is not possible.

I stopped seeing the chart here and advised the relative to wait for marriage at this point without frustration and with a silent prayer to myself hoping that I was wrong.

PS: Another interesting thing that the relative mentioned later that I think fit to mention here for my study is this: that the girl would like to get married through a 'love marriage' and not an arranged marriage.

Readers of my blog would know that in the natal chart, the chances of a love marriage exist only of the 7th CSL signifies the 5th house. Here the 7th CSL is Mars and Mars is posited in the star of Ketu.

The following are then the significations: 2 7 10; 6 9 10 11 12

So the 5th house is not signified. As such, chances of love marriage are very less for the girl. But the situation is such, that the girl will likely reject many good matches for reasons such as this.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

When will I get the possession of my flat?

Real estate was long considered as a sound investment  in India. However various machinations have left this country depleted environmentally and even 'mentally' as the real estate market went crazy. I have documented my theory on the reasons of this madness in an earlier post.

Anyway, a friend of mine has bought a flat in a city around five years back and is awaiting possession. Finally after several frustrations, my friend asked me the prashna, "When will I get possession of the flat?" and the chart is given below:

When a person buys a house or constructs one the houses 4 11 12 matter as 4th is the prime cusp of property, 11th is desire fulfillment/ gain and 12th is the expense needed to make the house.

However, when one buys a ready constructed house, then in addition to the 4 11 12, we must also see the 6 and 9th house for possession. Why? Because 6th house is 12th from the 7th (the opposite party from whom we purchased) and 9th is the 3rd from the 4th cusp of the 7th (since the opposite person must lose the property for us to get it). So in the DBA of 6th and 9th, the buyer will get possession of the property.

Since the native has already paid 100%, we need to concentrate only on the 6 and 9 cusps.

Current, dasha is Jupiter, significations:
Ju 3, 6 11; Ve 5, 1 8

So Jupiter is signifying the 6th house, albeit not very strongly. As we can see from the Ruling Planets at the time of the question, Jupiter appears as the Moon Starlord, so I can consider the ongoing Dasha.

Jupiter is in the Sub of Jupiter, so I know it is signifying the 6th cusp. As such we can indeed consider the ongoing Dasha.

The ongoing Bhukti is of Mercury. Mercury signifies both 6 and 9th cusps. However it is in the Sub of Mars, which signifies 2 7 1 and 2 4 5. In fact Mars is untenanted and there are no planets even in Mars sub. So it is a VERY strong significator of the 7th cusp and as such will work in the favour of the builder and thus Mercury Bhukti will not allow possession to pass to the buyer.

The next Bhukti is of Ketu. Significations are:
Position:  5
Conjunct (Mo): 5, 10; Ju: 3 6 11
Aspect (Ju): 3 6 11; Ve: 5 1 8
Aspect (Ma): 2 7 1; Sa:  2 4 5
Aspect (Sa): 2 4 5; Me: 6 9 12
Star (Ju): 3 6 11
Sign (Sa) 2 4 5; Me 6 9 12

Ketu is in the sub of Venus which signifies the houses 1 8 5; Sa 2 4 5, again none of the houses 6 or 9 are signified here and as such the possession will not happen even in Ketu Bhukti which will go on till April 2018.

The Bhukti after that is of Venus, As seen above Venus does not signify any of the relevant houses and as such this Bhukti must also be left, which takes us to December 2020.

Looking at transits, I think the possession is possible after Jan 11, 2021, when the DBA of JU-SU-MO is going on and Sun transits Sa-Su.

This seems like an awfully long period for possession of an almost completed flat*, but that is what I am getting, and for the sake of my friend who has invested in this house, I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

* This is possible only for corporate reasons, ie builder going bankrupt and his properties getting attached or something like that. Or even if the papers of the house are not in order.

My caveat is that this is the first ever Q on "possession" that I have seen, versus "property buying Qs" that usually come my way. Let us see what transpires.

May Bhairavi give my friend, whatever is the best!

Monday, 4 April 2016

Marriage date (long one!)

I examined this question at  7:46PM in Pune on April 4, 2016, when the ruling planets were as follows:

Asc sign lord Venus, Moon star Rahu, Moon sign Saturn, Day lord Moon.  

Since the question pertains to marriage, the main cusp is the 7th and the 7th CSL is Mars. Since Mars does not appear in the primary RPs, we need to rectify the birth time.

Currently 7th cusp falls at 5 degrees, 10 minutes and 52 secs in the Leo sign, that makes Su-Ke-Ma the planets governing the cusp. Mars is the bit we need to correct. Mars is preceded by Moon and succeeded by Rahu. Both Mo and Ra are part of our RPs. But I select Rahu as Rahu is a higher ranked RP than Moon, and rectify the time to 00:52. The new chart is as follows:

The significations of Rahu are as follows:

House: 3,
Conjunct (<4 deg): Nil
Aspected by: Nil
Star lord (Venus): 2,4 9
Sign lord (Mars): 4, 3 10; Star of Mars (Moon): 4, 6
Aspects 5th to 7th cusp and 9th to 11th cusp

Through its star lord, Rahu is signifying the 2nd house, which is part of the marriage house group (2/7/11). So marriage is possible for this chart. Notably. Rahu also aspects favourable houses 7 and 11.

The current Dasha is of Jupiter. Jupiter signifies the following houses:

Ju: 12, 2 11; Mo: 4, 6

Notably, Jupiter is a stronger significator of a marriage negating house 6th than it is of marriage positive houses 2 and 11. But be that as it may, it is still signifying positive houses for marriage so marriage is possible in this dasha which runs till Oct 7, 2031.

