Socialism starts with a welfare state. People enjoy largesse
from the government on several things, education, medicines, etc. But they
don’t realise that government doesn’t have any money of its own…there is no
such thing as ‘public money’. The government funds this largesse by expanding
taxes as much as possible. Soon even that money runs out as more schemes are
announced and population and their demand increases.
Then the government, whose sole purpose is to stay in power
(it almost always is isn’t it?), and, running short of money unable to increase
taxes beyond a point, decides to divide the country into a vote-banks. It
identified a group that will vote en-bloc and concentrates the spending on just
that group. So soon all the people are paying taxes but a small group of people
are enjoying the benefits. This leads to a great social divide and both sides
become bitter. The vote bank group continues to vote the government into power
knowing that it is getting undue benefit at the cost of the country as a whole.
At this point the government begins ridiculous spending programmes like for
religious festivals of the vote block community etc.
Soon even this amount of money is not enough as the
government needs to keep bettering what it spends on its people and especially
the vote bank. The spending is categorised as ‘social spend’ to lend it an air
of acceptability, respectability, holier-than-thou attitude and even martyrdom.
It makes it difficult for the opposition to interrupt. I mean already the
opposition guys have sat in opposition for so long they are scared to be seen
anti-people. What it really is, is basically bribing a section of the
population at the cost of the larger interests of the country to continue to
earn votes. This is the point where reservations and Prime Ministerial
statements like “religion xyz has first rights to country’s resources” start
gathering FAST pace.
Then the government begins deficit financing, ie borrowing
money to continue to spend on stupid and irresponsible schemes and appeasement.
With people already taxed out and morale at a minimum the loans are never
re-paid and the deficits continue to widen. In several years they reach a point
where the government needs to borrow money to just pay the interest on its
loans. This becomes a domestic debt trap. At this point the government begs
other countries for money. This brings to sovereignty of the country into
question as other countries begin to have a higher say in how the country
should be run and dictate local social policy and may try to even effect
demographic changes.
After a point the government is in a financial state beyond
repair and pawns important national assets with other countries (India had been
in this stage in 1988-1991). As the government has continued to borrow heavily
there is no money left for risk takers and businessmen to setup any industry.
Now the country is caught up in high debt, low living standards, high
unemployment, international servitude and falling GDP.
Now the government faced with the prospect of losing
elections and indeed driving the country into bankruptcy decides to take some
hard steps. It forms a select committee and empowered committee and what-not
committee and devises a ‘master plan’. However the master plan or the plan
requires absolute compliance from everyone or else the country will fail (its
on the precipice now isn’t it?). For this purpose new civil servants are taken
on to monitor progress, the government sets curbs on freedom of speech to avoid
dissent, lest the plan not be bought by the gullible public. Newspapers have a
civil servant sitting with the editor to ensure that no news item calls the
‘plan’ into doubt. Production quotas are implemented, consumption quotas are
implemented and a ration card is given. People’s lives, what they eat, what
they study, where they work and everything else is decided by the government.
Taxes are raised sky high (India
had Income taxe of 97.5% under the Indira government, if I am not mistaken?).
Soon even for small things, people need to get permission of
their local civil servant. To get water, food, milk, medicines, doctors
appointment, drivers license, gas, fuel, power, buying a house, making changes
to a house, school admission, even to drink a pint of beer…virtually
everything! Afterall the ‘plan’ is very sensitive and quotas need to be guarded
VERY carefully. Plus it’s the patriotic thing to do! This makes a local officer
powerful enough to harass literally anyone. Soon he begins to demand favours
from people who come to him for permits, soon permits change into little bribe
money, soon little bribe money changes to a LOT
of bribe money. While the relatively better off can pay, most people cant. This
leads a higher social divide where the opposite was the case. The high tax rate
begins to incite tax avoidance and people begin to hide money, or send it to
swiss banks. This is not difficult since a corrupt civil servant can be found
Soon the industrialists who were providing employment and
were helping country to grow are bankrupt (no loans, no demand and excessive
civil servant interference!) and the government takes over their businesses.
