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Monday 2 September 2024

Predicting a Future World Conflict- An Astrological Analysis (guest post by Sankhya Darshan)

It is a no man’s guess that the world is heading towards a conflict of a historic nature. But more than that, we are seeing a new kind of individuals who are predicting dooms day at the drop of a hat. They predicted the world will descend into war when Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022. They said we will see a world conflict when Israel bombed Palestine in 2023. But did these conflicts escalate? No! 

Astrology can give interesting insights about when will the world see a conflict. In this part series, we will try to explore the planetary combinations that can lead to a war/civil war in the world. We will draw parallels from 2nd World War and what transits were going on at that time.

The questions to be answered are-
1. Logically, which planets should indicate conflict, since not all planets are bad
2. What combinations of these war causing planets will actually lead to conflict?
3. When is the transit of these war causing planets happening?
4. If they actually cause conflict, were these combinations present during 2nd World War too?
5. Which country/society will win or lose in this conflict?
6. Does the birth chart of the leader of that nation/society affect the outcome of the conflict? Or is it that         the nation itself has a chart of its own and hence its destiny is fixed?

Let us explore the first two questions together

From astrological point of view, the outer planets (or slow-moving planets) are more malefic and can give intense outcomes, whether good or bad. 
Thus, fast moving inner planets like Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon and Mars have very limited capacity of causing world conflict since they switch Rashis very fast.
On the other hand, slow moving outer planets transit in one Rashi for a long time and hence are more powerful in giving their results. Which are these planets? 

Out of these slow-moving planets, Jupiter is a benefic planet. Even if it gets in conjunction with the other malefic planets, it might cause other issues but not conflict. Thus, Jupiter is cancelled from our consideration for civil war/war and conflicts. 

Neptune is known to cause ideological changes. For example- Neptune Saturn conjunction was active when Cold War began, when USSR collapsed, etc. It causes old thought processes to collapse and creates a new world order. This planet is not really linked to conflict or war.

Thus, the answer to the first question is, if we want to predict war/conflict, the transit of Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Rahu and Ketu is to be checked. 

Going ahead, we need to see what combinations of these planets can lead to conflict or war. 

Logically, if two or more planets combine together, the energies of these planets are multiplied and hence the results are even more intense. I believe that the role of extreme outer planets is not appreciated enough. Uranus and Pluto are extreme malefics which transit in one Rashi for years together. They signify extreme events that happen on mass scale. Thus, for any massive conflict to happen, either Pluto or Uranus has to be involved. The other slow moving malefics have to be conjunct with either Pluto or Uranus to cause a major conflict. Moving ahead, death can only be given by Saturn. This is a power only Saturn possesses. If we are looking at a conflict or war, death is a natural outcome. Thus, role of Saturn in combination with Pluto or Uranus becomes conducive for war and conflict. 

Thus, answer to our second question is, Uranus-Saturn and Pluto-Saturn are two combinations that will definitely cause conflicts. If Rahu and Ketu get added in these combinations, then it will be a massive world conflict. 

It must be noted that low key conflicts continue to happen throughout the world at all times. These conjunctions cause major conflicts and those that alter world politics. 

This table would bring clearly how Saturn Pluto and Saturn Uranus conjunctions have brought forth various conflicts-

This apart, there arose an absolute rare conjunction- Pluto-Uranus conjunction, which is rare since both are extremely slow moving planets. This conjunction happens once in 120 years. The moment two destructive planets are conjunct, they will cause conflicts. But the absence of Saturn from the equation will limit these conflicts to local conditions. 

The reader will observe that this conjunction primarily has caused internal conflicts, civil wars and at max a short war with neighbors but none culminated into any major conflict. 

This apart, we have very frequent Rahu-Uranus, Rahu-Pluto, Ketu-Uranus and Ketu-Pluto conjunctions. These happen every 8 to 10 years. This often boils down to local conflicts with some exceptions. But these conjunctions being frequent, often cannot lead to anything major. Let’s take a few cases for example-

The basic point is that the conflicts which were notable have occurred in the interplay of three factors-

1. Uranus or Pluto
2. Saturn 
3. Rahu-Ketu

If all three factors combine (means a triple conjunction), it definitely leads to a major war (like Second World War had Uranus-Saturn-Ketu).

The Game of Retrogression

Readers might have noted that the conjunctions of the war-causing planets are often extended and happen for at least 1.5 years. From astrological perspective, it is critical to have the predictive skills as to when exactly in this time period can a conflict break out. 

Retrogression or Vakri planet is a illusion of the eye wherein the observer on Earth feels that planets are moving backwards in the sky. This is caused due to variable orbits of planets. From an astrological view, retrogression is often seen as a negative impact, especially for malefic planets. A malefic planet often gets more strength when it becomes retrograde. 