No Shahasane ji says that when the dasha lord is a strong significator of negating houses or is signifying only supporting houses of an event (in this case 2 and 11 are supporting houses of the main marriage house 7th), then we have to select an bhukti whose lord is a strong significator of MAIN house of the event (7th in this case).

The main house in this case is the 7th house. 7th house is empty. The house lord is Sun. Sun is untenanted. Therefore Sun becomes the sole lord of the 7th house. However, there is an exception to this rule as per Shahasane ji. When a planet is becoming a sole lord of an cusp due to the cusp being empty and the house lord being untenanted, then we have to consider those planets which fall in the SUB of this house lord (i.e. not just the star).

By this logic, planets Mas and Jupiter will also become Karyesh of the 7th house. And that too more powerful significators than Sun itself. So primary significators of the 7th house will be Mars, Jupiter and Sun.

Now that we know Jupiter is also a significator of the main house (7th), we can consider the ongoing Bhukti (of Jupiter itself) for fixing of marriage. This Bhukti will go on till November 24, 2017. 

Notably, for selecting the Dasha and Bhukti, we have to check the sublord. The sublord of Jupiter is Sun, which we have seen earlier to be a significator of a marriage positive house (7th). 

Currently, the antara of Saturn is going on. Saturn signifies 2 and 11 through it star Jupiter. However, Saturn falls in the sub of Mars. Mars is a significator of the 7th house as seen earlier (under the special rule), As such it is entirely possible for marriage to be fixed in this period.

This period will go on till May 21, 2016, there is a chance in this period, but I feel that since the ASC of the native is in a sthira rashi, and also Saturn appears in the RPs, I should let the first positive period lapse and take the second period.

After May 21, the antara moves to  Mercury. Significations are as follows:

Me: 3 5 8; Ve: 2 4 9. The Sub of Me is Moon. Moon signifies:
Mo: 4,6; Sa*: 9 1 12 (* Since Moon is in its own Star, have taken its Sub, as its star lord)

The sub has not marriage positive houses, as such Mercury antara will not offer marriage.

The next antara is of Ketu. The significations are as follows:

House: 9,
Conjunct (<4 deg): Nil
Aspected by Me: 3, 5 8; Ve: 2, 4 9
Star lord (Jupiter): 12, 2 11
Sign lord (Venus): 2, 4 9; Star of Venus (Me): 3, 5 8
Aspects 5th to 1st cusp and 9th to 5th cusp

So Ketu signifies 2 and 11 which are needed for marriage. Ketu is in the sub of Mercury. Me's star is Venus which signifies the 2nd house by occupation. As such, Ketu Antara is positive for marriage.

This period runs from Sept 9 2016 to Oct 24 2016. However, the transits are a little tricky. The DBA lords ie Jupiter and Ketu (slow moving planets) move into favourable subs (Jupiter and Sun respectively) only on 16th October.

Of this period 16th October to 24th October, the Sun passes through favourable Sign-Star compbo of Venus-Rahu ONLY on 24th October. So this is cutting it quite close, but it is possible fo marriage to be fixed around the end of October. 

The Antara after this is of Venus, which is in the sub of Moon, so will not allow marriage. After this is Antara of Sun which signifies the 7th house and also is in the sub of Mercury which signfies the 2nd house through its star lord. So the next possible period is March 3 2017 to April 11, 2017.

This is also a promising period, with DBA lords Ju and Su in the sub and star of Saturn and Rahu respectively (both Saturn and Rahu are allowing marriage). 

On 3rd March itself Sun is passing through the sign star combination of Sa-Ra, both planets that occur in the Ruling Planets and also offer marriage. After 3rd March, the Sun moves into Sa-Ju, again Sa and Ju are marriage positive planets and in fact Jupiter is both D and B.So over all the entire month of March 2017 is a positive time for marriage to be fixed.

So the periods I shall tell the native are:
1) October 2016 OR
2) March 2017

Interestingly the Q is asked why marriage has been delayed so much. There is little point in looking at this now, but out of academic interest I shall attempt to answer the Q.

First thing I see in this chart is a mutual aspect between Saturn and Moon. Of the gazillion gazillion 'yogas' between planets prescribed by traditional astrologers, Shri KSK has recognised just one (to my knowledge) that is Punarphoo yoga. 

As per shri Raichur, punarphoo yoga basically means: "Punarphoo is the phenomenon  of "SAT and MOON being connected to each other .in any way”

The impact of this yoga is: “Whenever Saturn has got any connection what-so-even with Moon, there will be some obstacle or impediment, not only during negotiation but also at the time of fixation and even at the time of celebration of the marriage. This connection between Moon and Saturn causes delay, though ultimately both of them do much more good with a better partner.” (as per 6th reader of KSK)

This could be the reason for this inexplicable delay in the marriage getting fixed.

Now I shall also offer a stellar explanation:

Lets say the parents started looking out for a match for the native when native was 25 years old. That is around the year 2010.

That means native would have been in Venus Bhukti till 2012. Venus is in the sub of Moon, which as we have seen earlier does not allow marriage through its significations.

The was the bhukti of Sun (May 2012 to March 2013), followed by bhukti of moon (March 2013 to September 2014), followed by bhukti of Mars (which ended in October 2015).

So the seemingly long period in which marriage could have been fixed is not that long at all. Of the Bhuktis: Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars. Marriage was anyway not possible in Venus and Moon, and it is conceivable that favourable transits did get fixed in the bhukti of Sun and Mars.