Many-a-times a few key industries are taken over and un-strategic industries
are left to run at only a nominal profit. India has privatised banking and
airline sector at points in history. This creates further fear…the
industrialists now decide to pander to government whims, “or else…” they are
privatised,, because the ‘plan’ requires it, and it’s the patriotic thing to
To ensure compliance by the public the government implements
draconian laws and subverts the justice system. All this is still cloaked in the
veil of serving the motherland, saving the motherland and patriotism. This
makes it difficult for anyone to make a politically correct argument against
this. By this time the vote bank community has realised it folly in putting its
vote bank credentials (religion, caste, income group, regional identity) ahead
of the country, but now sadly its too late.
Now that the administrative and judiciary branches of the
country are completely subverted, the government turns its attention to the
military. This is one branch that the policy makers badly need to ensure
discipline is enforced with a iron fist. After all the grand ‘plan’ is still in
intensive care and cant tolerate dissent…and it is the patriotic thing to
defend the plan at ALL or ANY cost. So the armed forces are elevated to a great
height. It gets unlimited funds for which no accounts are asked for. The army
chiefs begin a fiefdom and live the lavish life. No questions asked. In return
they squash whatever protests are put up. The deaths and protests are never
reported as by now only state owned media remains.
Finally the politician’s attention turns to the legislative
bodies. Elections CANT be held in such trying times…the country would never be
able to handle the expense…plus if someone else got elected how would the all
important ’plan’ be implemented?! No no that wont be right, the ‘plan’ is
necessary for the country! Not having elections is the patriotic thing to do.
So administration shifts to a small group of people whose authority cannot be
challenged. Their credentials are secret and activities even more so.
Opposition is brutally quelled and more and more power is centralised. Note
that these few people live lavish lifestyles to ensure that they are mentally
limber to implement the ‘plan’. This group of self-sacrificing people running
the county is called…lets say…”the politburo”.
several years have passed and no one really remembers what the plan really was
or what it was supposed to achieve. The systems, businesses and economy have
been completely destroyed by this point. People are hungry, inflation is high
and there is anarchy. Now details of the ‘plan’ are completely forgotten and quelling
the growing dissent becomes the priority. After all, any protests or violence
may lead to unnecessary deaths of innocent people. So to stop that is the
government’s patriotic duty. The army is called onto the streets, even as
internal bickering on the best way to handle the situation tears the politburo
apart. The members then decide to vest the power to implement the ‘plan’ (this
is now just a word…even the original papers are lost in some civil servants
file…which is just as well as the plan is hardly applicable to current time
anyway) to a powerful leader. Someone who is feared and who would be obeyed.
The most likely choice would be either some thug in the current politburo or
the army chief who has had long experience in quelling protests. Soon all
powers are handed over and either the politburo members are ‘eliminated’ or
made irrelevant or just travel to live in Switzerland where their hard earned
money of so many years is stashed anyway. Now the country is in dictatorship.
This is how a country moves from socialism to dictatorship in a few years. It
is up to people to decide what they want…a free market economy (NOT laissez faire)
which survives on mutual respect and profit, where we have maximum governance
and minimum government, freedom of speech or do we proceed on a path where
perhaps our grand daughters virginity will need to be bartered to some
unscrupulous civil servant for a gas connection? Nip socialism in the bud, let
all vote bank people know, the largesse they enjoy is the proverbial last
(Of course I am not saying this will always happen or all vote banks will respond or behave in the same way.All I am saying is that IMHO socialism carried to a certain degree has the potentional of being incredibly dictatorial and destructive.)
(Of course I am not saying this will always happen or all vote banks will respond or behave in the same way.All I am saying is that IMHO socialism carried to a certain degree has the potentional of being incredibly dictatorial and destructive.)