Hypothesis- In a war-causing conjunction, if all planets turn retrograde at a given point, it is the start of conflict, chaos and violence.

Of course, Rahu-Ketu are always retrograde, so we have to check this hypothesis for other three- Uranus, Pluto and Saturn. 

I found that this hypothesis holds true only for triple conjunctions but not for double conjunctions.

Case of Second World War-

The tri-conjunction of Uranus-Ketu-Saturn started from 27th April 1939 till 19th February 1940. The world war could have broken out on any day in this time interval. 
The retrogression of Saturn began on 15th August 1939
The retrogression of Uranus began on 29th August 1939

Thus, all three planets were retrograde by 29th August 1939. 

The war began with the Nazi attack on Poland on 1st September 1939. Just 2 days after all planets turned retrograde!

Case of Israel’s Attack on Hamas

The massacre in Israel took place on 7th October 2023. 

The Conjunction of Uranus-Rahu existed since April 2022, but turned retrograde on 30th August 2023. 
The conflict began on 7th October. 

Case of First World War

Saturn-Pluto conjunction caused the European conflict which is merely exaggerated as First World War. 

The war was declared on 28th July 1914 but neither Saturn nor Pluto was retrograde. They turned retro only after September-October 1914. 

The conclusion that I draw is that in case of triple conjunctions, if all three planets go retrograde, that time is the most possible period when the conflict starts.

The Future War and Conflict

Let us try answering the third question now- when is the future conflict coming up?

By looking at the planetary movements, we see a triple conjunction of Uranus-Saturn-Ketu forming in the year 2030. This combination is exactly the same as it was during the Second World War!

This conjunction begins on 17th April 2030 in Taurus sign. Ketu will move out to Aries sign in August 2031. For a brief time, Uranus will move ahead to Gemini sign, but soon will be joined by Saturn. Thus, the double conjunction of Uranus-Saturn will continue till July 2034. 

We are thus seeing a period of extensive conflict from 2030 to 2034. This period is when the conflict will be at it’s extreme. It will take further few years to subside. 

When will it begin? Let us apply our retrogression theory.

Saturn will turn retrograde on 21st September 2030
Uranus will turn retrograde on 29th September 2030
Ketu is always retrograde

Thus, I predict the massive conflict/world war will break out any day after 29th September 2030. 

Nature of the Future Conflict

Will it be a world war? Will it be a nuclear war? Will it be a civil war?

Well, astrology cannot predict that easily. It is for the geopolitical experts to predict. Astrology will only tell when will the planetary energy combine and create a background for conflict. But it cannot predict the nature of the conflict, it’s geographical extent or the communities who will get involved. 

Vedic astrologers have invented a rather funny concept of a nation’s chart. Charts can only be of living beings who have a Prarabdha of past life. Non-living entities like nations can never have any past life Karma and hence no chart can be made of a nation. This notwithstanding, Vedic astrologers will flood the market with their lame predictions about which country will win or lose. 

The outcome is unpredictable but we can draw a parallel from the Second World War and conclude certain points-

1. The build-up for the conflict begins well in advance, often 10 years. If we observe the events that led to Second World War, the Great Depression of 1929 was a great cause that led frustration in youth. The rise of Fascism and Nazism began in 1930s. We find Hitler attacking Austria, Czechs and Rhineland. We find Japan invading Manchuria. The rules of League of Nations were flouted openly. Britain and France were busy appeasing Hitler hoping he won’t demand anything further. This led to absolute build up of military and political tensions.

    a. In today’s times, similar tensions are building up between USA, China, Russia and India to some            extent. The Middle East is continuously on the boil

    b. Any aggrandizement with respect to Taiwan, Kashmir, Ukraine, Israel is enough to spiral out of             control in 2030 for a future conflict

2. A feeling of despair, despondency and hopelessness was engrossing Europe in the 1930s due to            economic stress, continuous apprehension of war and fear of death. 

    a. In today’s times, the growth of Wokeism and Leftist politics is building up stress in the societies.

    b. Nations after nations are electing (or manipulating elections) to push leftist parties to power-                 Democrats, Labour, etc. 

A Civil War, Perhaps?

I believe along with international conflict, there will be a clash of conflicting world views.  
    1. Islam Vs Others- This will be the prime conflict. Europe will suffer due to uncontrolled migration         of Muslims. Additively, the rise of Leftist governments will ensure migrant issue is never resolved         and finally it is the people who take law in their own hands. The mother of all civil wars will                happen in India which will see a major showdown of Hindu-Muslim conflict. I won’t be surprised         if Khalistan, Kashmir and North-East conflict gets added into this. 
    2. Right vs Wokes- Wokeism is breeding violent tendencies especially seen in the pro-Palestine                protests. They are aggressive and can go to any level to get things done. One contrary election and         they will burn down cities. There will be a decisive uprising against the Wokes

    3. Racial Conflict- I believe this will be limited to USA but will be a major conflict. The Blacks and         Hispanics will be fighting against the Whites. This can also boil down to racial hate against Sikhs         in Canada and South Asians in Europe and Middle East. 

