Bigg Boss 9, also known as Bigg Boss: Double Trouble, is the ninth season of the Indian reality TV series Bigg Boss that premiered on 11 October 2015 on Colors TV. Salman Khan returned to host the ninth season. Big Boss itself is the Indian version of the Big Brother franchise that keeps a bunch of people in a house and viewers relish the tamasic pleasure of seeing the group slowly go bonkers :)
Today is the finale of the season where the final winner of the remaining four contestants, who are:
Prince Narula
Mandana Karimi
Rochelle Rao
Rishabh Sinha
People who know me will attest that I do not even have cable TV so I don't watch anything on it, much less this show. As such I am completely unbiased towards whoever wins or loses. So I decided to try to see if astrology can inform me of the winner beforehand.
I took a number between 1 and 249 for each of the four contestants and got the following significators for the DBA (DBA for all is Ju-Mo-Ra):
Right off the bat we can eliminate Prince Narula and Mandana Karimi as potential winners. While Narula has positive Dasha lord significations, the 6 12 and 6 8 significations in Bhukti and Antara respectively make a victory difficult to see. Mandana has no positive houses in her Dasha significations and a straight out 8 12 in her Bhukti. A solitary 11 in her Antara will not be enough I would think.
Rochelle Rao (RR) and Rishabh Sinha (RS) would like take the first two positions, but who will take which position. Thats a bit more challenging.
RS has a strong 6 11 combination in Dasha which is comparable with a 2 6 10 11. He has a positive Bhukti with a 2 10 combination. The Antara is also positive with a 1 6 combination.
RR has a super strong Dasha with full significations of 2 6 10 11. The Bhukti is slightly negative with an 5 8, but again the Antara is super strong with a 10 11 combination.
So I decided to look at it through K.P.
The 6th CSL for RS is Mars and Mars is in star of Rahu. The following are the significations.
Mars: 4, 6 11.
Rahu: 3,
Conjoined with Jupiter: 3, 7 10; 3, 7
Aspected by Nil
Starlord Sun: 3 7
Sign lord Mer: 6, 1 4; 6, 12 5
Since the 6th CSL signifies both sets of houses (winning and losing) we need to look at the 12th CSL, which is also Mars. Then we need to look at the Dasha lord Jupiter. Jupiter is in Sun's star and its significations are:
3, 7 10; 3 7
This is a clear indicator for the victory of Rishabh, with only a positive house 10 (of 6 10 11) signified and no negative house of 4 5 12 being signified. So I would say that Rishabh has a strong chance of winning Big Boss season 9.
Just to run a cross check I decided to check the same for Rochelle below:
The 6th CSL for RR is Mars and Mars is in star of Rahu. The following are the significations.
Mars: 11, 6 1
Rahu: 10,
Conjoined with Jupiter: 10, 2 5; 2 10
Aspected by Nil
Star lord Sun 2 10
Sign lord Mer: 2, 8 11; 1, 7 12
Since the 6th CSL is signifying both positive (6 10 11) and negative houses (4 5 12), we have to see the 12 CSL. The 12th CSL is the 6th CSL for the opposition (7th cusp). The 12th CSL is Sun, which is in its own star so we need to look at the Sub lord (Ve). The sigs for Sun are then:
2, 10; 1, 7 12
Again, the 12th CSL is signifying a positive (10) and a negative (5) house, though the negative is signified more strongly.
This means, we need to look at the Dasha lord, Jupiter. Jupiter is in Sun's star. So the significations are:
10, 2 5; 2 10
Again, it is signifying both a positive and a negative house. So we will need to look at the Bhukti lord, Moon. Moon is in Jupiter's star. So its significations are:
8, 9; 10, 2 5
Again, this is not helping, so we need to look at Antara lord, which is Rahu. We know Rahu has both sets of houses signified so we need to see....
This can go on to Sookshma and Prana level, but given the clear indication of victory in Rishabh's chart and the unclear reading of Rochelle's I think I have put in enough intellectual rigor at this point to say that Rishabh will be the winner of Big Boss Season 9.