Leaders and Their Charts
Since nations don’t have charts, it is the leader’s chart that will decide the course of a nation’s future. Therefore, it is pertinent to see the charts of the leaders during Second World War and see how their charts influenced the outcome for their nations. 

We will basically see the Dasha and Antardasha of the leader from 1939 to 1945 to assess whether the chart was strong or weak. 

The most striking feature is that the growth of Hitler after 1931 happened in his Rahu Dasha. Rahu is the Karaka of illusion, sudden events, violence and twisted thought process. No wonder Hitler rose and fell in his Rahu Dasha. 

Rahu signifies strong combination of 6,10 with an above average Saturn sublord (6,10 with 5,9,12). This is the reason why Hitler rose suddenly to power till his Rahu-Saturn period. But the war took place in Mercury, Ketu and Venus period. Mercury is moderately strong with 6,10 and 9,12 combination and Sun sublord with 6,10,11 combination. Similarly, Ketu is quite strong with 1,6,10 and Saturn sublord of 6,10 with 5,9,12. Thus, Hitler was undefeatable in his Mercury and Ketu period till 1942. He had successfully captured West Europe in this period. 

The Venus period lasted till his death. If one sees, Venus signifies 7,8 with a Mercury sub of 6,10 and 9,12. Now Rahu being the planet for sudden changes, it gives it back to the person who misuses the power. With a bad Antara of Venus, Rahu suddenly gave a pushback to Hitler till he finally shot himself in the head. 

Such an unstable and wild Dasha for Hitler automatically translated for violence and chaotic times for Germany. 

Rahu dasha was there till 2038. If one observes, Rahu is in the star of Ketu and sub of Venus. It is an average planet with no 6,10,11 combinations. No wonder Churchill could never attain power in this Dasha. His Jupiter dasha began in 1938. His Jupiter-Jupiter and Jupiter-Saturn period lasted during the times of WW2. If we look at Jupiter, it has decent significations (1,4,7,8) but a strong Mercury sublord (1,2,10). No wonder he became prime minister of the War Cabinet in 1940. If we look at Saturn, it is very strong with 6,11 and Saturn is it’s own sublord. Thus, Ju-Ju and Ju-Sa period are strong for Churchill. 

He thus was successful in leading England to victory due to his chart. England resisted the advance of Hitler’s Luftwaffe in 1940 and 1941. It built up it’s supplies and the Allies began their advance in 1944. England emerged victorious in WW2. 

Thus, good chart of Churchill automatically raised the fortunes of England

Stalin’s Mercury Dasha was on during the war times. Mercury-Ketu,  Mercury-Venus, Mercury-Sun and Mercury-Moon periods were on during the war. 

If we observe, Mercury is very strong with 2,10,11 but with a negative sublord of Rahu. It has 7,8,12, the combination for death and violence. A strong planet with a negative sublord means the goal would be achieved but with a lot of losses. The same happened with USSR. It emerged victorious, a strong pillar in Cold War but at the cost of millions of deaths during Nazi advance into Soviet Russia. 

His Bhukti period of Ketu was decent (2,6,11 with 7,8,12) keeping USSR out of war temporarily. The biggest loss of lives during Nazi attack happened in Venus period. Venus is very strong with 2,10,11 but very bad Jupiter sublord of 5,8,12. Thus, USSR emerged out of the Nazi attack but with consequence of millions of lives. The later Sun period again has 1,2,11. The war ended in his Moon period which was quite bad for him. Needless to say, this period saw him becoming suspicious of USA and thus began the Cold War. 

Overall, Joseph Stalin’s chart was stronger than both Churchill and Hitler. Naturally, the stature of USSR was larger in the war and so were the benefits USSR got after the war (control over East Europe). 

His Ketu dasha was on when USA got drawn in the war. In general, the reader will observe the prolific 10th house significations in his chart. This native was born to lead and be successful. 

Ketu is very powerful. It has strong 10,11 with Rahu sublord which is above average (6,10 with 8,9). This Dasha was bound to be very beneficial for him. His Antara periods include Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu till 1945. By looking at the significations, all of these periods had a proper 10,11 combination or strong 10. This signifies continuous success. 

The story of USA in WW2 matches with the chart of it’s leader. USA began it’s advance against Japan, liberated SE-Asia and then wholeheartedly helped the Allies in securing a landing in Normandy and the rest is history. USA emerged as the pillar of world order in the Cold War. It had very little to lose but much more to gain in the new world order. 

Thus, Germany < England < USSR < USA was the order of benefit one got from WW2. The same matches with charts of their leaders Hitler< Churchill< Stalin< Roosevelt with Hitler’s chart being the weakest. 

In conclusion, when the War/Civil Unrest breaks out in 2030, no nonsensical charts of nations will work. It is the leaders of the nations who will craft the destiny for their nations. Thus, who will lead India in 2030-2034 becomes a very critical part for our future as a civilization

Conclusion and Summary

This article thus comes to the following conclusions
    1. Uranus/Pluto+ Saturn + Rahu/Ketu causes world changing conflicts
    2. Period of retrogression of all three planets to be checked
    3. The next world conflict/civil war can begin any day after 29th Sept 2030
    4. A feeling of despair and despondency will rise as we approach 2030. The society will generate                tensions. Groups based on religion, caste, region, ideology and insurgents will rise. 
    5. Exact nature, zone and geography of conflict cannot be predicted with full accuracy. That’s the                 work of strategic experts. 
    6. Charts of leaders, not nations, will matter. Hence elect wisely. 

Views expressed above are those of the guest author.

Sunday 26 November 2023

Will BJP win Madhya Pradesh assembly elections?

This chart was referred to me by a student who interprets it as a defeat to BJP. I will post the chart and my comments thereon after:

The software is acting funky so I needed to put in separate screenshots. Since this is a prashna, I relied on simple nadi significators and haven't calculated my complex significators.

I checked the moon for genuineness of the query. Moon is in 4, owns 8. Moon is in Krittika which is ruled by Sun. Sun is in 11, owns no house. So Moon signifies 4 8, and 11 strongly. I expected to see 10 or 6 in this because it pertains to winning a competition, or then holding a post. But that hasnt happened. I see that Moon is signifying the 10th house via aspect.  I also checked with the student referring the chart to me if the querent has skin in the game, and he said yes. So based on that, and the weak 10th signification I proceeded to check the chart.

The results will be out on December 3, 2023. The prevalent DBA then is Su-Ra-Sa. But first I checked the 6th CSL, which is Saturn. Saturn is not in the star of a retrograde planet, and it is signifying 11th house. So that is positive.

Sun is ultra positive for victory, signifying 2 6 10 11. 

Rahu is signifying 6 8 12, but is being countered by 10 11. So this shows a struggle. So perhaps a close contest.

Saturn has 11, and no real negative house. It has 12 for sure but unless 12 joins with 6 or 8, and its not alone, it is not necessarily a negative house. So I have to judge Saturn as a positive graha as well.

So my conclusion is this: BJP will come back to power in MP state, but it may be a close contest. And, they MAY have to take some support from MLAs who are from other parties (look at the number of 5 9s - negotiation, in the chart!). Lets see what happens on December 3. 

Sunday 4 September 2022

Truss or Sunak, who will win their party's nomination to become UK's PM

This is a quick one. I cast two prashna charts, one for each candidate. The number for Truss being 27, and Sunak being 163.

Since this is a question of nomination by their party, and also an element of election, I decided to check both the 11th CSL and 6th CSL.

The 11th CSL for Sunak is Venus, which is direct. It is posited in Magha in Leo. Magha as we know has the symbol of a throne, and is owned by Ketu. Venus signifies houses 3 11 at the star level.

The 11th CSL for Truss is Saturn, and Saturn is retrograde. Saturn is posited in the star of Mars which is direct. So Saturn is not denying the result, but generally it is incapable of giving the result till after it has become direct. So unless the selection is postponed to end of October 2022, when it becomes direct again, Truss is unlikely to get a positive result in the coming week.

If I decide to treat this contest as a election and not a selection, then the 6th csl becomes important. The 6th CSL for Sunak is Rahu, posited in star of Venus. Again it is signifying 11 at the star level.

For Truss, the 6th CSL is again Saturn. And as discussed earlier, Saturn is retrograde making it incapable of offering result till it becomes direct. 

I have to note that the overall prashna chart for Truss has way more 10 11s than Sunak and thus if it werent for the retrogression of 11th and 6th sublord I would have concluded that Truss would win. 

But given the charts are the way they are, I think Sunak will be the next PM of United Kingdom. 

Lets see how reality unfolds though when we know the actual results.

 - I got this wrong and Liz Truss was elected as the PM candidate. This is the learning: When multiple houses have a retrograde sublord ignore it as a indicator. The basic chart for Liz Truss was stronger and thus won.

Update on Oct 24, 2022: WOW! Liz became PM and lost her PM ship all before Saturn turned direct. Amazing. And now Rishi is the PM per my original prediction. There is much to learn from this.

Sunday 28 August 2022

How will Narendra Modi's next Dasha (Mars) play out?

Posting after a while now, but needed to put this on record for my own learning. Let me start off by clarifying that I pray I am wrong with this prediction, but am only writing what the chart says, and the chart is also one that I have available. Its worth noting that my reading is opposite of what every other professional or celebrity astrologer is saying about this personality's chart. 

The significators I have used are the complex significators that 

I've done a detailed video for Namo's chart on youtube but I refrained on commenting on the future and mostly highlighted how closely the chart matched with his real life events. This was also needed then as it was part of my teaching series on stellar astrology.

But now coming to his future, this June -July (2022) Namo transitioned to Mars Dasha. As you can see from above, the strong 10 and/or 11 significations that Modi enjoyed so far have gone away. While there is no 9 in the Mars dasha (maraka of 10) or 8 12, which are detrimental houses to status, the fact that 10th house of status or 11th house of wish fulfillment have gone away makes me uncomfortable. 

The elections in 2024 will happen in the bhukti of Jupiter. So even if we assume that Mars while unsupportive of PM-ship, is at least not opposing, lets see if Jupiter supports. Jupiter is actually signifying 5 9 11 12 which again makes me less enthused for a third term for Namo.

9 directly opposes 10. 9 12 signifies moving away. and 5 9 12 are indicators of spirituality and spiritual pursuits.

Hence I am afraid, the chart does not support Modi having a third term as PM. It indicates a more spiritual journey for the man.

Again, I hope for the sake of stability of policy for India, this is one prediction I get wrong. But it is what it is, and I am happy to be wrong, but not dishonest.   

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Raj Thackeray: Complex significators and a volatile career

Raj Thackeray (RT) is an impressive personality who a lot of people do not believe has gotten his due. People may accuse him of flip-flopping, and of opportunism. But these are value judgements that I do not make on the blog. And in any case, for a politician who is dependent on people's acceptance, it is neither here nor there.

A cartoonist by profession, and a graduate of JJ School of Arts by education, RT started his career with his uncle (father's elder brother) the illustrious Balasaheb Thackeray (BT). He worked closely with BT for several years and headed the student's wing of the Shiv Sena (SS) party. While it was expected that RT would succeed BT in heading the SS, BT preferred his son over RT. After a few years in the background, RT made an open declaration of withdrawing from the party around Jan-Feb 2006. After this till about 2009-10 he was active in his own political outfit (MNS) where he tried to get political footing on the locals vs. outsider issue. However, public attention seems to consistently wane till after 2011 till beginning of this year (2022), despite his impressive personality and oratory, RT's political heft was not visible. 

Now this post is prompted by RT's renewed political innings on a Hindutva plank. To be fair, RT always had that plank but it had gone a bit on the background. Now with his stand for strict implementation of loudspeaker guidelines this has now come to the fore. Anyway, his volatile career and latest newsprint has interested me enough to look at his chart, and perhaps I will look at his cousin, Uddhav Thackerary's (UT) chart as well at a later date.

This chart is also important because I have derived even the complex significations. Readers will appreciate that as I learn more through the years I will implement more of what I learn and try and improve the reading. 

With the caveat that the chart data has been sourced from internet sources, here is the chart. the star-sub delineation table and DBA table:


Now we come to the interesting, and slightly complex part. The calculation of significators. I have first calculated the simple significators, for all grahas, barring Rahu and Ketu (will explain why later):

Now I underline the conditions of special significations:

1. First look at all empty houses

2. Of these empty houses, look for house/ sign lords that are:
 a. untenanted, i.e. do not appear as starlord for any other planet
 b. self tenanted (i.e. in own star), and do not appear as starlord for any other planet 
 c. Basically I am looking for such houses that are being signified by just one planet
 d. for easy reference now on, lets call grahas in 2a& b above as "special untenanted grahas" or SUGs.

3. Now, for each such SUG, see which other PLANET it appears as a SUB for. Where ever it does, it will confer a strong signification of the house that it is a lord of, to that planet. So put that house in (brackets), as that house should be signified even if there is no positional strength for the SUG. So treat it like you would a house cusp that is within 1 degree of a graha. This is a point that I am checking - but this is a good placeholder for the thesis.

4. Now look at only those SUGs which DO NOT confer any special signification as per point 3 above. In other words, even after applying point 3, that empty house is being signified by just one planet, i.e. its sign lord only. 

5. Only then look at which other HOUSES, these SUGs appear as sublords for. Whereever they do appear, then that HOUSE will have an EMBEDDED signification of this empty house. It is an HIDDEN/ EMBEDDED signification. So in this case, what I do is, wherever say, the 5th house has a hidden signification of say, the 2nd house, I will write 5E2. This will remind me that when a graha is signifying the 5th house, I should read it as also signifying the 2nd house.

So, what are the SUGS for RT, and how have I treated them:

And the final significations for RT look as follows:

Now it also makes sense to do the RA/KE significations after jotting down the special significations through the SUGS (as I alluded to earlier). Since RA/KE only get significations through other grahas, it helps to first finalise the sigs of these other grahas, and only then apply them to the nodes.

We can now begin to understand RTs career based on the final significators, and his DBA cycle:

First let us see which grahas are positive for career.

Sun - Positive, because it has strong signification of the 6th and 10th house, weak signification of 11th, and no real negative signification. 

Moon - Negative for career. Primarily gives signification of 3 and 12, with results of 6 12. This shows travel, and also possibility of being backstabbed/ conned. 

Mars - Mildly positive, but less than Sun. Signification of 6 10, no signification of 11 (not even weakly).

Mercury - Negative for career. 6 12, no 10. Weak 8 as well making it a bad 6 8 12 combination. Weak 11 not enough to counter.

Jupiter - Very positive for career. 2 6 10 11, full combination. 

Venus - Negative for career. 6 12. 

Saturn - Neutral for career. No 6 12. Solitary 8 not very harmful. Plus it has embedded 2nd house in 8th. 7 8 is aggression. But nothing bad, and nothing great for career.
Rahu - Positive for career. Strong signification of 10 11, countered by 6 8 12, but 10 11 wins vs. 8 12. Just shows struggle before victory, so the win is that much more sweeter. The type of results is 3 and 12. Suggests that reputation and gain will come from travel (3 12), communication/ writing/ drawing (3), and can even suggest a loss through 12. But I dont see that much of a problem, because the 12 CSL Ketu is signifying 10 11 (10 strongly and 11 weakly).

Ketu - Positive for career. You can see the significators and judge for yourself. 

With the above in mind, we can chart the reasons for the ups and downs of RT's career. Based on net searches, I see that RT came into prominence in the year 1990 when he was around 22 years old. This was in his dasha of Rahu. As seen above, the dasha was basically supportive of his career. Especially the 10th house of reputation. He was in the Bhuktis of Ve, Su, Mo, Ma. Even thoug Bhuktis are mixed for career, the strong dasha helped him gain popularity. The prevalence of 4/9 and 11 in his chart helped him gain support from a lot of people. 

The next dasha was of Jupiter (July 1995 till July 2011) which is the most positive graha in his chart. RT rose to prominence and was considered by many as the political heir to Balasaheb's legacy. However, this was not to be and in Jan 2006 he broke away from SS to form MNS. Note the break off was also in the bhukti of Venus. But because the dasha lord was supportive of career he was able to create and entire new political organization and even gain a lot of traction in some local elections that were happening.  

However, in July 2011 the dasha of Saturn began which is neutral for career. So RT still has the party, and he is still in charge and enjoys support from his people, but his heft in Indian politics lost its sheen. but late in 2021 and continuing into 2022 we see his star rising again. And this is primarily because of the Bhukti of Sun. Sun is postive for political career as seen earlier. And since the dasha lord doesnt really oppose, he is doing well. Sun bhukti will continue till June 2022. It will be followed by Moon, Mars, Rahu. Jupiter. Moon will continue till Jan 2024, and is likely to see RTs career under some stress again. But then from Jan 2024 to end of the dasha we have positive grahas for career and RT should see his star rise fast again. This is why I expect RT to play an important role in MH assembly elections.

But I am unable to see longevity of the political career, as the next Dasha of Mercury which will last from July 2030 to July 2047 is quite detrimental to career generally speaking.

So to summarize, RT's career is closely following the conditions set by the grahas so far. He will be a meaningful force in the period 2024-2030. But career beyond that will be difficult, as it lacks planetary support in my opinion. 

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Astrology and Epidemics - guest post by Ashutosh Kulkarni

A good friend of mine who also studies the stellar system, did some work into the mundane astrology of epidemics. This is a topical subject and hence requested me to publish his work on this platform. Please do read his research, comment, and even improve upon it for those so inclined. I would also encourage readers to use the material on these blogs, and in my youtube videos to go about structurally and systematically understanding jyotisha, instead of taking up "party jyotisha" i.e. rote learning random statements from websites to be used in social gatherings. Ashutosh has done an admirable job in sticking to a systematic methodology of learning this art. The blog begins:

Given the uncertainty created by the Covid-19 epidemic, there has been a flood of upstart astrological predictions about the end of epidemic. This study tries to analyse the astrological combinations present during epidemics of 20th century and connect them to the current epidemic. 

Epidemics Under Consideration

Following are the epidemics considered in this article:

Pluto, the Devil

While traditional astrology doesn’t consider Uranus, Neptune and Pluto for predictions, these three planets have gathered considerable importance. The things that these planets signify are important 

Uranus signifies sudden changes, revolution and challenge to existing norms

Neptune is a deeply emotional planet

Pluto signifies events that happen on mass scale. Often, these events are destructive (or we can say, creatively destructive) 

The most common thing found during all the epidemics is that Pluto is in some way connected to the disease. 

Pluto-Jupiter Conjunction, the basis of epidemic

Jupiter is the Guru of Devas, signifies highest wisdom and healing. But when it got conjunct with Pluto (means Pluto and Jupiter are in same Rashi), it led to some major epidemic. 

Pluto is a very slow planet. But Jupiter covers all Rashis in about 12-13 years. Thus, after roughly 12-13 years, Jupiter-Pluto get conjunct. This makes it roughly 8-9 times in a century.
Other planets when conjunct/aspect Pluto also intensify diseases-
1. Uranus
2. Saturn
3. Rahu-Ketu 

Analysis of Earlier Epidemics

1.Spanish Flu (Mid 1918 till early 1920)

Spanish Flu became a huge epidemic affecting about 50 crore people worldwide and killing about 5 crore people. 

The start happened in March 1918 but the deadliest time started after mid-1918. If we look at planetary positions in 15th June 1918, they look like this:

The chart shows start of the conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto in Gemini. The conjunction is aspected by Uranus. This conjunction continued till June 1919. This period between June 1918 till June 1919 was the deadliest phase of the epidemic if we believe the description on Wikipedia.

2.Asian Flu (1957-58)

The first few cases were found in 1956. Pluto and Jupiter were conjunct since June 1956 that led to genesis of this virus. But the pandemic hit in early 1957 with its peak from June 1957 to early 1958. 

The position of planets on 15th May 1957, the start of peak phase, was this:

The conjunction of Pluto-Jupiter is seen in Leo. It is aspected by Ketu and Saturn. Jupiter moved ahead into Virgo in next few months but Pluto continued to be aspected by Saturn and Ketu till February 1958. Thus, the important conjunction/aspect lasted during the peak phase of this pandemic.

3.World Cholera Epidemic (1963-1975)

This was the longest epidemic. Such an epidemic meant some really destructive combination was at play

The Cholera disease began in 1961 and soon became a global pandemic. 

This time, the combination was even worse. It was Uranus and Pluto conjunction. Imagine Uranus, a significator of sudden events and Pluto, a significator of mass level changes, coming together! 

Uranus was conjunct with Pluto since July 1961 in Leo. Both are slow moving planets. That’s why the conjunction lasted till August 1967. The chart shows position of planets on 15th August 1967. Uranus and Pluto can be seen conjunct in Leo. 

The moment Uranus moved ahead into Virgo in August 1967; Jupiter entered Leo to be conjunct with Pluto. One devil replaced by other!

In 1969, both Pluto and Jupiter crossed over to Virgo and again became conjunct with Jupiter. This meant that the epidemic was to continue. The chart shown below is the planetary position on 15th August 1969 showing Jupiter-Pluto-Uranus conjunct in Virgo.

Uranus and Pluto finally detached in June 1974. From their conjunction in 1961 till 1974, millions of people were infected. 

4.Hong Kong Flu (1968-69)

It began in July 1969 and lasted till end 1969. As clarified above, this time Jupiter-Pluto were conjunct in Leo and by early 1969, all crossed over to Virgo leading to Jupiter-Pluto-Uranus conjunction. 

This flu killed half a crore people.

5. HIV AIDS Pandemic (1980- till date)

This pandemic continues even today. The combinations must have something special
The cases of HIV began appearing in second half of 1980. If we look at the planetary position on 15th October 1980, it is like this:

Note the Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Virgo. Saturn is a natural significator of diseases. When Saturn joined with Jupiter and Pluto, it was bound to upset the world dynamics. The deadly disease of HIV AIDS doesn’t have a viable cure even today

The decade of 1980s was the peak of HIV. The planetary positions were also unusual. 

Pluto and Saturn were conjunct in Libra till 1985
After 1985, Sat moved to Scorpio and got conjunct with Uranus. This conjunction lasted till 1988
In 1988, both Saturn and Uranus moved to Sagittarius. The conjunction continued till end 1990. 

This makes entire decade of 1980s reel under the combination of Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus. Not only we got the AIDS pandemic, but lots of upsetting events were also seen like:

Khalistan Insurgency
Killing of Indira Gandhi and anti-Sikh Riots
Insurgencies in Assam leading to accord in 1985
Kashmir insurgency and exodus of Kashmiri Pandits 
Killing of Rajiv Gandhi
Process of collapse of USSR began in late 1980s
Gulf War

6. SARS Epidemic (2002-2003)

Which planets conjuncts with Pluto will decide on gravity of the pandemic. In November 2002, SARS spread. But the confirmed cases were barely a few thousand. This makes it a smaller epidemic. Does astrology confirm it?

Planetary position on 15th November 2002 shows Pluto conjunct with Ketu in Scorpio. This conjunction lasted till September 2003, the exact time when SARS peaked. 

Ketu, although malicious, is not as malicious as Saturn or Uranus. Neither it is as powerful as Jupiter-Pluto conjunction to upset things. This made SARS a smaller epidemic. 

7. Swine Flu (2009-2010)

This was a relatively smaller flu affecting about 2-5 lakh people. The combinations were equally less powerful. 

The virus began to make news since 2008 when it was first detected. This was the time when Jupiter and Pluto were conjunct in Sagittarius. 

But the epidemic began in early 2009 and peaked in late 2009. By this time, Jupiter had moved ahead. No destructive conjunction around Pluto was present. This meant the epidemic died down quickly and didn’t affect much. 

Comparison with Covid-19

With this knowledge of the special role of Pluto, Jupiter and others in spreading of pandemics, let us look at what combinations are present during Covid-19.

The first evidence of the virus began in late 2019. Let us see the planetary position on 15th November 2019

Jupiter crossed over to Sagittarius and became conjunct with Pluto and Saturn in November 2019. This tri-conjunction was also present during outbreak of HIV AIDS in 1980. This underlines why Covid-19 became a huge disease just like HIV AIDS.

This tri-conjunction shifted to Capricorn in early 2020 and continued till June 2020. Some planetary movement changed but Jupiter-Pluto conjunction continues even to this date. This proves why Covid-19 cases are increasing even today. 

Only relief will be a brief period of December 2020 when Jupiter and Pluto would be apart. But beginning January 2021 till April 2021, yet again Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter conjunction will happen. It will be only after April 2021 that Jupiter and Pluto would separate for well and good. Probably this is when Covid-19 cases will go down/ vaccine will be found. 

Not Always True

Jupiter-Pluto were conjunct in 1929-30 and 1941-42 too. But no major pandemic broke out in these years. The position of other major planets was also favourable. In 1929-30, the conjunction happened in Gemini just like it was in times of Spanish Flu 1918-1919. But pandemic broke out in case of latter but not in case of former. 

We must conclude that Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for break out of a pandemic. 

Summary of Conclusions:
1. Pluto is deeply involved in pandemics
2. Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is most frequently observed during pandemics
3. Introduction of Saturn, Uranus, Rahu and Ketu with Pluto can also trigger pandemics
4. Neither retrogression nor forward movement of planets affected any pandemic. 
5. The nature of the Rashi in which conjunction happened (fire, airy, earthy or watery) has no relation to the nature of disease. 

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Lost person will he be found?

There is a person who has been missing from an area in Mumbai over the past day at least. There has been a frantic social media campaign on searching for him. I looked at a self generated prashna chart to check if I can predict the fate of this person. The chart has been rotated by 9th house since I do not know this person. The chart and significators (nadi, and my own) are given below:

The first thing I checked is the Asc CSL, to see how the self/ body of the person in question is doing. Asc CSL is Rahu. Let us look at Rahu's significations above.

Rahu signifies 2 1 6 8 (depression), complete moksha trigon (4 8 12), general misfortune combination of 6 8 12. Note Rahu is also the graha that confuses, it is possible that this person was confused at the time of going missing. 

Rahu's only saving grace is that it also signifies 5 10 11. Will that be enough? I looked at my own significators next to identify the strongest significations. Below:

Here is becomes clear that Rahu is not signifying the positives. Because even though it does signify 10 11 in the source levels, the result grahas it signifies only 1 2 7 12 of which 1 12 is self loss, and 2 7 are the maraka sthans. In fact in the strong significations, only the maraka sthans of 2 and 7 are signified in the results section. The source grahas also include the 9th house which is the badhaka sthan for this chart given that the chart has a sthira ascendant. Overall the Ascendant is not showing me positive signs.

Lets now look at DBA. The ongoing DBA is Ve-Sa-Me. 

As per my significators Venus strongly signifies 3 and 9. Both the houses are houses for staying away from ones house. Thus the dasha itself is denying this person from coming back home. However news about the person will definitely be received (Venus has 3 + 11).

Bhukti of Saturn is also not encouraging. Note, Saturn is the only graha that can give death. It is also signifying 1 + 12 + maraka (2 7) + badhaka (9) + 8th house of accident

With sincere hope that my analysis is incorrect and the person is in fact found hale and hearty, I think we will hear about his whereabouts between 21 to 25th March, either when Moon transits Rahu or Mercury star.